Herman Knives


Apr 28, 1999
I was wondering if other people here consider them "knives" or "art". Also, like some of the other stuff at like Bladeart.com, bladegallery, etc. Would you guys ever use one of these?????
the real hermanator sank in a pit of molten metal.....tim is a clone sent here from the future to make us all go insane!

[This message has been edited by tom mayo (edited 11-28-2000).]
Yup, Herman Knives are Art. They are also supposed to be knives. If I ever get the D2 Sliver that Tim agreed to make for me, I would let you all know if they are Real knives, or just pretty things to look at.

And yes, I do use knives I bought at KnifeArt, Nordic Knives, Arizona Custom knives, and Robertson Custom Cutlery. I use some of them shamelessly, enjoying their perfect symmetry in the comfort of my hand. And some of them get to cut stuff.

My new PJ Tomes mid-lock folder with a CPM-420V hand finished blade and pearl scales is truly wonderful and slids into my pocket every day. I bought it direct from PJ. And I love it as a knife, and as Art.

Paracelsus, still waiting to tell you more about Tim's knives
It won't be too long now until you'll be able to buy the "sliver" from us (Delta Z Knives) in production form under the trademark "DECO by Hermanª". The best part? The price will be a fraction of what Mr. Herman charges for a hand made one, making this knife design available to many of us who can't afford the custom version. We promise you great production quality when it is released.

Just curious, anyone interested in such a collaboration knife? Chime in so we'll know how many to make!

Hang in there!


Delta Z

Proud Bladeforums.com SPONSOR & MODERATOR!
Please accept my personal invitation to join the new product announcement and special sale list at our web site.<p> http://www.DeltaZ-Knives.com
Barnaby, count me IN. I want to see if you can make a knife as nice as Tim can

Paracelsus, amused at the irony this thread has suddenly created
Hey BarnZ, I'll take the first sample..
Just think how much I could RAZZ ol' Timmy boy in chat about your generousity.. the cheap gasbag...
I'd say art, but then again...

Legal Disclaimer: I know absolutely nothing about knives. Anything I say should be considered as an opinionated lie.

Art, and damn nice to boot...



Quis ut Deus
The Sliver is quite possibly the sexiest knife ever made. Art? Yes. A knife? Yes. And isn't that a great combination.

Mr. Barnaby, you can certainly make one for me!

Balisongs -- because it don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing!
I finally got to Tim's website the other day and was amazed. His blades are just beautiful! I'd love to find out how they work as well but that pipe dream is a while away. After I win Lotto I'll be flying my jet to many a custom maker to introduce myself and place orders. BarnZ I'd love to see a collaboration and I'd buy it as quick as I could. I'll have to quit giving Tim a hard time on Chat as, after seeing his website, his knives are awesome. Any good makers in Mexico? Pesos are a great exchange! Maybe someone down there makes a 'Sliver-o'?

I don't know if you consider Tim's knives
"knives or art" but after seeing a lot of Tim's work firsthand I consider Mr. Tim Herman a true artist.
I'd definitely buy a production/collab. Sliver, maybe two

As far as whether Tim's designs are "Knives" or "Art" --- Why does there have to be a difference?

Hell, Tim's been making knives for about 50 years
, and although I have never used a Herman Custom Knife, I would be willing to bet that ole Tim could make one helluva bead-blasted, micarta handled skinning knife...

I'm still voting "Art"
but I would also have to throw some "Functionality" in there...

If I have made absolutely no sense whatsoever, please excuse me... I have been at work since 7:00 P.M. last night

I'm going to bed!
I have a few questions about Tim's knives:

1-have they been tested and approved by Cliff Stamp?
2-Has anyone done performance comparison tests between Tim's Sliver and Cold Steel's Trailmaker?
3-Is Tim Herman a real person or did PhilL create him on his computer so he could give out that neat trophy with the flexible gentleman on it?
4-Would Tim trade a knife for 2 ghillie suits?

For the humor impaired: this is an attempt at humor-no flames.
Dave (Phil.4:13)
I Can Do All Things Through Him Who Strengthens Me
Lifter at work: www.profitness.com/Profiles/profileDaveAbramson

[This message has been edited by lifter4Him@aol.com (edited 11-29-2000).]

I for one think all Knifemakers are Artists in there own right, i am going through this now trying to get Art grant funding to open a Knifemaking School here in my town.

THe Thing is that TIM and others have taken it to a Level of workmanship that has to be held and touched to be belived.

Myself i think Tim Hermans knives are both ART and functional. I mean really if you can afford one of tims Masterpieces im sure you can afford to use it also .

To me Tim is one of the Few folder makers
that i think should be also Given National Living Treasure Status.


Allen Blade
Spokane,WA USA

" You can make great knives and sell a few, Or make Great AFFORDABLE knives and sell many"
WEB SITE : http://www.geocities.com/bladecutlery/blade_cutlery_site001.htm
Originally posted by lifter4Him@aol.com:

4-Would Tim trade a knife for 2 ghillie suits?
For the humor impaired: this is an attempt at humor-no flames.

Duh, I don't get it....

Hey lifter, are those the special, one of a kind, genuine hand dyed editions....?
nope, tims knives suck, and he's an *******,too!

seriously,if i had the money i'd order one in a heartbeat.great looking knives,but tools at the same time.
and for those of you who think that tim isnt a nice guy,well i can tell you he is(not)

TAZ thats exactly what i am working on right now with the Cheney Cowels Museum

to get some kind of exibition of modern Edged
Art going there to expand the Handmade knife as a recognizable Art form to more people other than the Users and collectors of Knives.

I think its all in the Education of people to have Edged art come across as just that, Art and not be looked at as a "WEAPON"

we shall see how it works out.


Allen Blade
Spokane,WA USA

" You can make great knives and sell a few, Or make Great AFFORDABLE knives and sell many"
WEB SITE : http://www.geocities.com/bladecutlery/blade_cutlery_site001.htm
I agree with Allen, all knifemakers are Artists, they create something functional and sometimes beautiful out of nothing. I will say that not all knives nor all knifemalers can approach the level of artistic achievement of one of Tim's knives. Tim was an artist long before he made his first knife and I don't just mean a BS artist either.
I have had the chance to handle one of Tim's knives and they move just as pretty as they look.
Now, I've never actually heard of anyone using a Herman knife, but Tim assures me nobody has ever worn one out. Come to think of it I've never heard of anyone who actually owns a Herman knife, but then again I don't hang out with 'The Donald' or Bill Gates.

Barnaby, I can't wait to own a Herman/DeltaZ knife, because Tim said if you can match the action on one of his customs he'll kill himself. Not that I want that, but can you make him sweat just a little bit?

"Will work 4 Knives!"
My PhotoPoint Site
Phil! I did not want anyone to know about that rash statement of Tim's. Now he may actually have to do it.

Paracelsus, hoping Tim is not forced into Seppuku

wow, i dont know what to say. thank you for that fantastic compliment.

thank you all for the compliments. i first and foremost do try to make the best and strongest knife possible. to design knives that feel good and look good, then get the best fits and finish i can do by hand. i dont own a buffer and finish every piece by hand.

after i have a strong, well built knife then i can make it pretty

para, when you get the d2 sliver i do hope you use it

taz, i do have one of my knives in a museum in tennessee. Larry Fuegen also has a knife in the smithsonian museum
slowly they are getting there.