If Hinderer produced a (fill in the blank)...I'd buy it.

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Coozies...definitely neoprene coozies. With all of the snow pics, a white/off white or snow digicam scale would be pretty darn amazing.

How hard would it be to build a flashlight? If we all spend $500+ on a knife, dropping $150-250 on a sweet EDC flashlight is a no brainer. They could sell a ridiculous amount of them.
Coozies...definitely neoprene coozies. With all of the snow pics, a white/off white or snow digicam scale would be pretty darn amazing.

How hard would it be to build a flashlight? If we all spend $500+ on a knife, dropping $150-250 on a sweet EDC flashlight is a no brainer. They could sell a ridiculous amount of them.

You, sir, are a genius! A white scale on a black DLC Wharnie would be sick! (<---- I don't use that word as a positive adjective lightly, as I am not 16).

Could call it the Hinderer Stormtrooper Knife (Star War variety, not Nazi)..
I think that that would have no problem at all selling different types of scales.
I carry a tt chopper pocket tool on my keychain and have a leatherman ti charge in my truck that I use quite a bit.
I carry a tt chopper pocket tool on my keychain and have a leatherman ti charge in my truck that I use quite a bit.

I've got a Juice onboard (just recently). And an old-school all black Leatherman in my bag (for a long time).
What do you like better about the juice?

It is much more capable. Used it for countless tasks and it has only replaced the Squirt for about a full month now. I have no need for the saw (yet), but the rest of it is quite handy (aside from the blade...if it has one...I've never used it). Saves going to the vehicle/bag/etc. for a this/that when an easily manageable task presents itself.

All that said, the biggest advantage is also its greatest drawback for EDC...the size.
I carry a tt chopper pocket tool on my keychain and have a leatherman ti charge in my truck that I use quite a bit.

Got a TTI in my truck too that I use quite a bit as well.

On topic I would LOVE it if Hinderer came out with some IKBS folders.
^ I'm a big fan of the Teflon washers. They work great. Simple and effective. I had a knife (I'll keep the maker a secret) that had ikbs and it got clogged with sediment on a hunting trip. It kind of turned me off to ikbs.
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