How did you find

Well....lets see...i belive i found this site from many late nights of browsing.

"I wouldn't mind you being inside my head if you weren't clearly so crazy."
Looking for knife stuff, I found knifeforums. Somebody on there mentioned Bladeforums, and the rest is history. Now I'm (sniff) a Senior Member. (pauses to allow single tear to roll down cheek.)
rec.knives news group(have read many posts by Jeffry Johnston,mps, Joe, Doc Hrisoulas and Bob Engnath) => Benchmade forum(when Mark was still there) => => => then to

that doesn't show in the memebership status!

Mike Turber,

I still remember the first day you appeared on the benchmade forum and then chased after a poster on the forum....

Joe Leung

[This message has been edited by JoeL (edited 14 April 1999).]
Ooops! sorry double post!

[This message has been edited by JoeL (edited 14 April 1999).]
I attempted to figure out what Sal's e-mail address was by trying the first initial and then the first 7 digits of the last name, it seems to be a common way to do e-mail, and low and behold I recieved an e-mail back from him a few days later telling me that the forums were a great place to get information. You don't know the smile that crossed my face when I recieved the e-mail, I must have shown everyone in the section. (I'm an RA)

Since then I have been a local addict screaming for my injections of bladeforum, lauging at the name brand knifefourm, and waiting for the high of a new knife... ahhh just look at what you have done to me Sal.

I found Blade forums fruity, yet tart, with the haughty impertinence of a wayward french peasant girl. Overall, a wonderful bouquet and pleasing to the palate.

I heard about it from someone else who was already a member here.


I cut it, and I cut it, and it's STILL too short!

Interesting, seems like most of us ended up here from the Benchmade Forum and by word of mouth.

Even though I feel this is the BEST FORUM for blade and knife talk, seems to me we have to thank BENCHMADE for starting it all. They were the first forum actually dedicated to this topic. Course we have to thank Mike for getting ticked a little which inspired him to open!

So I would like to personally thank Benchmade and MIKE TURBER for all that has transpired, even though Mike & Benchmade may not go hand in hand
Hey Mike, I guess you have Benchmade to thank! Just kidding!


" Knife Collectors Are Sharp People -- Most of the time, that is! "

[This message has been edited by Mark W Douglas (edited 14 April 1999).]
I ended up in here through another makers knife links, don't remember who, since it was long ago. I lurked for a long time before I decided to start posting. I couldn't believe that there were any other knife wacko's like me.
After seeing the link to Bladeforums for a while at the Knifecenter of the Internet. I finally made it over. I'm glad I did

[This message has been edited by Kallisti (edited 20 April 1999).]
I'm like some of the others. Started at Benchmade, then visited Cold Steel's site, Rec.Knives site, and Knifeforums site. Followed Mike and Spark over from Knifeforums, and been here since day one. I spend most of my time here but do check out, and
Woke up in the middle of the night and heard a strange hacking sound. Found that the noise was coming from my 'puter. Loged on and found a bunch of knuts talking about knives and realized I'd stumbled onto nirvana.


Mike Melone

"One loves to possess arms, though they hope never to have occasion for them." --Thomas Jefferson to George Washington, 1796

I started first with Benchmade Forum and words passed by about Blade Forum. Then my insomnia began....
I've always carried a knife, but was never a certified knife knut. Last Summer, while traveling, I lost
the pocketknife I had been carrying for most of the past dozen years or so, a nice little white-bone-handled penknife. I went back to carrying the Schrade Old Timer medium stockman that I had been carrying for most of the 10 years or so before that, but I knew that I would have to replace it before this next summer came along and my pockets became too corrosive for carbon steel.

Anyway, I was searching for something else entirely and thought to follow the knife idea. I wound up at the Knife Center. Somewhere or other there, Howard mentioned rec.knives. Now, I have been a usenet junkie for about a dozen years, so I just added that to my usual dose of news and started following links and mentions of other useful knife sites, including both vendors and custom makers and also, TADA, bladeforums.

I have to say that newsreader software is available that is quite a lot better than reading forums like this in a browser window and posting by typing into a (dinky) textarea, but I also have to say that bladeforums is terrific! Usenet is still more than a little useful to me, but I learn a lot more about knives (and other knife knuts) here than on rec.knives. I plan on staying around.

Oh, and BTW, I don't carry a stockman anymore. My most frequent daily carry is now an Ascent, but the more I hang around here, the more other knives I buy and the more nearly I begin to approximate a real knife knut.

Paul Neubauer
I've been around the net for little over 2 weeks, just typed in and waited to see what came up, didn't even know if there was anything by that name out there, but there is and at the bottom of the first page is an invite to BladeForums, Ta Da, here I be!


When a fellow says, "it ain't the money but the principle of the thing,"
it's the money.
F. McKinney Hubbard

A link, cool!


" Knife Collectors Are Sharp People

[This message has been edited by Mark W Douglas (edited 15 April 1999).]