Grohman Survival Passaround - SIGNUP

I mailed the Grohmann Survival today.

Let me start my evaluation by saying that the package arrived very damp and looked like it had been opened and retaped. The knife was not in the sheath and both were rattling around in the box with some peanuts and other packing material. Nothing looked wet inside but the knife had several small spots on the blade. They didn't readily come off so I didn't mess with them.

That said, I agree that the sheath is very poorly designed, especially since you'd think that the people making the knives would have withdrawn the knives, from the sheath, dozens if not hundreds of times. Strange.

The first thing I did was take off the lanyard since I don't like them flopping around on my knives (yes, I put it back before mailing). I was surprised by the heft of the knife. A really solid hand full of knife. Tho' I'm not crazy about the knife, aesthetically, it really fits my hand, ergonomically.

It was fairly sharp and twenty strokes on the old Sharpmaker really fixed it up well. Since I was having guests for dinner I took immediately to the kitchen and chopped and diced and sliced vegies for a stir fry and fruit for a salad. I expected the handle to be slippery, but the shape kept in the hand very well. It is very well balanced, to my taste. I used it for dinner as a steak knife. I even cut the bread with it.

Next day, I cut up cardboard to put out for recycling, used it on some old manila rope that I've meant to throw away. It held the edge very well, I thought, and recovered quickly with a few seconds on the Sharpmaker.

I'm not sure this would be the first knife I'd spend 75 to 100 bucks on, but I think anyone who does will be very well served. Thanks, Dave.
The USPS might be opening and inspecting packages.
I sent it in sheath, carefully wrapped in a zip lock bag.

Anyway, thanks for review, I like the knife and for $30 bucks that I payed I think it's a good deal. But you are right about the sheath, very poor design.
Yes the sheath is poorly designed, but I would suggest ordering the #3A overlap sheath for the survival knife.

I have the very same sheath on the #3 Canadian Armed Forces Jump knife and the sheath is perfect, does a great job of retaining the knife and protecting the stag handles..
Thanks for that link.

The sheath that's with it now looks like #4/100.
I noticed there are several sheaths that the snap loop loops around the sharp edge side of the knife, which probably means it will get cut sooner or later.

All they would have to do is have it loop around the front or spine of the knife. ANyway, I'll check into the sheath, so far none of the mechants they list looks like they cary sheaths only.
Originally posted by DaveH
The USPS might be opening and inspecting packages.
I sent it in sheath, carefully wrapped in a zip lock bag.

Anyway, thanks for review, I like the knife and for $30 bucks that I payed I think it's a good deal. But you are right about the sheath, very poor design.

The ziplock bag was in the box too. I think someone just played with it and threw the knife and all the packaging back in the box.

And $30 is a fantastic deal! It's a helluva knife for 30 bucks, even with the odd sheath. I just took a quick Google look and $75 was the lowest I saw.
OK I'm starting to get a little confused. Who has it now? And, where is it going next?

Bastid, I didn't notice your name on the passaround list. Was it added later?

I'm just trying to sort this all out. Thanks for any help.

After all the passarounds this is the first screw up, not bad considering all the add ons, and rearranging of order that's gone on in all the passaround, add to that the miles traveled and the places the knives have been, I'm wondering if with the passaround knives, (especially the ones you have to buy into), if it wouldn't be cool to include a small 3"X5" marble pad so people involved could sign it, and add their opinions, would make a nice history for the person who winds up with the knife, and who knows when it winds up on the auction block after I'm dead,(Blade Forums Members involved in passaround get first dibs)it'll have a trackable history.

This runon sentence is dedicated to Br. Regis my H.S. English teacher
is the first screw up

All relatively minor so far, but it's not even close to the first :p

On vacation,
Sent to person after next person,
Lost address list,
Lost knife box,
Dropped out of sight,
Originally posted by DaveH
All relatively minor so far, but it's not even close to the first :p

Moved, Dropped out of sight,...

Hopefully the two above did so without the knives.:mad:
Originally posted by T. Erdelyi
After all the passarounds this is the first screw up, not bad considering all the add ons, and rearranging of order that's gone on in all the passaround,...........

And natually, I was the one to gum up the works on my very first passaround. Duh! It didn't help that I had the Grohmann, the EDC and the Loveless video simultaneously. Tne old gray brain just ain't what it used to be. I think it's all straightened out now.
John, you haven't answered my email, does T Edelyi need to print a new address list? Bastid, says it wasn't in the box with the knife.

I saw your post in GB&U and just thought that I'd bring this BTTT. It's been a week, and looks like no responses. Is this one MIA?

I hope this works out better than the books I have "lost".
The Grohman is try for a week, so I expect it will be sent in the next few days but T. Erdelyi if not already.
DaveH, If you don't mind me saying. It seems that a few of these new Passarounds are off to a rocky start. :(
new Passarounds are off to a rocky start.

Yah, no kiddin makes me think about not doing them. Rescue issue was resolved, but still waiting on the return of the Spyderco Temperence, and the Impala to clear Canadien customs.
Sorry guys worked late, and this is a semi-rural area and the P.O. is not down the road, the Grohamnn will ship tommorow.

Dave I'm not sure where you want me to post my opinion, so if you post a link I'll go there if not I'll post here later, I gave it a good work out, so I have lots of opinions.

Here's a pic to whet your whistles:
