I think SH-E likes it here

Troy H

I'm always like this.
Jan 28, 2005
I got a chance this afternoon to give my new Steel Heart a workout.

Enjoy. ;)








First impressions are important and I think that SH-E has passed with flying colors. :thumbup:






Maybe there is more to these Busses than just good looks. ;) :D
:thumbup: awesome pics. How did SH-E compare to the RW?

I was thinking of doing some winter camping/shelter building this next weekend and really give my knives a workout. Must gather supplies. . .

Of course with my luck, it will suddenly drop to 20 below:jerkit:
Cool pics! I spent a few years on Whidbey Island when I was a kid, those woods shots brought back some fond memories!
Nice pics 360, it makes me want to add a busse even more to my collection of rats.
BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!! Looks cold and wet! But, any day is a good day with Busse's and Rats! :D
Those are great pics, and I am envious.:thumbup: My only question is about that white stuff on the ground. :D
Rat Finkenstein said:
:thumbup: awesome pics. How did SH-E compare to the RW?

I was thinking of doing some winter camping/shelter building this next weekend and really give my knives a workout. Must gather supplies. . .

Of course with my luck, it will suddenly drop to 20 below:jerkit:

If it does drop to 20 below, that's all the more reason for the fire -- not going is out of the question. ;)

As far as the comparison, hmmm....how do I say this...

Having already made the giant leap in performance from some other brand blades to Swamp Rat, I didn't get that same boost going from the Ratweiler to the Steel Heart, but I was not disappointed. So far, with my limited use, I would say that they are very comparable although each of them excelled in different areas.

Handle Comfort: I'm a bit torn on this one. The Ratweiler fills my hand better, but I also like the sleek thin scales of the SH. The SH certainly seems to have a "grippier" texture. I did not get any hot-spots or blisters from either handle.
Choil: The choil on the SH is a bit too small to use with gloved hands, though very comfortable if not wearing them. Not really a win/lose category as making the choil larger will certainly be one of my mods.
Talon Hole: The rear talon hole is dropped lower and more forward than the RW. The only time that this made a difference was when choking back for chopping. In doing this, the talon hole became a bit of an obstacle and actually caused a bit of pain when choking back to two fingers -- if I only choke back to three, it was not as noticable.
Chopping: Chopping goes to the Ratweiler. It seems to be balanced a bit more blade heavy and tends to take bigger bites.
Splitting: The Steel Heart takes this one hands down with its full height grind. It splits lumber like a laser.
Piercing: Definitely goes to the Ratweiler. The spear point on the RW minimizes the resistance caused by the width of the spine.
Throwing: Stands to reason with the "piercing" category...the Ratweiler wins here as well. The Steel Heart just didn't penetrate as well. Plus it had a tendency to hit "spine up" which is not normal...perhaps SH-E was nervous. ;)

As I said, I'm still not certain which will become my favorite. It's too early to tell, this was just my first outing with them. The Steel Heart made quite an impression on me, but I can't describe it yet. Perhaps, it is the sleek thin lines or maybe how SH-E split her lumber -- that is my favorite chore and SH-E was absolutley brilliant here. Hmmm...not sure what it is. Maybe I will be able to beat this information out of her. Okay...now SH-E's laughing at me. :o

One thing that really surprised me, yesterday, was how well the Heavy Duty throws! I never would have expected it, but it was a really fun blade -- made the coolest little "thuk" when it stuck into its' target. It stuck like a dart and buried half of its blade every time. :cool:

Thanks for the compliments on the pics, fellas. :thumbup:
An HD in action! :eek: Now that's what I've been wanting to see.. :D

As other have said, awesome photos, 360joules! :thumbup:
Nice pics, you Pig! :p :D

Instead of 360joules, we'll have to call you HogJoules. Or is that Jowls? :confused:
No no no. Don't forget who you're dealing with, guys...I'm a Rat!

The reason that I'm beating THE CRAP out of these Hog blades isn't because I like them, it's because I just hate them that much!

Alright! Pics of more Hog abuse!! Woo-hoo!

Keep 'em coming! :thumbup:

Edit: Rats being put to "the fire" will work, also.. ;)
Cool pics 360. That weather looks pretty nice realy, as it is about 30 celcius and really humid here. Good to see busse's getting used. I would love to get one someday, but will have to stick to my rats for now..
Outstanding pics 360. I'd expect no less from a outdoorsman such as yourself. Really put them through the paces didn't ya. That RW sure looks up for the part. Have to admit the clip on her sure looks menacing! :eek:

Keep up the good work, ya flippin Hog...errr Rat!