Going under the knife tomorrow. Prayers requested.

Hope your okay Bob. More prayers going out. Surgery isn't any fun. Just found out the hard way my self yesterday.:eek::eek::eek::barf:
I will not give up praying but I'm telling you this situation is starting to bug me just a bit.
Hi all. Thanks for the prayers and concerns. Sorry to have kept you hanging. I only get email and work and today is my first day back. The procedure went well. They drained the fluid (Sorry Bruise it's gone) and I went home late Wed. The only scare I had was when a very cute nurse only half jokeingly talked about the need to put a catheter in me. It did not happen fortunately, the plumbing kicked on a bit late but it came on it came on in full force. Now it is back to wait and see about what happens from here. Your prayers and concerns really helped me, a humble thanks to all of you.
Welcome back Bob, good to hear you're doing well.

I was in hospital last year this time and I had 3 nurses holding me up one holding a piss bottle and one had to turn on the tap due to my stage fright. I only just managed to take a leak !!

Originally posted by Bobwhite
Hi all. Thanks for the prayers and concerns. Sorry to have kept you hanging. I only get email and work and today is my first day back. The procedure went well. They drained the fluid (Sorry Bruise it's gone) and I went home late Wed. The only scare I had was when a very cute nurse only half jokeingly talked about the need to put a catheter in me. It did not happen fortunately, the plumbing kicked on a bit late but it came on it came on in full force. Now it is back to wait and see about what happens from here. Your prayers and concerns really helped me, a humble thanks to all of you.

Thanks for the update Bob, was worried for you the whole weekend. Now I can sleep a little better knowing your okay.

I'll bet your throte will be sore for a while. I had a tube in mine durring my operation and still have a sre trote from it.

- edit - Can't spell yet either. :p Hee hee hee.
"...never trust ( ANY ) nurse..."

Since my last time in the hospital I have:
a) obtained a ccw ( good in medical facilities )
- to carry 2 concealed pistols
b) bought a Bauchop Alley Cat fighter
c) put pepper spray in my shaving kit next to the
- straight razor
d) recently got a cane with a steel reinforced
- shaft to leave a more lasting impression
e) there's much more, but I'm keeping that stuff
- secret just in case

You had us worried but sure glad things turned out OK. Hope you don't have to do it again. We just couldn't give up on you. Welcome back.:) :D
Saying that - I didn't have any khuk's until after I was in the hospital and I broke my ankle on the rugby field !!

What did those Nurses do to me !!
I did not mean to scare anyone, I just don't have ready access to the internet. It is for my own protection, Uncle Bill can tell you about my poor impulse control. I go see the surgeon on Thursday to see if we are going to do anything else. The "cute Nurse" was just that. Very cute and very professional. She was nice though, kept me on just the right level of pain meds. I think being the youngest guy in the ward at a mere 31 got me some preferential treatment from the nurses who don't get patients like me too much. Thery were all real nice. When I wasn't peeing, they were scared they would have to catheter me and if they had, I don't know who would have been more uncomfortable. She clearly did not want to be the one to have to do that. My wife didn't like her though, maybe she felt threatened;) As much as my mind could have wandered into Garp style fantasies, in that area I do maintain very strict control. I am really only a one woman guy and I found mine.