Head up, West Coast! There may be incoming.

Mar 5, 1999
Just heard on CNN that North Korea has warheads and delivery systems capable of hitting our West Coast. Do we have our wars queued properly?
Good point. Makes you wonder. But then do you spit in Supermans face and expect him to just ignore it? Kinda scary.
Might be time to dust off the old air raid sirens. Yes, I remember them.
There was a film clip on our local news last night showing kids getting under their desk's and putting up their notebooks at the window side.:(
I remember being taught that when I was going to school in Everett Washington back in the early '50's but it was in case of nuclear attack back then.
They couldn't BS me though as I had seen the news clips of the atom bomb testing in the old newsreels at the movies way back when.
I knew it wasn't gonna do any good to duck and cover, it would've been better to bend over, grab both ears, pull taut and kiss your a$$ goodbye.:rolleyes:

Of course if it's coming from North Korea and nuclear I guess it's the same deal. ainnit?: No kid anywhere oughta have to live in that kind of fear!!!!:( :grumpy:

So, does this mean North Korea was further along in their work towards nuclear capability than George Bush and his intellegence agencies first thought?:confused:

Edited for spelling.:rolleyes:
And once again.:mad:
We moved from Cali 12 years ago fo almost this reason.:( This is the pits.

Do we have our wars queued properly?

Sometimes I wonder the same thing.
what a sad day yvsa is right let know one be fooled. atomic bombs in nth koreas hands eek.theres no escape once one of them is let off near you. if ever there was a case for america making a nuclear first strike this might be it. the last korean war was fought to a standstill,and america contemplated the use of nuclear weapons then.. unfortunately if it is true that nth korea has nuclear weapons i can see no course of action open to the usa but to ask or tell them to disarm,wait for the reply, then if they say no they either have to back down or destroy there nukes.cos if they the koreans can lob a nuke at the usa forces how can the usa possibly contemplate such massive loss of there forces. what a mess this is exactly the situation that will arise unless sadam is stopped from aquireing nukes.:( sad news indeed
If a Warhead hits within 50 miles of were you are you will be toast anyway so hiding under a desk won't make much difference.

Then the fallout will affect another 100 miles or so.

That saying they have small ones.
As much as I dislike big cities I still would not take kindly to seeing San Francisco and Los Angeles nuked by anyone except me.
Uncle Bill,

I'm 55 miles from SF. Try to restrain yourself.

I'm afraid that this is probably NEWS just to us and the rest of the public. I suspect that the release of the information has been carefully timed.

I really don't think that placing N Korea #2 on a list of "Axis of Evil" and announcing that the US is going to take out #1 (Iraq) was the most intelligent way to deal with a demonstrably paranoid nutjob.

But I'm no diplomat or politician.

That said, I don't the the "leader" of N Korea is suicidal or far enough gone to do it. Recently I read or heard that the US is one of the top, if not the top contributors to what foreign aid N Korea does receive--at least non-military aid that is declared. I think it's basically a desparate ploy to extort more aid and remain in power by a government that doesn't know how or care to try and run the country any other way. It's an attempt to play "chicken" at a time when the US is thought to be preoccupied. But I think that they do know what happens when a Yugo plays chicken with a loaded log-truck.

I really hope I'm right.

BTW, I hope y'all aren't running low on the duct tape that's so useful for all those things around the house...Seems it's selling out due to panic-buying after U.S. Fire Administrator David Paulison (whatever that position is) seems to have led folks to believe that sealing windows and doors with plastic sheeting secured by duct tape is an effective protection aginst the aftermath of biological, chemical or radiological terrorist attack.

duct tape probably would be an effective detterrent if it was used to wrap around poloticians mouths he heee.:)

or if used properly will render your home airtight, there by suffocating you saving you from the terrors of biological weapons ect
L O L :D
If their ICBMs could reach far enough inland... may I suggest we entice them to aim directly for Las Vegas ;)

Think about it for a minute... They would deplete their nuclear arsenal and since 'Vegas is already a toxic wasteland ...it's a win win situation for the USA!
Their warheads will fall within thousand miles.... more threatening for us Japanese than US people. If Japanese military force can't deal such a clear danger, I should take my tax back and prepare myself to "kill a commie for mommie!"
And while I've joked that Los Angeles needs to be leveled I don't actually want a do over. I hope that N Korea isn't dumb enough to try it. We might lose CA but I think they would lose everything. The way the world is going I'm putting my money on cockroaches to win, rats to place and Humans to show. I hope I'm wrong.


P.S. Just thought of the words by Einstein. "I know not what weapons World War III will be fought with but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
yep why do you think god made rats an cockroaches ????
the same reason he made mammals including us and insects, so they could be here when the dinasours became extinct:( :( :confused:
Could be worse . . . you could be living in Hawaii (shorter distance) or even Seoul (within artillery range of North Korea) :p

Two notes of optimism: 1) the current North Korean government can be bought, 2) the same missles can be pointed at China and Japan (so this time we have a lot of powerful people who also want the missiles out). Bet you this means the guys on top end up sending our guys on the ground to Iraq while nobody gets sent to North Korea. Maybe the guys on top should have made more powerful friends. :(

To the guys on the ground who follow orders and do what needs to be done (then sadly often have to bear the pain of seeing firsthand how ridiculous it all was) for the sake of the rest of us.