Here are SevenEdges Pics!!!

Eric Isaacson

Dec 19, 1999
Here are the Pics that SevenEdges sent me. Hopefully he'll give us a little more info on them.

Looks like the Basic took a good beatin' :D


Thanks Eric:D

The log in the pic was just a baby. We split one log for about an hour. It was much larger, harder, and well seasoned.

The pictures don't do the beating justice. We were both sweating from full power blows to the tip of the knife, and the handle/spine area. I was sure the knife would see gross failure @ the tip but it never did. It has been beat for 3 or 4 hours total now. I will not give up though. I will break this knife into with a hammer!!:rolleyes: :D

I have cut the handle off the knife since the pictures and have wrapped it with 550 cord. We then beat it for about 15 minutes (with a hammer:D) until the wrap came off the tang. I will have to do a better wrap job next time.

Jeff, you animal!!:eek: Maybe you need a bigger hammer!!;)
Thanks for sharing the pics.
Animal indeed. Nothing like a skunk, though. They seem to have more INFI and $$$ than I.:D I would call myself more of a moose or something.:p

BTW I would never do such a thing to either of my SHBM'S my SHSH or my CGCJ. :D
Nice shots! My only concern would be, IIRC, using a hammer made for wood. I think they harden the face of those things. Using a ball pein would probably be safer. Of course, the last time I used a hammer to beat anything through firewood, I caught a lot of shrapnel. Also, I'm going to have to look up the original thread to find out why you wanted to beat the hell out of the knife in the first place LOL. Anyways, it looks like you had a good time. I'm sure you'll hear from Cliff when he sees those pics!
This is just my 2 cents.

Why? Why would you want to intentionally beat the living hell out of a knife like that. If you were in a posistion where you needed the knife to get firewood nobody in their right mind would get a log that size. I for one just think it's abusing the Warranty that SRKW has placed on their knives. All I can think is you want to be able to say you broke it, and if that's the case put in in a vise get a breaker bar and break the damn thing. Nothing is totally indestructable.

There I've vented my frustrations
Raden, Vent all day bud, let it out:D
It isn't a Swamp Rat Knife, it's a Busse Basic #9 MOD INFI.
My reason for doing this originally was to simply split some firewood since I have no axe. I split several logs about the size of the ones in pics. This is very time consuming and not really worth the time/energy involved.
However, It became apparent that this was sort of fun so we then tried to beat it to destuction. It didn't work too well.:) I just could not beleive that the TIP could withstand so many high force impacts. (Other than that I just did it because I could. Thanks to the country's great freedom.:) ) (note: I do not intend on getting my knife replaced under warranty when it does let go, I agree it is intentional destruction)

Truck, I actually used two different hammers. The one in the pics being the much easier on the knife than the one I own. My hammer is hardened as you hear a deafening "PING" sound when you slam it into the spine. And a lot more metal flies off the spine with each hit. My hammer is also heavier than the one in the picture.

It's n0ot something I would do (unless I really had to) but I'm sure glad that it's been done. What a real-life confidence builder with respect to Busse knives, as if we needed that anyway. Nice pics.
I'm glad it's not my knife.Hard to believe it has held up.Axes get ruined when you cut and pound on and there made for the job.Nice clear pics.
Although not to this extent I've done similar things and some worse to my Busses and SRKW knives. It is a definite confidence builder(in the knife)

The other thing that is important to note is that I'm sure Jerry and his testing staff have done far worse things to them BEFORE any of them were ever released to us. There is nothing I hate more than people selling knives that don't or won't test them prior to them leaving the shop.

It truly is a testament to "nuclear" knives that they can survive such abuse, many others would fail under less severe circumstances.

And one more thought, is it abuse? Maybe.
Is it fun? You bet it is ;):D:D

I have a frozen tear. . . . ;) Very nice! I love to see the kids get kicked around a little. But, I guess the question that begs to be asked is, "Is that all you got?. . . .You got nuthin'!" ;)

Thanks for posting the pics,

Yours in nucleabuse,

I just took a look at those pics again LMAO. Thanks for testing your knife for me! It has been a rough time lately and I just can't imagine beating the hell out of any of my knives right now
I got props from the man!!! I got props from the man!!!


Seriously though, I am getting afraid that maybe, just maybe, the knife has a little more than I. If this indeed is proven, I will forever hang my head in sweet sorrow. Glad it won, and sad I lost @ the same time.

Jerry, this isn't fair. I tried to snap it like a string bean, man.
Please give me another chance.........please???:D

I'll MAYBE, prove I've got something.:D
Hey man, I think you've got plenty. .. it's your knife that is laughing at you . . . .not me ;)

Jerry your right, I went out to the truck a few minutes ago looking for some paperwork, when I started to feel like someone was watching me. I grabbed the glock in the console and turned around really quick. No one was there, so I got my papers and was about to shut the truck door when I heard a low level "snickering" noise. It startled me really bad because I "KNEW" someone was right there this time. However, when I spun around the second time again, there was no one there. That's when I noticed something move in the back seat. It was the Basic #9 bent over about 80-85 degrees laughing it's sheath off!!! I didn't know what to do. I just slammed the door and ran inside. My family doesn't beleive me, and now I can't even go to my truck without fear of being humiliated, or worse, being bent at. I just can't beleive it bent over by it's own free will and started laughing!! I know knives will be knives, and he did have a couple close knives with him (most of inferior quality, both moral and ethical) but what am I to do. I'm becoming ever more depressed......

Oh well, Jeff:D