Grrr some people are just ***holes

Dec 29, 2005
I was told I'm no longer allowed to use or bring my BM710 to work anymore because it "looks" too deadly and might scare people, this is bullcrap, some people get so anal about everything. But I guess I can still use the box cutter they gave me to slit all there throats :foot:
Where do you work man... that's bull-$h!t. Man... I carry three knives to Best Buy when I work, and I'm not even supposed to do that, ha. That does suck though man... I would argue.

RTTR said:
But I guess I can still use the box cutter they gave me to slit all there throats :foot:

While I am sure you meant that as dark humor, comments like that don't exactly help your case. :D
The folks that run the company make the rules. If you don't have one, get a SAK for work. It isn't that big a deal.
The Last Confederate said:
While I am sure you meant that as dark humor, comments like that don't exactly help your case. :D

I was joking, what happens in the forums, stays in the forums :D

I work in a grocery store in the dairy department.
That's too bad, but what were you doing with your knife that caused such a stir? If it were just clipped to your side, I don't think people would have even noticed. Were you just breaking down boxes, I think most people could understand.
That sucks.
A pocket knife is only a few inches of steel, but the people that want to cut back on those few inches drive cars that can go way faster than any legal or reasonable speed limit. :rolleyes:

RTTR, you have to go with the rules. It's a shame we aren't "allowed" to enjoy fine equipment because of other people's psychological problems. Work towards the day that you run the show and can make the rules yourself.

(I did :D)
Actually, it shouldn't matter where he works (except for incarceration/mental health type places).

It's just a sign of the times.

But, if you want the pay, you gotta play.
So you have an excuse to buy another (albeit smaller) knife! An excuse to buy another knife ain't necessarily a bad thing! ;)
Buy the best boxcutter out there (I know, I know, but a Super Knife is better than the standard dept store issue), and get either a multi tool or a SAK. Leave the Benchmade in your car. You don't want to abuse it on cardboard.
Ignore them. Carry what you want; just don't pull the thing out in front of them.
Get a new Delica 4. I think the ZDP version will have blue FRN handles, won't it? That will be ideal for whatever you need it to do in your line of work, and won't scare people because it looks pretty. :)

Unless they plan on daily strip searches carry what you want. My 710D2 is in my pocket right now. I work with a bunch of liberal college professors and if they don't like the NRA sticker on my office door, the picture of Charlton Heston in my office or Kerry's Band of Brother's poster on my wall--SCREW'EM!


The sissors in my desk can kill you just as fast as the knife in my pocket.

Danbo said:
Ignore them. Carry what you want; just don't pull the thing out in front of them.
The leatherman charge would be a good handed opening, locking 154CM blades. And since it's a multitool, it can't possibly hurt anyone.

SAKs work the same way, so you could use an OH Trekker.

A brightly colored minigrip might work, as well as a yellow H1 spyderco.
Work is a strange place, sort of like high school but at work people pretend to like you and then stab you in the back ( no pun intended).

I learned a long time ago that keeping certain things private at work, like religion, politics, hobbies etc is the best policy.

Your job is perfect for a knife enthusiast, but you are revealing too much about yourself by using a BM 710 on the job. I know it's BS but unfortunately, as someone mentioned, it's a sign of the times.

As part of my job I purchase tons of computer hardware so cartons are always coming in. I keep my EDC in my pocket and use an ergonomic Exacto Box cutter supplied by my company to open cartons.

I don't want to sound like I'm lecturing you but you'd have been better off if no one at work even knew you owned a knife. Just keep it in your pocket and use whatever they allow for box cutting.
Danbo said:
Ignore them. Carry what you want; just don't pull the thing out in front of them.

I agree! When the time comes that someone needs something cut, tell them to go get some "saftey sissors".:rolleyes:
I would quit.

Just stop showing up. If they call you, tell them you didn't want to use your car because it is too dangerous- much more so than any knife.
You have to admit, to your average non-knife person the 710 is a bit intimidating. I have one in my pocket right now, and I am sure a few people around here would probably freak out a little flipped it out in front of them.

Which is why I have a Spyderco Native in the other pocket and a AG Russell Ultimate Pen knife on a chain around my neck.

Carry the 710 if you want, but keep it in your pants at work. :D And buy something a little more sheeple friendly to use in front of others.