Going under the knife tomorrow. Prayers requested.

Nov 30, 1999
Hi all, I am having an operation tomorrow to remove a loculated plueral effusion from my right lung. I had pnemonia way back in June. It led to pluerisy through August, and there is still some fluid that never drained. They can hopefully take it out with tubes and suction but they may have to cut depending on what they find in there. Either way I will be in the hospital for a couple of days at least, maybe more, depending on what they have to do. The cat scan and xrays only show so much, so until they are in there, they don't know how it is going to play out. I have not asked for prayer before now because there was always a bit of hope that it would take care of itself, but the time has come to take it out. Your prayers are much appreciated.
Prayers headed your way from Texas Bobwhite. Surgery is sure enough a scary proposition but you won't be going in there alone. You'll have the hopes and prayers of all your friends, and that can't help but invite an angel or two to watch over over you.

Get well soon. If you can, see if you can get the doctor to save some of those fluids. I hear they're good for woodchucking. ;) :rolleyes:
Berkeley would never say this, but there are some indicators that the presiding Judge in your case may have been reached and a favorable verdict is hoped for.

He was mumbling something I didn't quite catch under his breath ( forgot to turn my hearing aids on ) but it looked to me like his lips read " the fix is in ".
Prayers are going out. Having been there,and had that done to me, and for me, I know that prayer is a valid method of help. Attitude is another. Keep your attitude up - we'll keep the smoke going.
Paryers sent for a sucessful procedure.

Bruise's wood(up)chuckery ideas--

Let him continue to be the sole user of his unique phlegm phinish!