Interpreting the brass rod deflection test

Jan 21, 2000
My understanding of this test is that an edge bevel is pressed against a brass rod to see if it will visibly deflect under pressure and then return to true. I understand that this exhibits elasticity and resistance to cracking.

Beyond that, two questions:

1.) What else, if anything, does the test demonstrate?

2.) What predictions can reliably be made from this test, regarding strength, ductility, tendencies to roll rather than chip, etc.?

Corollary questions:

1. Are results of this test equally significant on all blades, regardless of thickness, or does blade geometry play a part in interpreting the result? In other words, doesn't a thinner edge have somewhat more elasticity than a thicker one out of the same material?

2. Does the amount of pressure required to deflect the edge play a part in interpreting the result?

3. Why use a brass rod rather than some other metal, such as a smooth sharpening steel? Does the brass deflect as well, keeping pressure from being concentrated on too small an area?

Will :

1.) What else, if anything, does the test demonstrate?

If a blade "passes", by definition, the elastic region of deformation has not been exceeded so you can infer that it is wide. Note all steels will return to the original state if stressed in this manner, there is only danger of fracture if you enter the plastic deformation region. I can bend my CPM-10V blade and even though it is a very high alloy steel at 62.5 RC, unless I bend it until it takes a set, there is no danger of the blade breaking. If you do go past this point, and the blade suffers deformation it can not recover from, it has entered the plastic deformation region and the knife will break at some point when pressed further, some steels will not see significant plastic deformation before they suffer brittle failure, some will.

2.) What predictions can reliably be made from this test, regarding strength, ductility, tendencies to roll rather than chip, etc.?

The strength would be correlated to how hard you have to press on the blade to induce a deflection. Of course the edge angle influences the result obviously, a thicker edge would need more force to be deflected so this has to be taken into account if you are comparing blades with different edge angles. Do the test on a scale if you want to get a number.

In regards to ductility (assuming the level of deflection was constant), if the blade deflects and returns to true it is difficult to infer anything about the ductility as by definition that measures the extent of the plastic deformation region, how far a blade will take a set before it fractures (this is however very strongly correlated to how far it will bend before it takes a set). If the edge deflects and stays bent then you have shown that the elastic deformation region is not as wide as on the steel that returned to true, however ductility is good. You can put a number on the ductility by seeing just how distorted the edge will get before it fractures. Lastly, if the edge deflects and fractures you have shown that both the elastic and plastic deformation regions are shallow and that the ductility is low.

In regards to edge durability, assuming the test is always done under the same amount of force and on edges of the same geometry, if the edge deflects and returns to true this edge will be the most durable under that particular level of slow lateral load because it will deflect and then return to true. The edge that deformed under stress will likewise deform in use, and similar for the edge that fractured.

There are however a couple of important considerations. First off all as you noted you can't ignore the amount of force used. Edges that chip out under the brass rod test are usually those of higher RC on high alloy steels and thus under the same amount of force that deflects a lower alloy softer steel, they won't deflect at all due to their higher strength. Thus, in use at that level of force, they will be more durable than the blade that "passed" the brass rod test because they won't even see edge deflection (or see it less severely) and thus will have a lower induced fatigue.

Now what about if the edge sees a lateral load that is above the force used in the brass rod test? Well in this case the edge that chipped out at a lower load will chip out again, no surprise there. The edge that deformed may now keep deforming or it may have its plastic region exceeded and it may fracture. The edge that "passed" may now see a load that is high enough to move it into the plastic deformation region and it may fracture or it may not depending on its ductility.

There is also another further complication, durability under slow loads is not well correlated to durability under sudden loads (i.e.. shock). In general the more ductile the steel the more shock resistant, but there are exceptions, and the relationship is not trivial (make it twice as ductile, it is twice as shock resistant).

You can put a number on the ductility by examining the performance under specific loads. For example, with edges that "fail" the brass rod test by deforming, they won't fail it under a very low load as they will have some region of elastic deformation, it is just very shallow. As well with edges that "fail" the brass rod test by fracture, they too have a shallow region of elastic and plastic deformation, so you should be able to both see them deform and return to true and deform and stay set. So basically do the work on a scale and proceed slowly. You should be able to map out the width of the plastic and elastic regions and the forces required to induced their onset. Once this is done you can make strong statements about the edges behavior under slow loads.

That sounds fairly interesting actually, I am glad you asked the question Will, I'll try to explore it in some detail this winter and see if I can't put some numbers on the above for a few steels.

Edge durability is a rather complicated aspect as it depends on the hardness, shock resistance and the width of the elastic and plastic deformation regions. I have some more results with Ray's blades on bone and concrete that I'll post up shortly with commentary on how the various materials apsects influenced the results.

1. Are results of this test equally significant on all blades, regardless of thickness, or does blade geometry play a part in interpreting the result?

No, and yes. Just as you describe the thicker the edge the harder the test. This is why Phil Wilson can take his 59 RC S90V fillet blades and bend the tip until it takes a set with no fear of cracking the blade. They are ground from 1/8" stock and have a full distal taper. With a 10" blade that means that most of the flex is through 1/32" of steel which has a full flat primary grind, and of course a fully rounded spine. The following thread shows the same aspect in some detail :

In other words, doesn't a thinner edge have somewhat more elasticity than a thicker one out of the same material?

Yes, when you bend a piece of steel the amount of deformation that it sees internally is dependent both on the amount of curvature you induce and its thickness. As you move outwards from the center of the steel, the material has to proportionally distort to a further degree. Note as well that the size of the brass rod has a very dramatic effect as well. The smaller the bar the harder it is for the edge as the curvature induced is much greater. The edge finish is a factor as well, the higher the polish the better the edge will do. A convex profile will fare better as well. As will a blade that has a smooth primary -> edge transition.

Does the amount of pressure required to deflect the edge play a part in interpreting the result?

It would show the strength of the steel.

Why use a brass rod rather than some other metal, such as a smooth sharpening steel?

The edge of the knife has exposed carbides and they would readily cut up the steel if you used high pressure. By the same reason you don't want to use a really hard material as the opposite could be true as well. Plus brass is cheap, doesn't rust etc. .

Does the brass deflect as well, keeping pressure from being concentrated on too small an area?

The brass will indent on some level, however given the surface area of the contact and how both structures are supported, the edge of the knife will give way long before the brass sees significant enough deflection to effect the distortion induced along the edge.

Consider the following as an example of some of the above concepts :

Ed Fowler's 52100 blades have a very high ductility as once they go beyond the elastic deformation region (30 degree bend) and enter into the region where they stay bent, they can be pushed on very far before they suffer brittle fracture (180+ degrees). On the opposite end of the spectrum the INFI blades from Busse Combat have a much wider elastic region, they will go far beyond 30 degrees without taking a set, however they have a much more shallow plastic region, once they do take a bend, they can't be pressed on much further before they fracture, and it is no where near 180 degrees, < 90.

Anyway, in short; a blade that "passes" the test has a wide elastic region, one that "fails" by staying deformed has a shallow elastic region but a wide plastic one, a blade that "fails" by fracture has a shallow plastic region (and most likely a shallow elastic one as well). However as you noted, there are a lot of details about how the test is done that can make interpreting the results complicated. The best blade for a given situation may for example be one that "fails" the test but only does so under a very high load, one that would not be approached in use.


Thank you for that extensive reply to my questions. From your explanation, it's obvious that there are many variables influencing the results of the test. This would seem to make any unqualified statement that a blade has "passed the brass rod deflection test" somewhat suspect. What value do you place on such statements?

Thanks again,
After re-reading the above, including my last post, it occurs to me that I'm probably making too much out of the test and what it represents. I'm thinking that for those who find value in the test, my remarks may even have seemed inflammatory. Far from my intent.

If one knows the other variables involved, such as the RC of the edge, whether the blade was differentially tempered, and a little about the primary and secondary grinds and blade thickness, I can see where an edge deflection test would be one more piece of info that would be interesting to note. When talking to a maker, all of these other aspects are easy enough to ask about. If the knife's edge will deflect and return to true, it obviously shows some range of elasticity, and together with a given RC for the blade, would indicate some general strength and toughness parameters.

One other question: Is the rod pressed against the edge only at one point to test deflection, or is the rod passed along the length of the edge under pressure, to test the entire edge? If anyone who uses the test could shed a little more light on its application, I would appreciate it.

Thanks again,
Will :

What value do you place on such statements?

I'll give you an example :

Last night I spent some time doing brass rod (actually Al rod) testing on a Sub-Sniper from Lynn Griffith. It is ATS-34 at ~60 RC. The edge I have modified down to <9 degrees per side. I was using a rod which had a 0.375" diameter and I had the knife edge at a 45 degree angle to the rod, just because it is easy to visually estimate.

It would take about 10 lbs to induce a visible deflection. I could see the edge of the knife give a little as it would turn dark as it was no longer reflecting light straight back to me. I could also feel this happening, but it was a very small effect, easy to miss. Once the edge deflected I could relax the pressure and it would return to true. I could also slide it along the rod and the blade would keep denting and returning to true.

Somewhere between 10 and 15 lbs the edge would deflect and stay bent. It was very difficult to pin this down as it was easy to go to far and be rewarded with a little snap as the steel deformed too much and fractured, indicating a low ductility, which you would expect for ATS-34 at ~60 RC. Note that this fracture was not evident by eye it could only be seen clearly under 20x magnification. The edge still looked just dented and could be aligned by a steel.

Increasing the force, at about 50 lbs the edge started to break apart and visible fractures were produced removing semi-circular bits from the edge. The edge is less than 0.01" thick behind the fractured part.

The work was also very sensitive to the angle I had the blade relative to the rod, if I decreased it, it took much more force, and as I increased it, the force required was less. This is easily understandable because you are just altering the cross section of edge that gets deformed.

Note the angle I was using is a very harsh one, basically the edge had to deform to 45 degrees in order to match the curvature of the rod. The only reason that the edge could do this as well as it could was because of the very acute edge grind. If I had used a lower edge to rod angle it would have been easier to see the blade deform and stay bent. However I was running out of clear edge by this point.

Thus the knife passed the test by deflecting and returning to true, failed it by deflecting and staying bent (this was very difficult to see at the edge to rod angle I was using), and failed it by deflecting and fracturing.

If I repeated this test on another blade and wanted to be able to judge them against each other, I would have to be careful to make sure the edges were ground at the same angle and that the blade was applied to the same rod at the same angle, and carefully note the forces used.

I can see where you could start running out of blades! Does the damage to the test blade indicate that the forces and angle you applied were too extreme, and that your original slight deflection was enough, or does the fact that the test blade held the bend and fractured indicate that it is too rigid? Or do you even feel you learned anything of value? I'm feeling more vague about the results than before you so generously took the time to run the test and damage your test blade!

Will :

Does the damage to the test blade indicate that the forces and angle you applied were too extreme, and that your original slight deflection was enough, or does the fact that the test blade held the bend and fractured indicate that it is too rigid?

All edges will be able to deflect and return to true, deflect and stay bent, and deflect and fracture, under the right amount of force. Thus commenting that one aspect happened doesn't really tell you much of anything. It is like saying "I locked the blade in a vice, bent it and it returned to true / stayed bent / snapped". How would you interpret this statement? Basically it is meaningless without at least knowing the angle, and even better still, the angle and the force applied which would allow an inference about strength and ductility. The blade geometry is also critical, a bend to 90 degrees isn't that impressive for a blade with a strong distal taper, but it is very high performance for a blade with full stock thickness.

Or do you even feel you learned anything of value?

I learned that it takes a very small load to induce a deflection in ATS-34 at ~60RC when the edge is very acute, ~8 degrees per side. This is nothing surprising. I also learned that it doesn't take much more force beyond what is needed to distort the edge to cause a fracture. This again is nothing surprising. In regards to use, I learned that this knife should not be used to cut hard materials which could exert enough binding force on the edge that if you twisted the blade the edge would give before the material, as this would induce edge fracture. This again is nothing surprising.

In regards to what it means about ATS-34 in general as compared to other steels, I have not done enough of this class of work in order to make a definite statement. As with anything, the exact numbers are pretty meaningless by themselves. If I say I can chop through a 2x4 in XXX seconds with YYY knife can you then make a judgment about the quality of the knife. No of course not. If it took one minute that could either mean that I didn't know what I was doing, the wood was horrible, the knife was a semi-club or any combination of the former. But if I give you the mean times for ten knives on 25 pieces of wood chosen in a random manner, then you can compare the blades abilities. Same thing here. Once I have done it with about 10 blades or so I'll post up a thread (this will take quite awhile as I will wait until the various blades need a serious sharpening) and comment on the differences seen and how they correlate to the materials properties of the steels, and the edge geometries.


Your willingness to take on tasks of this magnitude may be your most endearing feature to knife knuts who are hopelessly obsessive/compulsive about blade performance--in other words, people like me. :)

As always, thank you for your commitment, your talent, and your perseverance.

Good God, all he asked about was the brass rod test! <p>Will, there are actual expert knife makers who frequent this place, and who have accidentally inhaled more steel dust that Cliff Stamp has ever seen. They may be able to help you if they can stop laughing at his buffoonery.<p>
I am not the final expert on steel, or anything close to it, but I have to say <i>something</i> when people are falling all over themselves to thank Cliff for his intellectual flatulence. Cliff Stamp is not THE BLADE STEEL EXPERT he tries to make you all believe. I'll try to debunk some of this unaldulterated drivel, but I simply can't keep track of it all, and I will not be able to finish. Those who can do it better than I, won't, because they are laughing too hard to pick themselves up from the floor to sit at the keyboard. <p>The brass rod test is a hokey little test that doesn't show much, but what it does show is very valuable, indeed. This test shows whether or not a blade has been properly heat-treated relative to the design of the edge of the knife. Too hard and it will crack. Too soft and it will bend beyond repair. (Too hard or soft relative to the thickness of the edge, remember.) These conclusions reflect the heat treatment, and not the chemistry, or microstructure, whatsoever. <p>You asked, 1. "What else, if anything, does this test demonstrate?" <br>Nothing else which is very meaningful, but that is not a shortcoming! What it does demonstrate speaks volumes. <p>You asked 2. "What predictions can be <i>reliably</i> made from this test regarding...?" <br>Beyond only the obvious ones, none can be <i>reliably</i> made. <p>But, anyone can use the results to take a flying leap to all sorts of unwarranted conclusions with this, or any other test. You can even use it as an opportunity to shill for your knifemaking buddies. You can, for instance, refer to Phil Wilson so many times in your masturbatory rants that you will convince thousands of potential customers not to <i>ever</i> buy a knife from the poor guy. I wonder if he has any idea how many times his name is taken in vain. <p>Cliff's answer to your corollary question #3 is an absolute laugh riot, and one for the permanent record! <p>You asked 3.) "Why use a brass rod rather than some other material, such as a smooth sharpening steel." <p>Cliff answered, at least I <i>think</i> he answered: "The edge of the knife has exposed carbides and they would really cut up the steel if you used high pressure. By the same reason you don't want to use a really hard material as the opposite could be true as well. Plus, brass is cheap doesn't rust, etc." <p><i>What the hell was that?</i> ROFL!!! You use a brass rod because you don't want to accidentally cut a steel rod with your test knife? So, steel rods are softer than brass rods, and are cut more easily are they? <p>"Brass is cheap and doesn't rust." <p>So what? Brass doesn't scream bloody murder when you hold the edge of a knife to it, either, but that isn't why it is used. It is used because that is what the knifemaker had lying around when it first occured to him to try it. Rust has nothing to do with it! This guy loves to hear himself talk, and see his words in print. I, for one, am stunned to see him use the word 'rust' and not 'atmospheric oxidation' and prattle on for another 5,000 words.<p>As to using hardened steels to do this test, you might think about how knife nuts get can carried away with this stuff, especially Cliff. <p>I can see it now... <p>Cliff would say, "Well, it is abudantly clear to ME the problem is that you tested your knife edge on a steel rod made of lowly 0-1 which has only been hardened to 60HRC, and was rather rusty, to boot. To test <i>HIS</i> blades, why, <i>Phil Wilson</i> uses rods made of CPM15V hardened to 65HRC, then soaked overnight in dragon's blood and cryogenically treated in the seventh hour of the seventh day of the seventh month while we all sat by a fire reading <u>The Lord of the Rings</u> and drinking apple cider...."<p>I could go on, and on, and on, but, unlike Cliff, I am not being paid by the word to humiliate myself. I'm doing it for free.<p>As if it weren't bad enough that Cliff drops Phil Wilson's name every three posts, now he has the unmitigated gall to invoke Ed Fowler! have you ever read Ed Fowler's work? Cliff couldn't carry lift his intellectual jockstrap, much less get him to notice his, uh, well let's just agree to call it "writing." <p>There are some fundamental problems with current knife testing. Certainly a battery of <i>standardized</i> tests needs to be developed which is specifically relative to handheld knife blades. The steels which are now being introduced to knife blades were nearly all developed as industrial tool steels. Industrial tool steels, mind you. Tool steels to make parts to stamp out 50,000,000 Power Ranger lunch boxes in Malaysia, without failing, so that they can be shipped here in time for Christmas. <p>For thousands of years the secrets for making steel and hardening it were very jealously guarded secrets among the famous makers of Toledo, Damascus and the Orient and only passed down from father to son. Regrettably, things are much the same today. This does not have to be the case. Heat treating is damned near <i>everything</i> when it comes to knife blades. There is NO reason to be mystified by it, or to have it further obfuscated for you by a blithering idiot. <p>Anyone with a public library card, and a little ambition can learn as much as he would like about physical metallurgy, and become a better knife enthusiast in the bargain. If you spend any time with a metallurgy book, you will see how certain self-appointed experts habitually lift entire passages, verbatim, from these texts and plug them into their "answers" here. All to establish themselves as experts. Remember the one-eyed man, and don't pay too much attention to the self-appointed experts.
Originally posted by samwereb
The brass rod test is a hokey little test that doesn't show much, but what it does show is very valuable, indeed.

You know, that's pretty much what I got from Cliff's explanation. What I also got from his discussion was that there are factors at work that might be more valuable if they were looked at more closely. In my opinion, the kind of controlled empirical data collection Cliff is willing to do gives significantly more insight than breathing steel dust, but I guess every expert has to choose his own methods.

By the way, Cliff does refer to Phil Wilson's work on a regular basis, because Cliff and Phil have a very synergistic relationship. In fact, if you have read much of what Phil has written for KI, you would know that he also quotes Cliff's work in print in his articles.

Perhaps you're not aware of Cliff's credentials.

Originally posted by samwereb
I am not being paid by the word to humiliate myself. I'm doing it for free.

Fair enough.

Oh, its becoming clear that they do have something of a special relationship. <p>Now they have you pitching softballs to Cliff here in Bladeforums. Quite a cozy little menage-a-dufus. <p>Tell us the truth... Did Cliff email to you your fawning, ladylike responses to his drivel, <i>as well as the questions to ask here,</i> or did you come up with them all by yourself? And who did you think was going to fall for it?<p>You actually thought people would buy THIS:<br> <b>"Cliff- Your willingness to take on tasks of this magnitude may be your most endearing feature...."</b><br>What? The brass rod test?<p>This one stands on its own, for what it is. You wrote:<b>"As always thank you for your commitment, your talent, and your perseverance."</b><p>Guys, try to disguise your script a little better than that!

Why don't you give it a rest? You don't like Cliff's methods or perspective? Fine. I have no argument with that.

Want to refute his conclusions? No problem.

Just leave out the personal vendettas and attacks or move on. No need for the rest of us to be saddled with the baggage.

Thanks for your cooperation.
Nope. I'll continue to point out bamboozeling when I see it. <p>This is nothing more than a little contrived stage play, that should be entitled, "Help Make Me Look Like an Expert, For Two Voices."<p>One side is writing both the questions and the answers.

You obviously don't know the parties involved, I'll leave it at that.

As I said, I have no problem with disagreeing with the methods or the results. I don't agree with everything I read or hear either.

However, I will remove any abusive posts. It's just that simple.
Reading back through this thread, it does look something like a dialogue between Cliff and me—and it gets pretty funny, considering the simple questions I started out with and where we ended up. What I was referring to in my thanks to Cliff was actually a product of that complexity. That anyone would suggest the task of cross-indexing a multitude of blades to the brass rod test, just to see if anything of value turned up, seems like overkill--until you see that Cliff is suggesting he do the work himself. Pretty amazing, if you ask me. What I was thanking him for was just that—-his willingness to do those hours and days of tedious work just to establish small points of reliability for future reference. That not all of his testing turns up remarkable results is to me just one more reason why he should be respected for his perseverance.

Sorry if I hit a nerve with you, Sam, but your response struck me as being unnecessarily raw. Anyone with your passion for knives can't be all bad, though--and I do think your remark, about the test's value in proving out the heat treat of a given blade/edge, holds up. Thanks for that input.


Why do you have tear Cliff a new one? I don't see that. Here is a guy that tests knives to destruction and posts the results here. He is a resource.

Cliff's style of writing is dry technical and intellectual. Get what you can from it. If you know it to be wrong, show it. No need to assassinate him.
Sam :

You use a brass rod because you don't want to accidentally cut a steel rod with your test knife? So, steel rods are softer than brass rods, and are cut more easily are they?

No, you simply would not care when the brass rod got damaged by the carbides in the knife edge, unlike for example if you did it with a smooth polished steel. If you used a really hard material like a high speed steel or carbide, you could actually be abrading steel off the edge of the knife, this won't happen to a significant degree with brass. I would agree though, as you stated, it was probably just picked as it was there and I would not get overly concerned about the material as the other variables outlined in the above are far more significant.

Will :

Reading back through this thread, it does look something like a dialogue between Cliff and me—and it gets pretty funny

Awhile ago someone accused me and Busse of doing something very similar (a few people actually so its obviously true). They went so far even to say that I didn't really exist and was a made up internet personality for promotional purposes. So logically Will you don't exist either, and you are just Busse working overtime inventing yet another personality to allow a back and forth, which makes sense.

Extending this even further, the next logical step is to create a conflict, which Sam has provided, and a leveler which Blues is fulfilling (sorry Blues, this means that you are Busse too). Now since Phil Wilson is directing my posts on the forums it obviously means that he is Busse as well, which is why you never see them together at shows and why of course their lines of knives are for different markets.

It is no wonder that Busse Combat gets behind on their knives from time to time.

considering the simple questions I started out with and where we ended up.

At a basic level this is what I am really most interested in, the microstructure of steel and how it translates to the macroscopic properties, thus pretty much all my posts tend to get slanted along that perspective. One of the reasons they are as verbose are they are is that often I am working through the problem for the first time, so I am being as detailed as possible to encourage a discussion, laying it all out so I can refine it. This was true in this case, I had never thought about the brass rod test before I/Will/Busse/Blues/Sam/Phil asked. I have rewrote the above after thinking about it for awhile and it is much tigher and much more readable.

Roger :

Cliff's style of writing is dry technical and intellectual.

Yes, this is done intentionally as it reflects the mindset I have when doing the work. It prevents emotional attachments to particular blades and/or makers which could easily bias the work done with them. If you don't find them informative don't read them, if you think they are spreading disinformation then by all means correct them pointing out what is wrong, why it is wrong, and optimally, what is the truth.

Back to the brass rod test, I spent some time the weekend with a few blades and it became obvious very quickly that eyeballing the blade to rod angle is very difficult (this just reflects personal ability). I have made a few little wedges of varying angle and epoxied them to the rods to enable more consistent results.

...Tony Curtis, Kirk Douglas and a cast of thousands on the wide screen...

Instead of "I'm Spartacus!", we hear each man cry out:

"I'm Jerry Busse"
No! I am Cli. . . . errrrr. . . . I mean Wi. . . . errrrr. . . .Blue. . . Wait a minute! Who am I?

Yours in nuclear schizophrenia (sp?)

Cliff York