
Then he claimed Busse was all hype; Busse was being dishonest because INFI is a proprietary steel; that he (anythingsharp) couldn't sharpen INFI with a diamond hone, even though he rolled the edge taking it out of the sheath - on and on with moronic, contradictory statements... You haven't missed much. He (anythingsharp) is a troll...

Huh? I missed that one. That's funny. My stones cut INFI much faster than SR101 and 3V. That statement is definite proof he doesn't know what he's talking about, or hasn't really done the things he says he's done.

I wouldn't use diamonds on INFI unless it was an emergency/survival situation (my emergency use sharpeners are diamond hones or rods, no use wasting time when the chips are down).
Huh? I missed that one. That's funny. My stones cut INFI much faster than SR101 and 3V. That statement is definite proof he doesn't know what he's talking about, or hasn't really done the things he says he's done.

I wouldn't use diamonds on INFI unless it was an emergency/survival situation (my emergency use sharpeners are diamond hones or rods, no use wasting time when the chips are down).

He's easy to catch in conflicting statements - he can't remember his own lies... Or, more appropriately, he's just lying to get a reaction out of the people that know better, and - dam*it - it's working.... :D :thumbup:

He is a liar.

And I've fed the troll enough...

I've used a diamond hone on INFI to touch up a really ragged edge on a user/abuser - worked quickly, then the stones and strop put a fine edge on it.

I've drawn sparks from granite with "The Precious", then worked the edge back to shaving with a cigar's worth of effort in about an hour... I love INFI, and won't go back...

Semper Fi -
