How do you decide which EDC to carry?

Aug 12, 2012
I have acquired a number of great knives recently, each of which I love and want to carry everyday. I don't want to carry several knives at one time, some of them are pretty beefy. I am retired so I don't have to go to work making it easier to carry what ever I like. I live and dress pretty casual and don't really use my knives hard, I just love the way they feel in pocket and hand. Any one of my knives can accomplish what every other knife can do regarding blade and overall size. I have mostly big folders, some examples are Buck 110 Hunter, Buck Alpha Hunter, ZT 0350, ZT 0300, ZT 0560, Grayman Satu, I'm considering getting a Grayman Dua just because I love my Satu so much.

I have a hard time favoring any of them because I love them pretty equally. I could just rotate like every week or month but then I would want one that I left behind. Maybe I should assign each a number and put some corresponding numbers in a hat and pick it every day and that will be the knife I carry. What do you do? I know I am not alone in this. I have seen the collections and read your comments of collecting knives because you just want it (not because you need it). Yes, I mean you.

Just curious, how do you resolve this dilemma?
I have a large quantity of folders that just never get carried. I usually end up carrying the same knife everyday (Kershaw Storm II) It was cheap when I found them on clearance and bought 25 of them. I will carry one for a while and if someone helps me out with something I will give them my knife as a gift and open another one. I likely would not do that with a ZT or other high end folder, but I picked the Storms up cheap and I carry one everyday because they hold and edge well, like the recurve blade and the weight,thin profile and handle ergos of the knife. But if were to switch them up I would probably do it monthly or seasonally I guess...
I open up all my knives and drop them on the ground all at once. Whichever one sticks into my foot, it comes with me.
I've got a 12 year old spyderco that comes with me everywhere... I had an Emmerson that I would switch between but broke the blade in half trying to baton through a steel drum =\...
I open my pelican case and take a look..... usually within seconds I would be like, "hmm today I feel like carrying THIS one".
My little Victorinox Rambler is always on my keys. Next, I'll have a slippie in my left front pocket (usually my alox Vic Pioneer.) The one-hander clipped to my right front pocket is determined by where I'm going, what I'm wearing, and what I plan to do for the day...
I usually pick mine based off where I am going. If the knife is suitable for the place I go if I use it [ie work, school, stores, etc]. Although other times I just have to carry a certain knife and to the pocket it goes :)
Yeah, the more knives one buys, the more difficult it gets to figure this one out.

I find it best to rotate them out as needed.
I usually just grab whatever I feel like carrying. Sometimes I switch it up multiple times a day, sometimes I'll carry the same knife for a week. I do take into account what I'm wearing or where I'm going however. I wouldn't carry a ZT of any kind in dress pants, and I wouldn't take a benchmade 707 on a camping trip.
I just look at all of mine and just pick which one i haven't carried in awhile and decide if i want to carry it, if not, i just pick another one and so on.
Typically light and 3" blades for shorts or other dress pant type apparel. Heavier stuff, 3.5" blades, multi-tools, etc. for jeans and other work wear.
I always have a small folder in my wallet, an old Gerber Silverknight 200A shell handle.

Additionally I'll carry a 3.5in fixed blade depending on place to go or things to do.
I settled on my Vic Super Tinker as my every day knife because I found the blades capable, the extra tools amazing, the size very comfortable to carry, and very few people ever give that "why do you have a knife?" crap after asking if anyone has a knife which does happen with my Spydercos. It's also a knife that I bought myself so I'm not too attached to it. I've gone through a few, gifting others to friends who now carry theirs every day. At 30 dollars, I don't want to lose one but I wouldn't cry if I did.
I look at my stash at least a few times everyday, and pick what looks good. Its rare that I make it through the whole day with the same knife.