How to cut a big padlock

Jan 10, 2006
One of the padlock at my shop broked and I could not go in. Now I have to cut off the padlock. I do not have the tools, because all of it are inside my shop :mad: but I could borrow some from a friend. What do you suppose is the best way to cut it off :confused: acetylene torch ? angle grinder?
.44 mag should get that lock off in a snap and it would not be loud for but a sec:D

Remember those old Master Lock commercials on TV where they fired a rifle shot through the lock and it didn't open? If you're going to shoot it off, make sure you shoot the shackle rather than the casing. :D
oops sorry i thought everyone new that shooting the lock its self didnt work well
i use to get master locks off with a tent stake and Etool but those were combonation locks and it did take some skill and strenth
Remember those old Master Lock commercials on TV where they fired a rifle shot through the lock and it didn't open? If you're going to shoot it off, make sure you shoot the shackle rather than the casing. :D

They lie.

A .41 mag will take out heavy Master padlocks, as will a .243 and that is in the laminated area. It's pretty hard to make a good shot on the haft.

The easiest way is with a sledge hammer.
How about a lock like this one?
Funny you mention was the lock on my arms room at Ft Hood!!!! A going away gift from the Supply Sgt. I have all 3 keys...even the cool master key to take it apart for cleaning or service.
yeh ive see a few of thos locks
alway keeping me out the camp lejeune toy rooms when i want to go out and play :D
"Call a really good locksmith."

OK, I'm here.

Does the key turn? If not, try flooding the keyway with WD-40. Run the key in and out a few times. Then put the key in and rap the side of the padlock that the key cuts face (that is, the side that the jagged part of the key faces) HARD with a hammer. The key may turn after that.

If the key turns but the lock doesn't open, try putting a large screwdriver through the shackle and prying WHILE THE KEY IS TURNED. Or, rap the top (where the shackle goes in) of the lock with a hammer while the key is turned.

If you can, post a brand and description of the lock and the specific problem. Maybe we can be of more help.
you'll shoot your eye out KID:D

a long cool blast of CO2 and a good slap with a hammer will do it on any padal lock;) :D
Pour some liquid oxygen or hydrogen on it and smack it with a hammer. Works in movies. :D