The 2024 Traditional Knife is ready to order! See this thread for details:
Price is $300 ea (shipped within CONUS). If you live outside the US, I will contact you after your order for extra shipping charges.
Order here: - Order as many as you like, we have plenty.
Artfully Martial said:....But the para will pwn a griptillian if you put them head to head.
kgriggs8 said:"I know there is a $35-$40 price difference; is the extra money worth it for the paramilitary?"
At twice the price the Para is still a better deal. I have tons of Spydercos and am no stranger to Benchmades and the Para make the Griptilian pee in it's bed at night. I once saw a Para shove a Griptilian to the ground and made it eat dog doo-doo! The Para really really exposes the Griptilian for what it is, a great lock and handle with a average blade design. The para will out slice the Griptilian every day of the week and twice on Sundays. It is a fact not just opinion. The Para is the FAR better slicer!
Fisher of Men said:Well......I'm about to trade my Ritter Griptilian (full size) for a Paramilitary so I can see how it is.... since I have a few Grips and no Para's.