Hair Apparent

Mar 22, 2002
Heir Apparent? The discussions recently about razors got me to thinking about hair. The Guy who runs the Buckhorn Store has his hair combed back. Old style. When I was a kid that greased-back wind look was out and the Beatles were coming in. So I just let my hair grow. But I've gotten into a lot of trouble over hair. In the late 60's, teachers and peers tormented me because of it. Too long. It's funny when I think back on the commotion. One psychotic teacher used to run her fingers lovingly through my hair during the movies when the lights went out. I was in the sixth grade. Looking at today's sex scandals I'm almost sorry that didn't happen to me also, but it didn't. She was a dish, too.
I remember in college a girl at a party thought I was wearing a wig because it was Halloween and I'd army clothes on. It wouldn't be too many years before I'd wear those clothes because they stood up the best and were cheap, but that's a different story. She walked over and pulled on my skull cap a bit to make sure it was real. I was hoping it was part of a mating ritual but I was to be disapointed in that respect.
Hair is personal. Why is that? It's ignored with great attention. You cut someone's hair different than he's used to and there's a problem- he don't like it. Billions of dollars for this hair, this stuff we mostly ignore.

Yesterday I combed my hair back, right out of the shower and it turned into a kind of psycho pompedoir... I had my 89 dollar black leather coat on and my dark sunglasses when Leanne dropped the middle kid off from school. She was kind not to say anything like, "You having a BIG hair day or WHAT?"

Big hair. I like that. That's what they sneered about Paula Jones; that her hair was too big.

When I came inside and looked at myself in the mirror I laughed aloud. People who comb their hair back spent years training hair to stay that way. Mine was Star Wars.

The old timber looks thinner than in past seasons, I noticed that this winter. Those lodgpole pines up there take an awful abuse. No respect. I used to comb my hair several times a day but stopped doing it. It just sorta falls now. Wash, dry, comb once and forget.

A psychotic Biker was trying to pull my eyeballs from their sockets, and he had ahold of my hair. I couldn't move, get away from his grip on the floor, it was over until another patient came by and pulled him back. There was a brief space, just long enough a moment for me to kick the guy against the wall. I was saved. My legs were rock hard as I rode bike every day, and that one kick saved my butt. He was out of wind and by the time I had ahold of him again, help was on the way. He told me later, after his meds, that winning a fight meant controlling the head, and that could mean grabbing the hair.

I grew my hair long a couple years ago but finally quit on the great quest to have it pony-tailed. Too much trouble. Today I just cut whatever gets in my way. The old style actors I remember from the past, Henry Fonda, Kirk Douglas, Charleton Heston; they had good hair, but it is not the hair I remember. Henry lost most of his anyway. I remember the men, I remember their eyes and noses. I can see the set of their lips and face as they made decisions. I see the posture of their hands and legs.

When I cut the Pony tail off, I was sorely tempted to use a 17" 31 ounce Baby Ganga Ram.

That's alright. When we gave women the right to vote, we let bald people in too.

Hair is important. Especially if you don't have any when you are supposed to. Or if you have it in the wrong my beard and moustache:D :rolleyes:

Just a month ago I went in and had my biannual ritual of cutting off a 12" braid and sending it to Locks of Love. They make wigs for kids going through Chemo. It's not cool when you're a little girl with no hair. I figure it's worth it and mine grows so fast it'll be long again in no time. It's amazing how much we depend on all that long stuff to keep our neck warm............what can I say.

I want to find a CD with that old song Hair on it so Karen can listen........oh say can you see, my eyes if you can then my hairs too short..............:D
From the album "Caress of Steel" (one of my favorite) by Rush

"I Think I'm Going Bald"

I looked in the mirror today
My eyes just didn't seem so bright
I've lost a few more hairs
I think I'm going bald

I think I'm going bald

Seems like only yesterday
We would sit and talk of dreams all night
Dreams of youth
And simple truths
Now we're so involved
So involved with life

Walk down vanity fair
Memory lane everywhere
Wall Street shuffles there
Dressed in flowing hair

Once we loved the flowers
Now we ask the price of the land
Once we would take water
But now it must be wine
Now we've been
And now we've seen
What price peace of mind

Take a piece of my mind

My life is slipping away
I'm aging every day
But even when I'm grey
I'll still be grey my way

Ironically I believe at least one or more of the members of the band IS bald now, approx 30 years later.
I spent many years being ashamed of my balding head---lived in a baseball cap--seriously, I only took it off at home and never anywhere else unless I had to.

Now I am hat free and comfortable with my bald head. I shave my head almost everyday. I like it. and I don't care if anyone else does or not.:)

I have learned many lessons about how to treat people from the hand my genes have dealt me.

My wife's friend went through chemo and thought the whole time that she looked awful...I never saw her look anything but beautiful. I mean it--she is a pretty lady anyway, but she has a radiant soul that shines through her eyes and because of that she couldn't look ugly IMO.
Made me happy to hear that, Gin. I like the idea of hair doing some good.

What was God thinking when He made Hair? Adapt/practical thought folks; explain to me why it keeps growing? We're talking hair down to the floor.
What possible survival adaptation that is?

munk said:
What was God thinking when He made Hair? Adapt/practical thought folks; explain to me why it keeps growing? We're talking hair down to the floor.
What possible survival adaptation that is?

I can see for heat retention and UV protection but from a dog eat dog fighting perspective it would be a hindrance.
The hair and beard would make it harder for a predatory cat to find the vein in the neck. But it doesn't stop there; it keeps growing. I'm a little surprised too, to find hair growing out of my ears. Lets you know when a Bug lands, I guess, same as nose hair. But Toe hair? Are your toes cold at night and need a blanket?

Hair on the middle digit of my big toe is about the same idea as Dodge putting a brown cushion on the outside of a car. Luxury cars had pillows on their roofs not too many years ago. Amazing. The mating ritual. That is gone, now, isn't it?

When I was stationed at Hill AFB, my next door neighbor was Korean. Once a week she and her husband did her hair. She stood on a stool about 24" hi, let her hair down and her husband brushed it out. Then he carried it into the shower and they washed it and braide it and put it back on her head. She said it never really gave her a headache or anything, but the weight of all that must have been incredible. It was really thick and really pretty. So for adapting.....I'm sure she could have wondered the neighborhood nude and no one would have even guessed it.
That's amazing. Formerly hair was cleaned by brushing, not disimilar to an Ape picking out fleas, and the comb kept the hair in order. That was when a bath was scarse. I like old portraits of Noblewomen with their hair carefully put into place.

Keepin' warm wise, the head/neck is the body's open window - the only part of the body where the blood vessels don't constrict when cold - no goose bumps. So that's where you need the most insulation. Most don't start to loose it until past the design-life of the equipment.
Yeah Tom, but you don't need twelve feet of the stuff to keep your skull warm!!!

Even a toilet stops running water when the float gets high enough to shut the valve off.

Didn't Lazarus Long say that he liked his hair long enough to cushion his skull, but so long that it would get into his eyes?

I've worn a fade for 20 of my 36 years. I hate it when it gets as long as my ears, but my wife will tell you that I look better when it gets that long. Just cause I trust you all, I'll admit it too.

But it must be my upbringing, I just can't bring myself to let it get long.
My wife has done the locks of love thing too. She keeps her hair very long, because I really like it really long.


In 1 Corinthians 11, you will read that long hair is to the glory of the woman, and that the woman is the glory of the man.

Not many churches have the women cover their heads any more, but that is why they used to do it. man's glory should not be on display in church...

Munk, God is not a total utilitarian! Some things are just meant to be beautiful. hair seems to have both a function, and a beauty beyond function.

The continuing length? In case it is damaged, it will grow back? It can be cut and used for other things? I have no real idea about it. I just enjoy it!

I agree about beauty being primarily from within. Inner beauty shines through. So called outer beauty, without the inner, is very difficult to look at.

I told myself long ago, if I ever start to go bald, it is all coming off. No slicking over the long tendrils remaining for me!

Sometimes, I almost hope it will start to go, because a shaven head seems kind of cool, but only cool if I really need to have it. My wife doesn't want me with a shaved head, so it only gets shaved if it becomes a necessity.

Time for bed.

I think I'll go run my fingers through that long, dark hair that will be on the pillow next to mine.

Thanks Munk! :)

I began losing hair quickly on the sub. It stopped when I transferred. I didn't soak up that many rads...did I? Sleeping between ICBMs and hanging out behind the secondary shielding was perfectly safe, so they told me. (They also told me that my "dixie cup" would work as a flotation device, and it would, if I weighed under 100 lbs. or so.)

My hair served a very real purpose (besides supporting my vanity and providing my Samson-like powers) as I've come to find out...I'd never known what a sunburned scalp felt like until I got a little thin on top. I learned. Hats in the summer from now on. I can tell people that it's a sunburn and not dandruff, but I suspect that many don't believe me.

It actually bothered me quite a bit for a few years - losing the hair I mean, not the sunburns. (Well, those too.) I overcompensated by shaving my head for a time; the way I figured, if I was going to lose my hair prematurely, I'd do it on my terms. The best defense is a good offense, right? The problem was that I have an oddly shaped head, and then the Shreck comparisons began, and...well...I kind of gave up on shaving it. That vanity thing again I suppose. There are historical figures that I attempt to emulate but none of them are ogres. I do not have layers.

I haven't cut it since I left the Navy, but I suppose that I'll have to sooner or later. In the meantime, I'm enjoying what's left of it. Hair rocks.
There's a Barber in the little town, and guys drop by to talk. Guns, hunting, weather, ducks or fishing; they'll talk. Isn't it kind of funny they'll choose the event of a haircut to get together? I mean, if Dogs were smart as People; do you think they'd make the periodic removal of excess fur a social event?

Coffee's on the stand. Few extra chairs. And you can look out the big windows and see who's driving by. Last haircut I got there I told them about the publisher thumbing down no on my book and laughed while I told it. The Barber is a neat guy. He owns a 351 Self Loading. I was mostly talking to him but knew there were a few hard sells in the small group inside the Shop. Everyone knows everyone's business in this rural County and in some circles I'm probably just the crazy yup husband of the Doctor. It does not disturb the distribution of salt on my boiled egg in the least; I learned long ago each and every one of us is, at heart, deep down, both entirely sane, proper and sound, and mad as a March Hare. Small distinctions like income and color of hat matter nat.

So what the silly whispherwhills of the prarrie say about yup munk is small potatotes. The worst I can be now is a failed Author. There's so many of those they don't even waste bullets shooting them.

I'll just note again on this fine Winter evening, with the Moon out, the wind outside my door and all live things that God made still sound and safe in their duties of the night, that hair is glorious, the source of fancy and romance and who knows, maybe even War? And that this is another small thing that binds us together without our knowing who tied the knots.

Well, we know He ties the knots.

mamav said:
...Or if you have it in the wrong my beard and moustache:D :rolleyes:

Just a month ago I went in and had my biannual ritual of cutting off a 12" braid and sending it to Locks of Love.....

i am trying my best to avoid having a vision of a 12" braided beard & moustache...nope, don't want to go there.
I just comb it straight back (if you need an idea of how I look,go find a pic of a WWII german solider) mine's biggest headace is that if it goes too long it starts to curl at the ends (and I detest long hair anyway)