If this guy is right then we’re all wrong.

Oct 1, 1999
I must admit from the time I receive Blade magazine and the next issue I drool over all the pictures and read every word. As I’m reading the March 2000 issue I got the surprise of my life. The article “Blue-Collar Blades”, Pro Bow hunter and outdoor writer John Sloan uses a Frost Cutlery “Cat Skinner”? He says the knife has excellent balance and a solid grip, and likes how well and easy the blade takes an edge, easier to sharpen than most.”

Now folks you have to admit, there’s not that many people on the Forums who would even admit to owning a Frost Cutlery knife, let alone say that they like it or would recommend it. Yet here is a man that makes his living outdoors using a knife and he likes it, he really really likes it. Can we all be wrong, and this guy right?
Anything is possible these days! You've got to watch Blade's editorial staff though. They've put out some real zingers in the past. Kinda like the way you gotta watch what Bill Blowhard, uh...er, Bagwell and Lynn Thompson say about the absolute superiority of their knives.

-Redleg out.

"Blessed is the Lord my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle..." excerpted from Psalms 144.
Don't pull any punches, tell us what you really think?
Phil, did Frost happen to have a full-page ad in the same issue?



aka Dagda the Insatiable, Member of the Terrible Ironic HORDE
"I may be goin' to hell in a bucket, Babe, but at least I'm enjoyin' the ride."

[This message has been edited by bcaffrey (edited 01 January 2000).]
Frost had an add for "Hen & Rooster" B&W and not a full page, does Frost own that brand? Why would this guy John Sloan put his name and reputation on the line? Has anyone ever heard of him? I mean is it possible that Frost could have a decent knife in their line? Don't get me wrong I'm not running out to buy a Frost knife, but I've heard that the sun shines even on a dogs butt, is that the case here?
No, that would be the Frost Cutlery of the Home Shopping Network.

You know:
Order now, and we'll throw in this complete collector's set of GINSU KNIVES FOR FREE!"

Excuse me, I need to go shower now...

So, what IS the speed of dark?
I noticed the same thing. It made me do a double take. Basically you can't account for taste. This guy might be an expert bow hunter, but not know a whole lot about knives. His skill may be enough to offset a fairly crappy knife performance. I've known some old guys that could catch fish left and right with inferior tackle. Some people are also so hard on their knives that spending more than 20-30 bucks on a knife would be out of the question. I think somebody just needs to send this guy a decent knife and let him decide how much he loves his Frost.

Paul Davidson

Them:"What's that clipped to your pocket, a beeper?"
Me:"Uuh....yeah, something like that."

Maybe Sloan is in some way connected with Frost. Do they make anything other then knives? Maybe they have some archery products. Who knows?
It's a coincidence, but I just sharpened a
Frost Cutlery knife for a friend of mine
who is probably one of the best deer hunters
around. It's a medium sized, 2 bladed pen-
knife. One clip-point blade and one "straight
razor" shaped blade. I told my buddy it was
a really cheap knife, but he insisted that
it did the "job" and that I was foolish for
spending the money I do on my knives. He's
probably right...but anyhow...the soft steel
was relatively easy to bring to hair-shaving
capabilities. I told him I doubted the edge
would last long, but he was very happy with
it, and what do I know! Different strokes...
Shivy, you're right; there is no accounting for taste. One fellow I work with carries an old electrician's style knife (the one with one knife and one screwdriver blade) and it has been beat to heck and then some. It has been (mis)sharpened so often that the blade has a thousand angles to it, but this gent won't buy a new one. I have put a decent edge back on it for him and he appreciates it, but he does not see the need for any of the new-fangled stuff I've shown him. It's all about perceptions of quality and value, some guys I know make 10 times my salary and complain about the cost of small SAK. Go figure. I guess that's why they have horse races.

A dedicated ELU
Buck Collectors Club Member
Knifeknut(just ask my wife)
Cetan Blood Brother Society Member
Hold it!!!

Let's not go slamming Mr Sloan's character based on his taste in knives.

He was very clear that one of the things he liked about the Frost Cat Skinner was the "ease of sharpening". I believe that he also mentioned that he always carried a pocket sharpener with him.

He is not the first person to state that he would prefer to have a steel that is easy to sharpen than one that holds an edge longer.

I personally prefer the newer high performance blade materials but I will not attack anyone for choosing something that works for them.

I don't think that the fact that this gentleman is more comfortable sharpening a knife makes us wrong to pursue knives that hold an edge better.

Perhaps in time there will be a reasonably priced Blade Material that sharpens easily and holds an edge extremely well. I don't believe we have such a material yet but I am looking forward to it.

AKTI Member No. A000370
Although I am accelerating down the slippery slope of "knife accumulation" and appreciate fine knives, let us not automatically assume something is wrong if a guy uses a Frost Cutlery knife and likes it. As other posters point out, some guys don't like to spend alot of money on their knives. OK. He's also not going to cry when he loses, chips or bends it. He's not going to think much about putting it to rough use.

Second, they must sell alot of Frost Cutlery knives judging by the Smoky Mountain catalog and tables at gun shows. Somebody is buying them.

Third, I've always wondered what the quality of the knives of the pioneers, settlers and mountain men were. I'm betting many were on par or worse than Frost Cutlery knives. If a modern bow hunter is satisfied with the same performance, who's to criticize?

It would be interesting, though, to find out how picky the gentleman is about his arrowheads. :-)
Very good and valid points, SDouglas.
Freedom means just that. The freedom to use whatever your comfortable using.

MUST...RESIST...URGE...TO...SLAM...Frost Cutlery....

So, what IS the speed of dark?
WELL SAID !, Sdouglas
I have some good knives,and some cheap
knives and they all have thier pros and cons.
an easy to sharpen knife is a blessing in the field. thats why my hunting and fishing
knives are all AUS8 stainless.
this is my first post to this,or any, forum so forgive me if dose not come out right.

Once upon a time I had a girlfriend that could be best described as "interesting looking". But we got along just great, she was wickedly smart & had a super sense of humor. Despite the concerted efforts of some friends & some "pretty" girls, I stuck by this woman.
You can never tell- Also, how many kids play with the boxes & wrapping paper on Christmas rather than the toys that came wrapped in them? It's a strange & beautiful world, full of mystery & adventure. No telling why that otherwise much-maligned company produced a "winner".

Runs With Scissors
AKTI# A000107
Yea, I believe it was blade magazine who put out a pretty bizarre article a while back. It was on a fixed blade knife with a ti/steel laminated blade. They bent the blade in a vise as part of the test. The blade stayed bent and was hammered back into shape. This knife was however claimed to be "of excellent design and construction". Also recall seeing an article (in blade?) on another fixed blade which was incredibly flexible. It was however described as a "great defensive carry piece"!! You really have to wonder about the credibility of some people!
The man who taught me Metal Shop in Highschool has trapped, hunted and fished his whole life. He's killed more game and fish than any 100 people I could put together, really. He feeds his family of 6 off the land. His knife? any 3 bladed stockman-he liked the SEARS Craftsman ones that Schrade (I believe) made. He'ed sharpen the main blade COMPLETELY away in the course of a year, and go buy another. I'd show up with the "best" drop point design for cleaning deer, or a fillet blade for fish, and he'd beat me every time. He simply had learned to do everything with one knife, and he could do it all well. And, yes, he used it in the kitchen, too, but, not for everything.
Is that the right knife for everyone? Thank God, no, or, I'd be wasting my time making customs. But, it was for HIM!

RJ Martin