Is duct tape primal? Have you ever wrestled an angry a gator?
Actualy, I don't use duct tape, that's for when you want to transport a live aligator. We most often use a noose, either wire or rope, to secure the jaws while slicing the spinal cord. I've done it without the noose, but that's real dangerous. I wouldn't want to try it without some back up.
It is primal compared to waiting till the sun goes down, shining a light in their eyes to transifx them, and then blowing their brains out with a gun.
I'm not so much talking about primitive equipment anyway, as opposed to hunting on a more level playing field. I.E. I use equipment made from modern materials and with modern methods, but they are primitive weapons, like a harpoon made with a steel barb and cable, or my Project 1. I also kill from close quarters as opposed to from out of sight in a treestand.
I'm not saying anything about people who hunt that way, it's just not my way.
Jeff, out in the Ten Thousand Islands people get their kicks by taking their boats out onto the shallows and waiting for a 4-6 foot shark, often a lemon or bull, to swim by, at which point they pounce on it and drag it to the surface.
Personaly, I think that's nuts! How do you even find out you can do something like that?!
The closest I get is on a boar hunt(more frequent than aligator) when I pounce, subdue, and dispatch my quarry with my knife.
I keep it in reason, nothing more than two hundred pounds or so. I usualy give them an arrow to the leg(it's not likely to get through the shield and then through the ribs to the vitals, even then I'm not quite good enough to consistently hit the heart) to slow them down, as I can't run as fast as most quadropeds. I'm working on learning to use terrain to herd them in certain directions to make it easier to catch up with them, meaning I won't need the arrow(from a fifty pound recurve, I hate compounds, they shoot weird).
I was talking to some swampers who've had success by working in teams; one chases the boar to the other who dispatches it. Kinda like how lions do it.