Help with dog name

Your Daughter is wise. "Olive" is a great name for a black lab! Unique so if you are in the field, others will not confuse her name with other dogs, and less distracting for Olive too!

I've owned and named one or two dogs over the years. I've found that they will name themselves if you pay attention to them. I will definitely agree that working field dogs need short easy to say names that carry well. I currently have 4 Springers. The old man, Onee was named because he was first born. But the AKC won't let you use numbers for names and all names must be at least 4 letters long. The old female is Ring, because of the band of color on the base of her tail. My two working dogs are Eightball, named by one of my daughters. And he is an eightball. His brother Muddy, could find mud in the middle of a desert.

So watch you new pup, he will tell you what his name should be.:)

Thanks, my daughter said she looks like a black olive. So she was pretty stuck on using that name.
I should have just named her "chews everything in the house" haha

I named my lab Tarr......because he was black like tar:p

I'm on the list for a yellow pup this fall. My girls will probably be naming this one, I'm pretty sure I won't even have a say in it!

"Dawg" was good enough for John Wayne. I can't remember which movie that was from.


I see you named her "Olive" but I was going to say any two syllable name with distinct, hard consanants that you wont be embarrassed yelling at the top of your lungs when she is misbehaving or ignoring you.
may ole black lab was named Dixie. the runt of the liter my grandad gave me, grew up to about 80 and would go all day and turn and give you the look if you missed a bird.

Ollie ought to be a great dog.