heaviest duty folder

Extrema Ratio are extrema expensive. Greco folders are discontinued. Either would outperform any of the others recommended here. I think some people are confusing cutting utility with strength.

Even so, folders will fold. Why stress the lock and the pivot when a relatively short fixed blade would hold up nicely? Of course, there are circumstances where a fixed blade may not be allowable.
Thanks a lot, buddy! Anybody wanna help out a poor broken-down knife collector pick up few Grecos ???


Yup, I was a little behind the times. Nice website upgrade, too. Thank you for the link.
You betcha! John's knives were my first foray into upper-scale knives and I'll always have a soft spot for him. :)

The problem as a buyer, as always, is picking. ;)
The one I wouldn't mind to use for such things is my Prowler too. You can find it cheaper than dust on the internet but it's a workhorse, decent materials, solidly build, and the LAWKS provides a good safety for the liner lock to keep the blade opened in place. But of course if you can, pricewise and safetywise, the way to go is to use the right tool for the right job ;)
in my experience the crkt crawford kasper is the heaviest toughest blade that wont cost you a fortune.... i use it for everything.... has the double blade lock for safety....

but wood crates..... sounds like you need ryan wilsons tactical fighter....
I'll tell you another tough folder for a little more than $60. The CRKT Serengeti folder. That thing is a beast and one with a steel frame lock and the LAWKS system to help it along.

My current EDC is a Buck-Strider, I believe it's the 881sp. Blade's just under 3 inches, but 3/16 of an inch thick, or 0.1875 inches thick... I must say, that a knife that small with a blade that's thicker than the Manix's, (combined with titanium liners that are thicker than my old cqc7, the date of which escapes me, nestled between G10) makes for a very stout folder. I'm not saying it's the toughest folder out there, necessarily heh, but it definitely belongs on the list. :)
Go to the Dark Ops web page and look at the 2 reviews posted by Robin Brown on the Dark Ops StratoFighter. Thats a heavy duty knife. I think it would do just about anything you have listed. The Extrema Ratio Line comes to mind also.