HI Site Vs. DOTD?

Jul 4, 2002
Do you guys buy more from the HI Shop or the DOTD? Do you see an advantage one way or the other?
a big chunk of my collection has been purchased from DOTD :)
but i have asked for a few pieces off the forum....
stuff i couldnt wait for =) IE ak bowie, hanuman ak, UBE, tarwar etc etc... lol
advantage of DOTD? its a deal... advantage of HI site is you can get the item you wish right away :D :thumbup:

if you cant wait... you can pay :cool:
my advice is to stick around a bit and keep your eyes open (and email drafted lol)

happy sharking

Better prices, less common items.

What I do is I check on the website for what I want, and wait for it at a good price in DOTD.

Got a BAS for 65$, they are 100$ on the website.
I also had a Ganga Ram for 80$, regular price 150$ => that one was a blem: khuks with small imperfections, mostly esthetical ones. Sometimes Yangdu sell them half price. But you have to be fast or Jaiofspam will buy it before you do.

If you don't have a lot of money to spend on khuks, you should wait for your perfect deal.
But you have to be fast or Jaiofspam will buy it before you do.

LOL!!! ;) :thumbup:

hmmmmm, the next terms you'll probably ask about are HIKV and "sharking" :D
i'll let other forum members explain to you what both are... i have bad cases of both :foot:
okok, not only him. Lot of sharks are waiting for deals.

Check past DOTD's, look the time Yangdu posted the deals and the time the first "email sent" appears.
yes cybrok does his fair share of sharking also.... all of us do! be prepared :) :thumbup:
The 2 I got were acquired after a long hesitation. It's a miracle they still were there when I cracked :p

Uncle Bill was right, the right khukri will find you (or something like that, someone please correct me).
The 2 I got were acquired after a long hesitation. It's a miracle they still were there when I cracked :p

it was destiny cybrok..... pure destiny :rolleyes:
it was meant to be!!! those 2 had your name on it from the beginning :D :thumbup:
ohhhhh, nobody told you??? :confused: :p lol
It would seem an advantage of buying through the DOTD, in addition to the price, is the fact you can but the work of a kami you like. At the HI site, it does not seem you have that choice. Is that true?
well with DOTD you have to be fast... first come first served :D
the knife you may want could possibly pop up only to be sharked from you
by another forum member seconds after being posted :)

with the HI site... if you wanted for example a chiruwa AK
all you do is add it to your cart, pay and one is on the way!!!
no waiting for one to pop up or competitive sharking :cool:

im sure destiny has chosen an HI khukuri for you and the way to obtain it. ;)
my dotd purchases, the only him imps i own, are not models available at the shop. i also got them for half what they're worth with the lifetime guarantee, unblemished.

the threat of jai is far diminished from a few months ago. jai doesn't get many duplicates and since he already has most of the catalog he's not as dangerous a shark anymore.
my dotd purchases, the only him imps i own, are not models available at the shop. i also got them for half what they're worth with the lifetime guarantee, unblemished.

the threat of jai is far diminished from a few months ago. jai doesn't get many duplicates and since he already has most of the catalog he's not as dangerous a shark anymore.

Even a shark who has had a bite of everything is still dangerous:) the only way to make a shark safe is to take all his teeth:) sorry Jai couldn't resist
yeah my extreme sharking days have slowed down quite a bit now... :)
yes its true i have almost every item from the catalog (in 3-4 months time... who needs to eat? sure seems like i got my priorities straight lol)
but i could still work on having each model done by various kami, size and handle material :D :thumbup:
Realize, too, that there is no cure. Years may pass and you'll drop in to snag a khukuri... it's a Zen pursuit. There is unattainable perfection in the trying.

DOTD are blems...but most of the time most people don't know what the blem is. Many blems are things like small cracks in the handle, a litle rust or a tear on the sheath and can be fixed by the adverage person.

But I think you should only buy from the site and stay away from the deals there are more than enough sharks every time the meat hits the water.
not all DOTD are blems... yangdu will note if there are any blemishes :rolleyes:
tisk tisk tisk looks like you missed out on a few good deals buddy lol :D

there are perfect rigs sold as YBB :thumbup:
YBB = yangdu best buy

happy sharking :cool:
I've always emailed Yangdu and asked for the kami and the style I want and bought straight from Yangdu. Only once so far have I bought from DOTD. Even with the exchange rate and postage to Australia buying from Yangdu without DOTD prices is still well worth it. I love the fact that everything from HI is a one off, no two items are ever the same and Yangdu is fantastic to deal with.
DOTD are blems...but most of the time most people don't know what the blem is. Many blems are things like small cracks in the handle, a litle rust or a tear on the sheath and can be fixed by the adverage person.

But I think you should only buy from the site and stay away from the deals there are more than enough sharks every time the meat hits the water.

You're just jaleous because you were too slow :p
Most of the time I'll miss the deals by minutes. But I'll leave it up to fate if I don't get it this time there's always the next. But sometimes fate is sooooooo cruel to me:(
Azis is obviously a stealth shark. He might as well be saying, "Blood? That's not blood in the water. It's...uh...Kool-Aid. Yeah, that's it, Kool-Aid. I think I saw some blood over there, though."