I fought and i”ve won the battle of the bulge

As I mentioned I'm kind of stalled at 180 lbs. not a bad weight for me, but I would like to lose this extra 25 to 30 lbs. What I'm not willing to do is eat less. I do need to exercise more and watch the nuts which are my downfall.

If the time comes when I'm desperate to lose that last ten pounds, I think I would read and follow Clarence Bass' "Ripped".

When I was a lot younger and a Bodybuilder, (which was mandatory for males my age in Brooklyn) my favorite magazine was Muscle & Fitness. Although most of the magazine articles were fairly repetitious and rather hard to believe, one contributor I put total belief in was Clarence Bass. I first heard the term ‘Ripped’ from Clarence. My friends and I were more concerned with getting bigger and not smaller and ripped. Still the first article I turned to was Clarence. Kind of like Ed Fowler's articles in Blade magazine.

I couldn’t read “Eat To Live” without thinking of Clarence Bass.

This is Clarence Bass


and this is his Philosophy.

Diet & Training Philosophy, In Brief
by Clarence Bass

First, I believe every person is conducting an experiment of one. We all have different
backgrounds, needs, goals and abilities. I would never blindly follow anyone else's diet or training
regimen, and I don't expect anyone to blindly follow mine. That's why I always try to explain not
only "how" I eat or train, but "why" as well. That's so readers can understand and evaluate my
methods, weigh my advice. I expect you to take what rings true, makes sense - most of it,
hopefully - and adapt it to your special situation. Leave the rest.


The word "diet" has a negative connotation. It conjures up thoughts of hunger and deprivation.
Diets don't work very well, because they make people unhappy. That's why I never diet. I follow
an eating style. I believe the key to permanent body fat control is eating satisfaction. There's no
need to eat foods you don't like - I never do - and there's no need to ever leave the table feeling
That doesn't mean there's no discipline involved. There is. It takes effort and planning to eat the
sensible, no-hunger way. Still, master my style of eating, and you can look forward to a lifetime of
eating satisfaction - and leanness.
The secret lies not in how much you eat, but what you eat. If you eat the right things you can
almost eat as much as you want and still lose fat; it's actually hard to overeat. What happens is
you become full and satisfied before you take in more calories than you burn.


&#8220;I believe every person is conducting an experiment of one.&#8221;

I believe that, that is exactly what I&#8217;m doing.
If you believe it or not, so are you. We are in control of what we do how we live, what we decide to put in our bodies. If you&#8217;re not happy with your results so far, do something, make changes. It&#8217;s not too late.
It's going on two years since I've posted to this thread.
I wonder if there's anybody left that still remembers me.

I'm still concerned with Living Healthy and Keeping Fit. I'm still on 'Eat To Live' and it's a part of my Lifestyle Blog. You're all welcome to take a look, see if there's anything that's of a concern to you, that I may be able to help you with.

Come say, "Hello!"
Congratulations. I thought I'd won about 20 years ago (went from 285 to 195). Then I got a job, a wife, a kid, a desk job--got fat and happy (relatively) and have ballooned to over 300 lbs. I have lost about 20 lbs from my highest but now just lose the same 5 pounds over and over.

I am having a hip replacement next month and hope to go from there. It has been exceedingly difficult to exercise the last year given pain from the hip so I'm kind of looking forward to it.
Shann, good luck with your hip. My good friend Ed Fowler went through it a couple of years ago and says it was the best thing he ever did. I think he still has his hip bone and plans to make a knife handle out of it.

You're going to go through PT, so they will get you moving without overdoing it.

You need to exercise, but people put far too much importance on it when they're looking to lose weight. It's actually 80% Diet and only 20% Exercise. Get 30 minutes of good exercise a day and you're off to a good start.

I've lost 12 lbs. in 12 days and all I've done so far is to get strict on 'Eat To Live' and walk several times a day. I plan to drop another 20 lbs by March 1st. Then I'll start jogging.
I'm still here, too!

Hip replaced in 2012, sciatica in 2014. Didn't gain as much weight as I might have because I was practically stuck indoors all year

Exercise, or physical activity, is absolutely necessary but weight loss depends on controlling eating. That includes quantity and quality. My weight goes down when I move towards more fruits and vegetables.
Hey Wally, good to see ya. How you doing. We've got to keep on keepin on, what other choice it there?
Hey Esav, sorry about the hip, I hope it's feeling better now.
Weight control is mostly about what we stick in our face. Not everything you can eat is food.
Losing weight is 80% diet and 20% exercise. We need to eat and we need to move.
No getting around it.
The hip replacement was so easy, it was almost fun :D

Physical therapy for it was like a vacation in a nice resort. Excellent kitchen, and I lost 20 lb between the diet and exercise.

Then I got home in time for Hurricane Sandy, after I got back from fleeing that power outage, my mother died. Not a year I look back on with much pleasure. On the bright side, she was 90, and she went quietly to sleep.
Esav, I know Ed lost weight after his hip replacement as well. Just how heavy is a hip joint?
The hip replacement was so easy, it was almost fun :D

Physical therapy for it was like a vacation in a nice resort. Excellent kitchen, and I lost 20 lb between the diet and exercise.

Then I got home in time for Hurricane Sandy, after I got back from fleeing that power outage, my mother died. Not a year I look back on with much pleasure. On the bright side, she was 90, and she went quietly to sleep.

Doesn't sound like fun. Cant imagine going through that. I'm going through a torn bicep, 12 weeks rehab so they say and i'm going frigen crazy from not being able to do much of anything. Its only been 3 weeks.
The hip joint itself is about the size and weight of the original flesh and bone. The in-house rehab was 3 weeks on an excellent diet, with an hour exercise twice a day.

The funny start to rehab was in the hospital. Surgery one day, woke up the next day to physical therapists walking me around the room. Three days of this and I was off to the resort. The deal is, after a hip replacement, you must begin some movement immediately or the joint will heal frozen in place.
Doesn't sound like fun. Cant imagine going through that. I'm going through a torn bicep, 12 weeks rehab so they say and i'm going frigen crazy from not being able to do much of anything. Its only been 3 weeks.

In 2014 I was wiped out by sciatica. Try 10 months without being able to sit or stand without serious pain. You have really got my sympathy!
In 2014 I was wiped out by sciatica. Try 10 months without being able to sit or stand without serious pain.
I've had bilateral sciatica for about 40 years, long before I had a weight problem. I still get occasional lower back spasm, from a slip on the ice to sleeping funny. But, I&#8217;m not laid up for days and I haven&#8217;t seen a chiropractor in probably 20 years.

If you're interested I can show you how I Prevent future spasm.
Hey Wally, good to see ya. How you doing. We've got to keep on keepin on, what other choice it there?

Doing good, hanging in there. Trying hard to do mile forced mile march every night. Playing serious ping pong&#8230;

Gotta stay on the green side of the grass :)

Ed, glad you are doing better. You didn't make a knife handle out of the old hip, right?
;) :)
Wally, I'll check with Ed, and get back to you. Or I'll point him here and let me bring us up to speed on the "Hip Bone Handle Knife".
The cap of my hip that I wanted to use is still loosing fat, I now know why dogs like to chew off the ends of bones, they must be very nutritious!

I keep it wrapped with fresh paper towels and plan on stabilizing it then sticking it on the end of a knife handle. I thought it would be like ivory, boy was I wrong!

Thanks for remembering my project.