How many spydies do YOU have?

Dec 25, 2001
I've only been hanging around this end of BFC for a few days, and it has caused me to wonder: How many Syderco's do you guys have??

I have an Endura, Lil' Temperance, Salsa and a Cricket. The Endura was my work knife for a few months, now the Salsa rules for EDC. Its smaller yet sturdy.


last night's count was 13... but shipping 2 in for warrenty soon, and I know one is a goner... maybe both... so I'll get one from warrenty credit... up to 12, and then buying a new one in a week... back to 13... hoping to clear 20 this year, but I dunno what finances look like.
I have an Endura SE/pre'98, Endura II PE, Delica FRN/CE, Delica II PE, Herbst PE, Jess Horn Lightwieght PE, Centofante PE, Meerkat PE, Mouse PE and a Rookie SS/PE. Now that I've got ten I have no choice but to go for twenty :D :D .
So far - 21. One more on preorder. 3 or 4 more I'm waiting to order (Forum SpyderHawk, Forum 3D Native and SS Cricket - maybe an ATR) :)

Endura, Merlin, Harpy, Native, 2 Meerkats, Cricket, Jester, Dyad Jr., and I have given 2 others as gifts.
I had 18 in my collection a few weeks ago, but due to some selling, trading, and whatnot, I believe that number has gone down to about 14. Soon to be 15, because of a VG-10 SE Endura replacement for my defective Calypso Jr. PE that is going to be shipped out to me tomorrow. :D :cool:
There's no such thing as "enough" Spydies. The Spyderco museum (if there is one) doesn't even have enough. More! More! More! :D

If we don't count that POS BRK Native, 39 I think, with two more on the way. And I can stop anytime I want, really.;)
Not near enough, but for now- 7

Police G-10 PE
Tim Wegner PE
Jess Horn Micarta PE
Police SS SE
Endura SS PE
Delica FRN CE
Spydercard CE

I would like to have a Smith PE, Police VG-10 PE, and a Military. Oh yeah, and a Wegner JR.
Hurrrmmm... need more, but 14 I think.

Do Jester and Ladybug really count?

Wow, I had more than I thought. 18 if you include the keychain guys.
Chinook PE
Police G10 PE early model(thanks to Jeff/1911:))
Delica II PE
Dragonfly SS PE
Native 440V FRN CE (LOST :( :grumpy: :mad: )
Lil' Temperance TP PE(sold)
Harpy G10 SE (traded)
Endura FRN SE VG10 (traded)
Endura II PE (gifted)
Salsa CE Blue (gifted)
Calypso Jr. FRN PE (gifted)

*and the story continues...:D
I have a bunch. 2 current Enduras, one serrated, one plain. 3 blue Delicas, 2 serrated, 1 plain. 3 Khalsas, maybe 4, serrated and plain. 2 Qs. Older style Enduras with red and green handles. Older blue Delica. Spydercard in wallet. Ladybugs, red, blue...Probably some others...
I have 25 Q's some multiples
And another 25 Non Q's many unique colored handles and discontinued models.
5 on their way now and 2 on backorder Lil' Temp Leaf and WTC Rescue.