
Ah, now boonies are a different story all together . . . I know some of them do come in a size to fit the hat wearing challenged population . . . . :)
Be safe.
p.s.: Thanks vik . . . .
I checked on Boonies Vik and they don't carry them. They do have a couple rimmed hats that look pretty decent. The only problem is that you have to order 12 and I don't know if I could sell that many.
Here is what they have



Not sure on the price. It would be less than 30.00 shipped Im sure. Looks like most are one size adjustable but the tan one says large or xlarge. I kinda like the top one.
Not sure on the price. It would be less than 30.00 shipped Im sure. Looks like most are one size adjustable but the tan one says large or xlarge. I kinda like the top one.
Definitely the top one Chris, my choice as well . . . .
Be safe.