Interesting reading at Benchmade's Forum that affects YOU :)

tique, I'm sure they would, but it probably couldn't hurt anyway. Someone might as well also email the regulars at the BM forum with a link to this thread, since some of them don't come by here too much.

Good work Mike! If they won't listen to us, maybe they'll listen to you.

And thanks, Carl, for saving and posting Mike's post. I was too late to see it over there.

Jason aka medusaoblongata
"Paradise lies in the shadow of swords." - Nietzsche
Word of warning, Mike's post is probably the sole property of benchmade, as likely agreed to by Mike when he got his user ID.

Posting contents of another forum in this forum, even if it's ok with MikeT, could violate benchmade's user agreement and give MikeT some legal problems.

I only mention this because I don't want MikeT to get into trouble. Perhaps, Mike should post a "rough draft" personal copy that he has kept.

Nice one Mike!

Thanks for keeping this forum up and running!

I got thrown of the BM Forum for telling someone about my liner problems with my AFCK!

Something stinks!

And to think...


"To strive to seek to find and not to yield"
Ranger motto

A few useful details on UK laws and some nice reviews!
I just posted a link there to this thread, we'll see how long it lasts...

Jason aka medusaoblongata
"Paradise lies in the shadow of swords." - Nietzsche
I wouldn't be surprised that if BM shut down their own forum completely at this point.

I dont' think there is anything in the policy that you agree to when you join their forum that would give Mike any trouble.

[This message has been edited by tique (edited 01-23-2001).]
I saved the file as an HTML document. I have permission from Benchmade to use their Trademarks and other material so I will post the HTML file, in it's entirety so this all makes sense.

The subject matter was on topic as it involves Benchmade and their policies and how it effects the consumer buying their knives. I respect their right to remove teh thread as I would expect them to respect my right to do the same. I will not attempt to force teh issue on them at this time nor is it necessary for Travis, Les or Greg to come over here and defend themselves or their policies.

Les runs Benchmade the way he wants. The problem I see is that it is affecting my business and my ability to make a living. It now also effects the consumer and that included the members of this forum who I feel an obligation to help when I can. I am not saying in any way that what Benchmade is doing is not legal, that is for the courts to decide. What I am saying is that when a manufacturer creates policies about pricing which artificially increase the price to the consumer it may need to be looked at from a legal standpoint.

I will post the HTML file later when I get back home and more information regarding this subject and places you can go to see the actual laws regarding pricing.

Right now you can scan and look under antitrust law, price fixing and vertical price agreements to get a better understanding.

Don't you guys want to buy all that cool new stuff I posted after the Shot Show from your favorite on-line dealer? It kind of pisses me off that I take calls and emails daily answering questions about new products seen right here on BladeForums only to not be able to sell them.

I understand that the brick and mortar dealers need to have incentives to be able to compete with on-line retailers but I also have a plan that addresses that and makes everyone happy. It is unfortunate that Benchmade will not listen. We are viewed as the enemy and that was told to me verbally by Greg Moony. So as long as we are viewed in that light I guess we will always be somewhere around Def Con 3.

Also raising prices will not work as I have proven in the past. If you raise the price of your products, the on-line dealers will simply use the same profit margins they now work on and the end result is that, percentage wise, nothing is accomplished.

I posted on Benchmade's forum over 2 years ago a way to do this. I may still have that in my files. I will see.

Best Regards,
Mike Turber
BladeForums Site Owner and Administrator
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I say screw 'em!!! Their knives are decent, but there are alternative choices.

I guess you didn't want my animated gif Para.
I just took it out completely.


[This message has been edited by rdnzl (edited 01-23-2001).]

I had NO idea that my post on the BM site would create this much controversy!!!! I originally asked the BMST (Travis) that question because of one internet dealer's rsponse to pricing.

I certainly hope that BM reconsiders their position.

Mike, I support you 100% in this.

I'm sorry to see it got deleted. Wonder if I'm now banned from there???
I doubt either of us are banned. It would be like killing Obi Wan Kenobi

Original thread will be up in a few

Best Regards,
Mike Turber
BladeForums Site Owner and Administrator
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OK Here ya go. Keep in mind since this file no longer resides on Benchmade's server the graphics and link will not work properly. The message is 100% intact.

Best Regards,
Mike Turber
BladeForums Site Owner and Administrator
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I think you should drop the Benchmade line. I won't buy there products anymore. I'm considering them to be just like Smith and Wesson. I think we should just boycott them. I've got Spyderco and REKAT to buy from.

Ben Lee
AOL IM: MSURifleman
I think dropping BM is premature. I'll be putting some words in people's mouths here, so feel free to squelch me. I won't be offended.

It seems both Mike and BM are in this business to make money. Neither finds the practices of the other to be what they desire to optimize their perceived business.

And both have taken steps to achieve their goals. Their steps and goals are currently in conflict but who does it serve for Mike to drop Benchmade. That hurts him more than it does BM (I'm guessing here). It might be an interesting moral gesture, but it doesn't accomplish any of what either party is interested in.

In the end, this is something the market is likely to sort out, though a couple of lawyers stand to make some dough on both sides.

I won't be droppng the Benchmade line. It would have little or no effect. No I have other plans and a higher goal that should help out all involved. First I need to get past MT.

I will make a public statement however. Make 1SKS, KnifeCenter, KnifeOutlet, AKO, 888KnivesRUs direct dealers and I will take no further action. If I did not mention your business it is because these are the only ones that I can think of off hand that I know for a fact are legitimate full time dealers with business licenses and an actual location other than there home.

This is not meant as a threat either but a suggestion that it would be a very good step in the right direction.

Best Regards,
Mike Turber
BladeForums Site Owner and Administrator
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Wow, I had no idea things like this are going on. This has been a real eye opener.
I think until Benchmade make a few changes that I will be able to live without purchasing one of their knives.
To tell you the truth, I have my eye on so many other knives that this will not be much of a hardship.
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Mike Turber:

I will make a public statement however. Make 1SKS, KnifeCenter, KnifeOutlet, AKO, 888KnivesRUs direct dealers and I will take no further action.

doh! you want competitive advantage in order to drop it? you'll drop it as long as you get an advantage over "garage/internet dealers"?

That is correct amalgam and here is why.

I take the time to run a real business, pay taxes, pay for advertising, pay for employees who also pay taxes, pay for a building and more taxes, pay for a REAL web site, do my own images or use the ones supplied by the makers and not STEAL them, I do the shows and pay dearly to get to them and I could go on for ever.

Should I have an advantage over someone who does not have a business license, tax ID # etc.. and is perhaps operating an ilegitimate business?

My answer is yes!

You see the manufacturers think that we have very little overhead and that is our tactical advantage. I say BULL ****.

Here is a breakdown of my bills and I will compare them against any brick and mortar.

Rent: $1600
Electric: $200
Phone: $600-1000+
Ads: $800-2500 depending on season
Server and T1: $1,500 +
Software and license: $350+
Salary: $10,000
And about $1,000 or so in day to day stuff

Any brick and mortar wish to compare?

I think the manufacturers have the right to pick who they want as dealers but it should be fair not only in my eyes but the eyes of the FTC. To rule out one segment of dealers simply because they are net based is no longer an acceptable excuse, especially when the brick and mortars now have a on-line presence themselves.

I am not asking for anything special, just a level playing field. I think that is fair, don't you?

Best Regards,
Mike Turber
BladeForums Site Owner and Administrator
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I don't think that Mike is asking for anything unreasonable. As a consumer/forum member I will back him up any way that I can.

In fact, I think he is being more than reasonable. I prefer to buy from someone like 1SKS or the like as I like working with a dealer with a good reputation. Someone dealing out of their garage has little to no interest with me, their knives are questionable, and there is no guarantee that they are what they say they are. A shop like 1SKS is a major company. They have an excellent reputation, they have tons of people to back said reputation up, and they run a kick ass forum
Thanks Mike,

At least someone is out there looking out for the little guy.

Life is good.........


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