I've got two package deals today - I'd prefer to sell them as such. Lest anyone think less of me, these came from two of the more expensive dealers so they are priced accordingly.
All have only been out of the tube for photos. Only considering US sales at this point - prices include USPS Priority Insured shipping and PayPal G&S fees. With the potential snowstorm heading for the Northeast, they likely won't go out until Monday.
I reserve the right to sell to whomever I chose, however generally speaking the first "I'll take it" in this thread followed promptly by a DM to arrange payment will be honored.
Blue 94 & Blue 49 - $old (the yellow circles on the 94 blade are my porch lights' reflection)
Blue 49 & Garnet 49 - $old
All have only been out of the tube for photos. Only considering US sales at this point - prices include USPS Priority Insured shipping and PayPal G&S fees. With the potential snowstorm heading for the Northeast, they likely won't go out until Monday.
I reserve the right to sell to whomever I chose, however generally speaking the first "I'll take it" in this thread followed promptly by a DM to arrange payment will be honored.
Blue 94 & Blue 49 - $old (the yellow circles on the 94 blade are my porch lights' reflection)

Blue 49 & Garnet 49 - $old

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