
Dang guys, which one of you tossed me another Nicorette? I gots two now! Looks like algae covered rodent incisors! I'm all warm and fuzzy now!
stevomiller said:
Dang guys, which one of you tossed me another Nicorette? I gots two now! Looks like algae covered rodent incisors! I'm all warm and fuzzy now!

Click on your "User CP" in the upper left of the tool bar.

It'll tell you who gave you the last five, and why, usually.

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Welcome John. Remember, Khuks are like potato chips. You can't buy just one !!! :D :eek:
ANG1 said:
Welcome John. Remember, Khuks are like potato chips. You can't buy just one !!! :D :eek:
They're also bad for you if you eat 'em.

Dang, Ad, I been playing on this forum for years and never bothered to check half of the features out! Thanks for the heads up. Everyone beware, I will be slinging green zingers at you guys like a mad man! :D Cast your Chiclets upon the water and whatnot. It's the kukri karma thing! ;)
stevomiller said:
Dang, Ad, I been playing on this forum for years and never bothered to check half of the features out! Thanks for the heads up. Everyone beware, I will be slinging green zingers at you guys like a mad man! :D Cast your Chiclets upon the water and whatnot. It's the kukri karma thing! ;)

The word "Buddha" means "one who is awake".

Now you're awake too. Feels good, doesn't it?

And it doesn't cost anything to throw chiclets around.

The three khukuris I have coming to me though, mmm - they cost something.


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stevomiller said:
Dang guys, which one of you tossed me another Nicorette? I gots two now! Looks like algae covered rodent incisors! I'm all warm and fuzzy now!
:rolleyes: ;) :p

Steve, go too the top of any page and click on "User CP" and when it opens scroll down a tad. There you will find out who bestowed the water on yer cacti.:D ;)
And from where.:p ;)

That is if they left their name. I always do.:D