Hinderer Investigator Pens- Need some info+ Are they worth it?

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Jan 3, 2012
Hey guys, was looking at buying an investigator pen, but not sure. Should I got stainless or aluminum? Also, are they worth the $60.00 price-tag? thanks.
Well worth it IMHO - I carry the stainless everyday and it's small size is a plus, just big enough to write with/still looks professional in a meeting.
They are quality pens. Pack away nicely clipped into a pocket, etc. Aluminum are light and almost don't know your carrying it, till you need it.

To give better advice we need to know your intended plan for the pen. EDC, EDU, or?

I rember you from the RMD LE thread awhile back, btw.

As to if they are worth "X$". Well, that's something only you can answer for yourself. They cost "X$", they are great little pens that use $5 Fisher Space Pen inserts, and perform well as a pen and defensive tool.
I love it. I have the brass one and carry it daily. It's small enough that you forget about it but whenever you need one it's right there. Unbreakable. And if you ever did need to hit someone in the head with it it would hurt like a sonofabitch!!!!!

Untitled by GermoneGold, on Flickr
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I like them so much I carry a brass one most every day. Pocket an aluminum version as a back up to my SureFire clicky when I head out.
And have another aluminum one and a spare refill packed into my travel kit for when I travel by air.
Well, it'd mainly be EDC, as well as for anywhere I can't take a knife or better option. Basically I'm looking between this or a Brous SS for a nice collector's piece/EDC, or something more practical like an ASP baton for my car.
Well, it'd mainly be EDC, as well as for anywhere I can't take a knife or better option. Basically I'm looking between this or a Brous SS for a nice collector's piece/EDC, or something more practical like an ASP baton for my car.

I believe you just listed a pen, small knife and a collapsible baton????

You looking for a pen or self-defense option?
Sorry should've been more clear. I wasn't comparing them all together, just listing they were what I was considering putting the money towards. Either the brous neck knife or hinderer pen for a nice collector's piece/emergency self defense, or the ASP baton for my car for more defense and less show.
The aluminum investigator pen is worth it in my opinion. I've had three "defense" style pens and it's the only one I have left; I sold the others. I've had it over a year now and carry it every day on duty. Every time someone see's it, they have to look at it. Is it worth the $60? You'll have to make that decision. I did a review here: http://centavogear.blogspot.com/2011/09/rick-hinderer-aluminum-investigator-pen.html

i'm a big fan of fisher, i have their mars pen as well as some of the bullets, and want to get the infinium soon. so when i saw that hinderer had titanium pens using the fisher refills it was a shoe in. i've had my ti investigator since last year and will be getting my ED in a couple days. 1st they're pens for me, if the occasion arises where i need to use it for self defense then +1 but mainly it's pen that i carry everyday.

are they worth it? well if you're not prone to losing things then yes. if you are, then bye bye expensive pen.
It's well worth it considering most decent "tactical" pens are well above the $60 mark. I was pleasantly surprised by how small the pen was as I was expecting it to be more of a standard size. I didn't get it for self-defense purposes though, if I did I think I would have preferred something bigger. My hands aren't big by any means and there is barely enough of the "tip" showing for me to use it as an effective impact weapon.
I have the Copper version, very pleased with it. As others have said, whether it's worth the price is subjective, but quality wise, they're superb.
Sorry should've been more clear. I wasn't comparing them all together, just listing they were what I was considering putting the money towards. Either the brous neck knife or hinderer pen for a nice collector's piece/emergency self defense, or the ASP baton for my car for more defense and less show.

My vote...get the pen. You will use it far more than the other items.

I once went on spring break, got intoxicated while chatting with a very, very beautiful young lady, she told me her hotel and room info., asked me to come see her....intoxicated short-term memory cost me "what could have been". I now carry a pen and smartphone most everywhere I go. Lose and learn.
Would the finish be of higher standards than the Brous necker? Part of the reason I want one of these is just to be able to look it over and appreciate it. I'm a sucker for that stream-lined look.
Would the finish be of higher standards than the Brous necker? Part of the reason I want one of these is just to be able to look it over and appreciate it. I'm a sucker for that stream-lined look.

It's silly comparing pens to knives unless you are looking at pen knives.

So, as you can pick up from all the posts here...the pen is "worth it" to many of us. That means it has a quality to justify its price point. I'm about done talking about this.

It's on you to decide if you want the pen or something else.
The fit and finish of the Investigator pen is excellent. I find my self admiring it and messing with it during meetings if I start getting bored. You will definitely get way more use from the pen and you can't mess around with the Brous during meetings without raising a few eyebrows...

Also, take a look at other pens, like Cross, Waterman, Parker, on up to Montblanc. There are many that cost more and are made of plastics. The Investigator Pen is serious VALUE for the indestructibility and quality. Cross made an anniversary pen that looked slightly tactical and was all metal -price was $450.
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The fit and finish of the Investigator pen is excellent. I find my self admiring it and messing with it during meetings if I start getting bored. You will definitely get way more use from the pen and you can't mess around with the Brous during meetings without raising a few eyebrows...

Also, take a look at other pens, like Cross, Waterman, Parker, on up to Montblanc. There are many that cost more and are made of plastics. The Investigator Pen is serious VALUE for the indestructibility and quality. Cross made an anniversary pen that looked slightly tactical and was all metal -price was $450.

Excuse me, Mont Blanc do not use plastic....they use precious resin!!!

I have an extreme duty on the way to join my Monties and Visconti.
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