Good place to buy

Hmm, this is interesting -- "sgtthompson" listed his home page and his email address in his profile as the same web store where he claims to be a satisfied customer. What is this, National Spam the Knife Forums Week?
Wow, and they stole images from as well - talk about double points for honesty! A police supply store, shilling themselves and stealing images from others, boy howdy, these guys sure send a clear message.

WOW!!!!This guy is really clever as well as a great PR man.Would this be an OK time to interject a " Welcome to the forums SGTTHOMPSON..... now go away"?:barf:
No I'm sorry Meg. can't agree with you there.

If that Criticise (that's how it's spelt outside the US) character here doesn't take the all time cake in that regard, I'd be most surprised.
Even if we restricted it to "Dumbest Spammer" there's a lot of competition. If sgtthompson wants more than an honorable mention he'll have to try harder.

By the way, Crit has a ways to go to win the coveted "Dumbest Troll" award, too. (It must be coveted, so many compete for it....) But if we want to discuss that award let's do it in the appropriate forum.
Fair enough Cougar, my apologies. I'd just read through the relevant W&C thread, shaking my head all the while, so that would have had an influence in my posting here I think.

The others you refer to as more deserving must have been pretty spectacular then, I must say.