HOW do you know you're a knife nut?

Dec 6, 2007
First, a disclaimer. I disclaim originality for this thread, because I get the idea from the other (interesting) thread in this forum on 'when did we become knife nuts'. I must make it clear that I learn a lot from the exchanges in this forum and the friendly atmosphere among the members is really remarkable. I just think it may not be a bad idea to have a thread to examine our own selves, HOW do we know we've become a knife nut. If the following refers to anybody, whether by name or otherwise, it must be understood that no offence is intended. This thread is purely a good-natured way to look at ourselves, and to have fun.

As a starter, I think if you have some of the following symptoms described below then you're in the danger of being a knife nut. And if you have ALL of them then...

You are in danger of being a knife nut if:

- you log into the bladeforums every day;

- you become impatient when the bladeforums server seems a bit slow to respond;

- your attention is immediately drawn to those threads on previews of knives not yet generally available;

- you smile when jackknife comes up with another beautiful knife story;

- you actively take part in those carbon steel vs. non-carbon steel, plain edge vs. serrated edge, axis vs. framelock or whatever lock debates;

- you marvel at the remarkable stories of people relating with pride the extraordinary things they achieved with their super duper knives;

- you cry aloud 'knife abuse!' and 'abuse of warranty!' when people manage to break their blades and (frustratingly) the manufacturer oddly enough replaces them with no questions asked;

- you check to see your fingers when you see people posting gory pictures of their knife wounds;

- you wipe the blood off your knife first before wrapping your finger when you hurt yourself;

- you read attentively when any of the respected members have written another excellent review;

- you shake your head when some dumb asses insists on calling their articles 'reviews' when it is obvious that they don't know what they are writing;

- you become impatient when someone said they are going to dig up knives buried several years ago and after 3 pages of that thread you still can't see any pictures; :p

- you give a thumbs up when a fellow member has generously offered a free knife giveaway for whatever reason even though you have never succeeded to win any of these giveaways;

- you share your experiences of dealing with unreasonable bosses/colleagues/etc. with regard to the carrying/usage of knives in your work etc..

- you join in lamenting the now general phobia towards the tool you love -- the knife;

and so on and so on....

Anything to add, gentlemen?
When laving the house with only one knife causes you anxiety... you may get bored with it.
First, a disclaimer. I disclaim originality for this thread, because I get the idea from the other (interesting) thread in this forum on 'when did we become knife nuts'. I must make it clear that I learn a lot from the exchanges in this forum and the friendly atmosphere among the members is really remarkable. I just think it may not be a bad idea to have a thread to examine our own selves, HOW do we know we've become a knife nut. If the following refers to anybody, whether by name or otherwise, it must be understood that no offence is intended. This thread is purely a good-natured way to look at ourselves, and to have fun.

As a starter, I think if you have some of the following symptoms described below then you're in the danger of being a knife nut. And if you have ALL of them then...

You are in danger of being a knife nut if:

- you log into the bladeforums every day;

- you become impatient when the bladeforums server seems a bit slow to respond;

- your attention is immediately drawn to those threads on previews of knives not yet generally available;

- you smile when jackknife comes up with another beautiful knife story;

- you actively take part in those carbon steel vs. non-carbon steel, plain edge vs. serrated edge, axis vs. framelock or whatever lock debates;

- you marvel at the remarkable stories of people relating with pride the extraordinary things they achieved with their super duper knives;

- you cry aloud 'knife abuse!' and 'abuse of warranty!' when people manage to break their blades and (frustratingly) the manufacturer oddly enough replaces them with no questions asked;

- you check to see your fingers when you see people posting gory pictures of their knife wounds;

- you wipe the blood off your knife first before wrapping your finger when you hurt yourself;

- you read attentively when any of the respected members have written another excellent review;

- you shake your head when some dumb asses insists on calling their articles 'reviews' when it is obvious that they don't know what they are writing;

- you become impatient when someone said they are going to dig up knives buried several years ago and after 3 pages of that thread you still can't see any pictures; :p

- you give a thumbs up when a fellow member has generously offered a free knife giveaway for whatever reason even though you have never succeeded to win any of these giveaways;

- you share your experiences of dealing with unreasonable bosses/colleagues/etc. with regard to the carrying/usage of knives in your work etc..

- you join in lamenting the now general phobia towards the tool you love -- the knife;

and so on and so on....

Anything to add, gentlemen?
One does not find oneself here by accident.
Easy. if you have more than ten :D The knutiness factor goes up multiplicatively with every ten after that.


See Im a knife knut but some of these guys are just downright maniacal:D:D
- You feel naked when you don't carry a knife
- You are naked when you don't carry a knife
You have to sleep with the lights on for fear of stepping on something sharp

When picking a girlfirend, she must like knives too... or at least be knife friendly (mine carries a ProTech Runt and Nemesis Hellion on her keys)
i got one

you know your a knifenut when the hardest choice of the day is choiseing what knife to carry
You are NOT a knife knut if you think carrying one knife is enough. ;)

You might be a knife knut if you select your clothing based on the number of pockets available for knives, and pass on a brand or style because it doesn't have enough.

And it's pretty certain that you are a knife knut if the value of your knives exceeds the value of your cars. :D
I only wear jeans, the pockets catch the wave better :p
You know you are a knife knut:
When you are happy when a friend asks you to sharpen his knives for him (and it sounds like fun).

When you have to shave the hair off your legs to "check sharpness" because your arms are bald.
Over a thousand wow, my new hero! My wife thinks I'm insane for owning over 80.
Ish.... :D That means give or take.... ;) Tell your wife that you're a keeper!

By the way, Jeff Clark has ALL of us beaten, and I do mean all of us...
I can't decided which Kabar to take with me into the woods out of six.

I once wrote up five detailed knife reviews in one evening, and I still had one more to go.

I think I'm a nut.
- You feel naked when you don't carry a knife
- You are naked when you don't carry a knife

When you carry a knife while naked? :eek: :D

When you check yourself before leaving the house... knife, wallet, keys, knife.

When watching TV with your lady and she says "Will you PLEASE stop opening and closing that thing?!?" ... and you didn't realize you were.