How many have been around since day 1?

I was here the first monday Bladeforums was up. I think day 3 or so. There doesn't seem to be that many of us left. I remember Recdotknives, the old, old, old Benchmade forum, Knifeforums and the Cold Steel Forum.

THANKS!!! Mike and Spark!!


[This message has been edited by Blades (edited 04-14-2001).]
I didn`t get here on day one but I think it was pretty close.Not many day`s have passed without me checking in at least once.Thanks Mike and Spark for founding this community.It`s like a home away from home for me.
Began with Recdotknives and have been learning (almost) daily since. Mike and Spark, Thank you for a truly enjoyable learning experience.


Stay Sharp!
AKTI Member A000987

[This message has been edited by christopher (edited 04-15-2001).]
I signed on sometime in Oct. 98 [computer glitch since deprived me of my original "fishface" handle & I had to reregister]. Since then I've spent WAY too much time here, but I've loved every minute! And since I sell almost as many knives as I end up buying, on a daily basis I guess it hasn't been as expensive as it feels . . . thanks again to Mike and Spark!

[previously incarnated as fishface, since 10/98]

the beatings will continue until morale improves
Been here since the beginning and this is still my favorite online site. I went onto the chat the other day and someone asked if I was new.....
Not quite day one, but right after Mike posted an add on rec.knives

My sheep has seven gall-bladders, that makes me King of the Universe!
I joined 11/25/98 and this should, if I have figured it correctly, be post number 1809.

Walk in the Light,
Hugh Fuller

[This message has been edited by FullerH (edited 04-16-2001).]
Actually, it was evening one, but who's splitting hairs

Through some mixup during an upgrade, my original registration was lost, and Spark had to reregister me at a later date. A quick look back in the archives shows a number of my posts are prior to my registration date.
I didn't find this site until the end of 2000, I am kind of glad too. If I found it sooner I would really be broke
I remember when most of us hung out at the Benchmade forum because it was the only one! I was there when Mike got banned...the first time!
Registered on 10/14/98.
Have tried to listen much, talk little. Have failed.
Have tried to learn much. OK so far.

I owe Mike and Spark one of the biggest debts.

I too have been around since the beginning. During that time I have gone from being a lowly enlisted sailor to the national sales manager for a knife company. It is safe to say, that were it not for the forums, I would not have been afforded some of the opportunities that I have had.

Thanks guys!! Isn't it about time for the group hug?

Take care,
Derek Russell
Sales Manager
Emerson Knives Inc.

The #1 Hard Use Knives In The World
I was at the old Cold Steel forum, catching a glimpse of Recdotknives.