"I just need to cut something."

I am sure that in 30 years time I will be telling my grandkids how in the old days the internet was much simpler, you had a keyboard and a mouse not some fangled gizmo that plugs into your spine and I will see their faces as they wonder what a mouse was doing anywhere near a computer :)

Third graders around here have cell phones, I can't comprehend how confusing life will be when my kids are my age. I am worried about my girls' futures. I got my first knife, a Kabar 2 blade from my babysitter's husband who was a part time gun show knife dealer when I was in kindergarten. I still have it, my Ulster scout knife, and many Schrade knives. Got a single shot 12 ga in the 4th grade because that is what my dad had. I didn't even get a .22 until I was in High School because my farming family was worried about the range of .22 for hunting. it was about putting meat in the pot to them, not about leisure or skill. Shotgun hulls were reloaded and used again. I carried a knife every day since kindergarten. I too remember the hardware store displays. Thanks for the memories.
I never spent any time in an old hardware store, but I was always happy to go to the local JC Penney to look at the knives they had for sale. I bought a few of my first knives there.
Yep, those were the good ole days. It makes me sad to think about how life has gotton so complicated.
I really worry about my 15 year old daughter. Alot more stress on folks these days.

With both my parents now being gone, and me turning 50 this year, it has me thinking often about the good ole simple days of my youth. I'm trying to simplify my life a bit, and have sold alot of stuff I just don't need lately(many safe queen knives included). I keep saying I'm gonna loose my cell phone and internet one of these days. But not sure if I can let the internet go since its about the only place I can see alot of knives anymore.

Thanks for your thoughts jackknife:thumbup:
Yep, those were the good ole days. It makes me sad to think about how life has gotton so complicated.
I really worry about my 15 year old daughter. Alot more stress on folks these days.

With both my parents now being gone, and me turning 50 this year, it has me thinking often about the good ole simple days of my youth. I'm trying to simplify my life a bit, and have sold alot of stuff I just don't need lately(many safe queen knives included). I keep saying I'm gonna loose my cell phone and internet one of these days. But not sure if I can let the internet go since its about the only place I can see alot of knives anymore.

Thanks for your thoughts jackknife:thumbup:

Wan't that a liberating experiance, Ken?

I did a really major downsize of my stuff, inspired by my better half who did it with her stuff. I was a little resistant at first, but when Karen would hold up somethng and ask "When was the last time you used this?" I would stutter and stammer, and she'd ask "Okay, when is the next time you're going to use it?" and I wouldn't have an answer. I ended up calling ver the kids, grandkids, nephews, niece, friends, and giving away tons of stuff. Guns, knives, tools, clothing, and so on.

Afterward I felt the most wonderful sense of liberation. I kkept just the stuff I had used in the last year. As it turned out, that was all my favorite stuff anyways.
Wan't that a liberating experiance, Ken?

It sure was, even more so than I thought it would be.

About every friend that comes by has been leaving with some stuff from here lately. If I don't plan to use it I just call it "stuff" now...And I still have alot of "stuff" to get rid of!
Well, I still call all the stuff I use stuff also,lol.
JK, Its refreshing and healthy to take a stroll down ole memory lane every now and again. Your stories and items sure do open up the floodgates of sweet pictures. Again many thanks for blessing us with your knack/gift to do so:thumbup:
Jackknife thanks for more words of great guidance. Following your teachings I have been able to somewhat slow life’s pace a little and it is just as simple as stopping to help. Have been working with a new guy for about six months, his speed safe knife fell apart and he has been working with a cheap knife and it just bugs me, so I dug in my STUFF (Stuff that has not been used since I got it) found the same model knife that fell apart on him and gave it to him today. He loves it and is happy. As for me I thought what would Jackknife do and I downsized one knife that I never used to a person that needed it.
I have been living a kinda simple life for years now being 43.
And I feel great about it.
I don't need or want a super duper flatscreen megapixel TV. When my last TV broke down I bought an old one second hand for EUR 25.
Still working after 3 years.

I have a simple Volkswagen station. Because I really need it for work and for getting my son over.

I never go on expensive hollidays. I mostly spend them with my son just chilling together and going places. Wouldn't want it any other way.

Knives, I still got a bunch of them. Mostly fully serrated Spyderco's. I never hardly carry them anymore. Just keep them for memory of my Spyderco days and their very nice forum.

I have a LG Renoir for a mobile and I hate the thing with a passion. I'm still considering to sell it and buy a simple "just call and sms" phone.

And I sure like my not so complicated life.