HIKV: signs and symptoms


Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain... PAY NO ATTENTION to the man behind the curtain... <...lots of fire and smoke...>

Obviously, as we, your true friends, try to lead you toward the light of acceptance of your medical condition, the dark side raises its head and tempts you back into the dark!!!
FIGHT the temptation of denial. Embrace your true self and bask in the togetherness of others with your condition... It's OK to have HIKV...

I'd write more, but have to hit the road... remember Jim, acceptance is the first step towards enlightenment (or something like that). BTW... how's the Big Screen TV



When all else fails...JSTF :D
Gentlemen,and I use that term loosely,after the way I have been abused by you "Stange people"!I, the Beacon,Saint,or otherwise known as the HI Reaseacher am here!Ah yes, after reading what the Lt.wrote there "IS" hope for you Cult members.The lack of control,or weakness you show ,is defined by the term HIKV! What you have my friends are desires for K's & more K's!Please "NO MORE" excuses,join me I will help you,Blues is Senile so he can be excused,Rus is on med,but the rest of you now have no excuses
for not admitting "I'm Right"! Oops! I can hear that "Wailing "Again!
Ohh Welll...We had about convinced him it was a Hapi coat, reserved for respected Japanese research award ceremonies, and just before we had the sleeves tied.... er..adjusted, he read LtDan's post and took off down the hall. Gotta start all over again.

The white van pulling up at your house is from the Publisher's Clearing House Sweepstakes... The have a special prize for you

<doc... reserve the soft room for the new millionaire

'So does the 'jim_l_clifton Fellowship' have
a mission statement? ...Well does it?
How about a protocol? Hmmmmm? Jim, I see no
evidence of these in place. Starting to lose
faith that this research organization even
exists. I would hate to think what everyone
is saying about you might be true
I think he's still waiting on his MacArthur Award money to really get things off the ground.

"To Know and to Act are One"
My 12" AK likes to sleep on the right side of the bed. Sometimes my girlfriend gives me crap about it... and then it is time for her to go.
Jim, we FEEL and SHARE your pain!
Folks, remember, Jim has mastered the art of arms length HIKV so much as he would like to admit that he suffers from this almost incurable malady, his over weening pride does not permit him to do so. Once he says "Uncle", will he have truly come to terms with himself and his 4 dozen khukuris.


Careful now....or the next time he DOES say "Uncle", it will be followed by the words: "I'll take three of those and two these and 2 dozen of those over there. For research purposes."
I think Jim is simply researching how many khuks does it take to get to the kukhri center of a kukhri-roll pop.
"My 12" AK likes to sleep on the right side of the bed." OH OH! Who's the resident on call tonight!? My villager sleeps UNDER the bed with the dust bunnies. My 55lbs gamebred pitbu... uhmmm, 'teddybear' sprawls out over whatevers left of free space ON the bed
I am closing the Fellowship.too
maney members & too many donated K's! Please send NO more, I'm now too deep in.....ah, RESEARCH!
Look at the times on these posts - Y'all are up 'cause there ain't no room in bed. The Khuks and dogs have taken over. And one girlfriend.
Jim, in the interest of better understanding your condition please list the names of each of your friends (khukuri's), and why you gave them that particular name. Also, it might be helpful to discuss their diet, exercise regimen, and accomodations.

"To Know and to Act are One"
Ain't gonna happen!!You think I don't smell an ambush??I answer a QUESTION like this & I can see Koz,Wal,& their buddies grinning & pouncing! No Sir I'm gonna be as silent as a Church mouse!Nooo Comment!
I currently have 1 unnamed Gelbu Special, 1 25" Kobra by Bura, and 1 Kesar Karda. Due to some financial considerations and interest "elsewhere" (ahem) I'm thinking about parting with the Kobra.

So, Jim, which one of us has HIKV?

