How about a new chopper from the Swamp

Aug 27, 2005
Something big, bigger than has ever come out of the Swamps of Wauseon perhaps something that doesn't reside in the swamp but comes from the city like New York City they have some Big Rats they are the size of dogs there.

Something so monstrous that people run in fright when they see it. I'm talking like a 14 to 16 inch blade, you could call it "The New York City Sewer Rat" or a "Ratchete". I want something so big that if I strike an Oak Tree all of the acorns are going to fall to the ground like rain.

Please make it happen Eric.
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I saw a real live nutria swim by my back yard a few weeks ago. Those things are suprisingly large.
Ratchete! Ratchete! Ratchete!

16" (18"? 20"?) blade 3/16" thick and 2.5" wide of SR101 or SR77, convex grind, handle w/a bit of drop to it, let the zombie-lopping begin!

>>> RATCHETE <<<<<<
That 'splains it!! Both of my step-sons have people in Ville Platte, LA but the only Cajun that shows up in them is 'dat de jus' plumb crazy!'
Most Cajuns are, and I love em for it. On the topic of bayous, there are parts of the Black, Waccamaw, and Pee Dee rivers that look a lot like Southern Louisiana. On the topic of nutrias, I've heard the we have them here, but I've never seen one. I saw a map of their range once, and it showed them in both NC and GA, but said there was insufficient data for SC, which leads me to believe they're here. I shall keep searching.
A new "Ratchopweiler" hybrid ! An Old Style Ratweiler's blade with a Chopweiler's handle :

Wow! I didn't know we had any 'bayous' in SC!!

I live in the Pee Dee region and while our swamps will never rival Cajun country we do have them I live on the edge of a small one myself. and as the other poster mentioned parts of the Pee Dee river and especially the Little Pee Dee river could make a Cajun homesick.