Getting annoying...knife I pick has something wrong!

Given sufficient application of the 10 lb lump sitting on top of your neck, it is possible to do everything that you require in a knife with a $10 mora. I think that even Pitdog would have to agree with that. I understand that you do not only feed your dogs bones. That is my point- that due to the limited nutritional value, the bones are little more than treats for the dogs. Given that, you can leave the bones in the field and not adversely affect the diet of your dogs. And, in the process you significantly reduce the weight that you need to pack. But, as you say- you have a system that works for you. I'll leave you to it. Good luck, and don't forget to post pics of your moose in the 2010-2011 hunting season pics thread over in the hunting forum.
No probs hlee, I am a bit of a broken record :D However you left off SouthernCross.

SouthernCross- kman don't listen, all these guys are keyboard commandos and and their mom won't let them have a knife.

Now that I'm thinking about do we know that's you in the pics..HMMMM. ;) Chris
This thread makes me angry. Kman, have you actually experienced these supposed shortcomings, or are you dismissing two perfectly good knives as crap based on a few (and I'm sure it's a small number) reviews you've seen/heard on the interwebs? Sounds to me like you just bought these knives, then let someone else decide for you that they're no good. Opinions are like arseholes (we all have 'em, and they all stink), man, and it sounds from your first post that you haven't taken the time to actually have enough experience with either knives to form your own opinion.

Now, I understand that I'm late to the party, and already a drink or two in this wonderful Friday, but this is just my smelly opinion. You also seem to be getting too defensive with a bunch of folks that have spent a few pages worth of threads trying to set you straight, most of them based on actual experience with knives and the use of them. Just remember one thing: you started it :D. Nothing personal, bud.

SO someone in this thread is a troll posting idiot. I will let all of you figure it out.

Kman300 - those knives you bought SUCK. Send them to me and go buy a RAMBO knife, the one from the last movie when Rambo is like 60. If he can kill an entire battalion with that knife you can butcher a moose.

Then there is also Bear grylls knife. It has Bear in the name so it should handle a moose.

I aslo highly recommend you look at xtreme ratio knives especially their Fulcrum K9.. It was made for people like you....
Buy a Swamp Rat Rodent Waki; there's still a few left.
You can hack the whole damn animal apart if that's what you're into.
Then you can chop down a few trees if you'd like.

Personally I'd find it to be overkill, but it would certainly hold up to whatever ridiculous abuse you could put it through.
stop listening to what other people are saying and use come up with you own conclusion. You have TWO great knives!!
No probs hlee, I am a bit of a broken record :D However you left off SouthernCross.

SouthernCross- kman don't listen, all these guys are keyboard commandos and and their mom won't let them have a knife.

Now that I'm thinking about do we know that's you in the pics..HMMMM. ;) Chris

EVERYONE can be ANYONE on the internet!

To be truthful, before I started posting I was thinking that it was only a couple hundred years ago that native peoples were doing these tasks with broken bits of stone. Except for the peanut butter thing. They had no ability to spread peanut butter.:D

I've read enough from Southern Cross that I don't even have to read it anymore, so I generally don't even see it anymore. "For this, on him I must put ignore."
That was a pretty damn funny summary hlee, I laughed my ass off. Reminds me of the Augest West/Running Boar debates of a couple years ago which were a tonne'o'fun - except back then I wasn't agreeing with him.....ahw, times a change :D
I've read enough from Southern Cross that I don't even have to read it anymore, so I generally don't even see it anymore. "For this, on him I must put ignore."

Hard to fathom. :eek:

Southern Cross is one of the knife users I respect the most. :thumbup: :cool: :thumbup:

Big Mike
Hard to fathom. :eek:

Southern Cross is one of the knife users I respect the most. :thumbup: :cool: :thumbup:

Big Mike

He'd have to be. According to him, he's the only one here that has ever actually used a knife. Who else are you going to respect? Apparently Ozzy has wood, and it is hard. :D
That was a good review hlee, well said. You only missed the cerebral knifetest link that demonstrated the progressive and totally logical applications of a survival/bush knife. I suspect that the peanut butter was a given in these tests, but somewhere between cutting through steel pipe and concrete must be moose bones. I'm just not sure who designs knives for cutting moose bones, and proven knife designs have already been rejected, so that leaves the macho warrior blades, but wasn't weight an issue? Kman300, you just seem to be out of luck.
I suspect that the peanut butter was a given in these tests, but somewhere between cutting through steel pipe and concrete must be moose bones. I'm just not sure who designs knives for cutting moose bones....

Email to Spark at One-Stop-Knife Sharp: 'Hi, I'm looking for a moose boner, could you please help me out? I'm told they are longer than 6"......
That was a good review hlee, well said. You only missed the cerebral knifetest link that demonstrated the progressive and totally logical applications of a survival/bush knife. I suspect that the peanut butter was a given in these tests, but somewhere between cutting through steel pipe and concrete must be moose bones. I'm just not sure who designs knives for cutting moose bones, and proven knife designs have already been rejected, so that leaves the macho warrior blades, but wasn't weight an issue? Kman300, you just seem to be out of luck.

It is a subtle, yet important, distinction between "missed" and "omitted." I have full faith that pitdog included it for shear hilarity.

Kman, you obviously want a rec for a big knife. Get a scrapyard dogfather if you can find one. It is made from s7 steel, which jackhammer bits are also made from. None but the mighty battle mistress is tougher. As an owner I can assure you that it will stand up to whatever you have in mind.:cool:
It is a subtle, yet important, distinction between "missed" and "omitted." I have full faith that pitdog included it for shear hilarity.

Kman, you obviously want a rec for a big knife. Get a scrapyard dogfather if you can find one. It is made from s7 steel, which jackhammer bits are also made from. None but the mighty battle mistress is tougher. As an owner I can assure you that it will stand up to whatever you have in mind.:cool:

I'm not sure where this "rambo" blade thing is coming from. The 3 knives I ordered are F1, B1 and esse5. Those are all 5 inches or less. Nothing rambo about them. I also never asked for a huge knife just a tough one. The most "rambo" version I considered was a ratmandu but if that's a rambo blade then there are lots of posers on here that don't need that kind of knife to go make a hot dog stick with it.

Also you're the one with a battle misstress (rambo blade right?) not me. What do you need that for other than just to have one? Infact if most things can be done with walmart knives then why do ppl here preach busse et. al if you arn't actually in theater or a wilderness guide or something of that sort?
Maybe because you want to know that when it's getting dark, it's fricking cold and your tired the last thing you want to worry about is a plastic handle on your knife breaking or a thin walmart blade chipping when you accidently hit a bone? Who knows though right?

I also don't think that the majority of people on here spent years testing knives before buying more expensive ones. Most people will research something before buying it to buy a good product from the start and not go through the process of using something till failure. Buying a car would be an example. Imagine they even have magazines that test drive them for you so you can read about how good they are. We ask more knowledgable people for advice to aid us in making a good decision.

I did nothing more coming here. I have no experience with survial knives and as I have said before I use a dozier yps (3.5" blade mind you, not rambo) a gerber bone saw and a $20 forschner deboning knife. I would like to think that those choices would label me as a sensible person that likes a good tool for the job at hand.

I want a sensible good tool for a do it all knife. Perhaps this is a vain quest and there is no such thing. Maybe I should just keep the f1 and buy an a1 and a folder like the rsk mk1 and call it a day? Maybe I don't even need a survival knife cause chances are there won't be a nuclear meltdown and if there is I live in a place russia has nukes aimed at anyways so what's the point?

This same argument always comes up on rifle forums as well. The one do it all rifle for north america. If you could only have 1 to do it all which would it be? Has to be dependable, ammo available at any mom and pop shop and so on. They argue that till the cows come home. Seems to be the same thing for knives. There is no one rifle that does everything perfect but there are some that do most things well. This is the kind if knife I want. One knife that does most things well. The knife I take portaging with me or camping with the kids or hunting or whatever.

I have to get up early tomorrow and scout for moose and if those knives don't get here in the mail soon I can't even use them this year anyways.
I have heard that there is one knife that does it all...


I hope you've got big pockets...
This is the kind if knife I want. One knife that does most things well. The knife I take portaging with me or camping with the kids or hunting or whatever.

Your three choices, F1, Bravo 1 and ESEE 5 fill that role IMO.
I have no experience with survial knives and as I have said before I use a dozier yps (3.5" blade mind you, not rambo) a gerber bone saw and a $20 forschner deboning knife. I would like to think that those choices would label me as a sensible person that likes a good tool for the job at hand.

I want a sensible good tool for a do it all knife. Perhaps this is a vain quest and there is no such thing. Maybe I should just keep the f1 and buy an a1 and a folder like the rsk mk1 and call it a day? Maybe I don't even need a survival knife cause chances are there won't be a nuclear meltdown and if there is I live in a place russia has nukes aimed at anyways so what's the point?

In all seriousness you have pretty much hit the nail on the head. There really isn't a good solution for an all in one knife. Although it is sort of a holy grail thing in the knife world, the efficiency gains by having 2 or 3 specialized tools far outstrip the single tool and often don't necessarily add that much weight to a pack. Many of us end up coming to this conclusion after several years.

Again, your three knives are very good knives and they each have different strengths and weaknesses. Of the ones you bought, I'd probably stick with the Bravo-1, but the F1 is great. I'm not a fan of the ESEE-5 because it is so thick, but I really like ESEE blades as a whole, just among your collection it wouldn't be the one I'd keep. But it really doesn't matter and there is just so much personal preference into this kind of stuff. You can find equal numbers of guys with similar years of experience on both ends of the spectrum. Contrast Ron Hood versus Mors Kochansky, two amazing survivalists with completely different perspectives about what constitutes a survival knife.
I'm not sure where this "rambo" blade thing is coming from. The 3 knives I ordered are F1, B1 and esse5. Those are all 5 inches or less. Nothing rambo about them. I also never asked for a huge knife just a tough one. The most "rambo" version I considered was a ratmandu but if that's a rambo blade then there are lots of posers on here that don't need that kind of knife to go make a hot dog stick with it.

I want a sensible good tool for a do it all knife. Perhaps this is a vain quest and there is no such thing. Maybe I should just keep the f1 and buy an a1 and a folder like the rsk mk1 and call it a day? Maybe I don't even need a survival knife cause chances are there won't be a nuclear meltdown and if there is I live in a place russia has nukes aimed at anyways so what's the point?


C'mon man ya know that F1's gonna break just when ya need it the most, don't give up on your quest now !

I'm thinking a Knatchet might be just what ya need, partnered with a nice folder !

By pitdog2010 at 2010-09-27