In very bad taste.

I almost ignored your post because it said Basic Member beneath your name. :p

Anyway I've heard this complaint before, I got a notice. Let me askk this did you check your PM and email acrefully? Do you have your message filters set? Are you still checking the same account email you signed up with?
Dave these are all excellent points and since I can not answer yes to all of them I will have to recant my original post. Thanks Mike
Bad masterchef. :(

Shame. . .shame. . .the horrible shame. :grumpy:

Does that make you feel better ? :p :D

Now back to knife stuff. :D
Let mine run out back in January and I felt so ashamed. There were days I had to force myself to log on! ;) :D :)
For you gold members out there--when you click on your own profile, do you have a date where it says "Paid Membership Expires?" When I click your profiles I see a date, but when I click on my own, I do not. Is that just me? Kinda seems like it should be the other way around. Just curious.

I've got my user cp set as the page Bladeforums comes up on for me. Any messages and subscribed forums or threads show up right there.

But nothing Mike does is in bad taste! :cool:
As best I understand the situation: unless you signed up or renewed your membership recently, it doesn't say in your profile when your membership will expire and you won't be notified in advance. That's not a good situation, but there doesn't seem to be anything we can do about it.

People who signed up or renewed recently and in the future do have the expiration date in their profiles and will be notified before their membership expires.
Originally posted by Cougar Allen
As best I understand the situation: unless you signed up or renewed your membership recently, it doesn't say in your profile when your membership will expire and you won't be notified in advance. That's not a good situation, but there doesn't seem to be anything we can do about it.

People who signed up or renewed recently and in the future do have the expiration date in their profiles and will be notified before their membership expires.
Thanks, Coug--that kinda sucks, but at least I know it's not some consipiracy against me :p :rolleyes: . I guess I'll have to go back through my records to figure out my renewal date since it should be coming up in a couple of months.

I have a calendar program on my computer that reminds me of all my needs.

Cool little program. . .and keeps me out of trouble. ;) :D


But hell. . .what's life ~ without a little trouble. :D
Originally posted by GigOne
I have a calendar program on my computer that reminds me of all my needs.

Cool little program. . .and keeps me out of trouble. ;) :D


But hell. . .what's life ~ without a little trouble. :D
Which one do you use? I've been looking for one I like.
My ISP home site has a calender on it... you can set your own dates on it, and it has a "# of days till _______" on it, that changes as soon as the reminder is done. I can set anything I want in, it has 50 spots so I can load up a few reminders.
Bad taste?

I understand from a friend in Chicago that has been there that masterchef doesn't have THAT problem!