Jersey,is this crazy?

I don't believe it. Nobody's that stupid. I think the owner bid it up under a different ebay handle.
Problem then is the owner has generated zero money for himself nor moved the item along. It did say there were multiple bids. Perhaps the new owner had been heavily into the hooch while perusing the site or maybe Bill Gates is starting an axe collection.
Under bid history there were 3 different bidders at or above $262. Crazy. So it might be time to sell my mint 4lb. TT Jersey.
Under bid history there were 3 different bidders at or above $262. Crazy. So it might be time to sell my mint 4lb. TT Jersey.
I didn't read or notice anywhere that this axe might have belonged to Abe Lincoln or Teddy Roosevelt. But this price tag may be good news for those of us fortunate enough to already have gathered up a stash of collectible axes and are looking to divest.
I saw this one and another and thought the same thing. I even considered selling mine, but it's in really good shape and I don't know if I could replace it in the future. There was a double bit Collins Legitimus that went for over $500 last week that had me scratching my head too.
Odd as it sounds I've noticed there are times when someone with a bit of cash suddenly decides to start up collecting something and they're not of the patient sort and not having spent the time researching and seeing how often an item turns up and what it goes for will happily blow a wad when they see the thing they want pop up.

Although as I tend to be a suspicious sort and I know that a number of pawnshops will use ebay sales to set prices for their items I could see how several folks (or one with a few online alias's) might get together and shill to drive up the sale value for their item.
Odd as it sounds I've noticed there are times when someone with a bit of cash suddenly decides to start up collecting something and they're not of the patient sort and not having spent the time researching and seeing how often an item turns up and what it goes for will happily blow a wad when they see the thing they want pop up.-----Alocksly

Bingo for me... did that when I started but never paid more than 45.00 for a 20.00 axe ;) The pool I swim in is shallow. I have a like new Collins paper label with INDIA stamped under the poll- pictures did not show that part and I was too dumb to find out.

I have a like new Collins paper label with INDIA stamped under the poll- pictures did not show that part and I was too dumb to find out.
Oooh.. for sure that would have really ticked me off. Or is this perhaps because legitimate Collins brand goodies are currently sourced off-shore?
Wow. Can't believe that. And it's the same buyer who is driving them up too!! "y***s". Either this guy really wants some jerseys or there's some sort of funny business going on.
How much is a Tuatahi work axe? I, like so many, am really drawn to the Kelly Perfect Jersey, but there are better buys for $300.
And yet.... I just saw a nice Plumb Jersey go for 19.00 plus shipping. Just have to be patient. I was impatient at first and thought I needed an example of everything. Running out of money and THEN seeing good deals on nice heads go by taught me a lesson.

I keep that clunker Collins to remind me :)

And yet.... I just saw a nice Plumb Jersey go for 19.00 plus shipping. Just have to be patient. I was impatient at first and thought I needed an example of everything. Running out of money and THEN seeing good deals on nice heads go by taught me a lesson.

I keep that clunker Collins to remind me :)


I was watching that one too. Would have liked to grab it, but it was not quite what I was looking for.

The Perfect line from Kelly is the second most over valued axe line of all time, only second to the Black Raven line.

Millions of both lines were produced. They are out there. You just have to look.
I was bid up once by a shill for the auctioneer. Things get competitive, but it only happened once.
when I first started getting into axes, I went for a kelly perfect-- didn't win it. I went for another one, and set my max bid higher this time-- still didn't win it. the third time, I found a really nice piece, and bid small, only to be outbid by a dollar. every time i upped my max bid, the person had me by a dollar. The auction only had 5 minutes left, and I went as far as 60 bucks before I started drinking enough to make an ugly price look good-- and I raised my price to drunken levels-- still, the person had me at 1 dollar more. I belligerently decided that the other person involved in the auction just set a ludicrously high bid, ensuring a win on the auction, and thank god I was right. I bid $200 bucks and the dude bought it for $201! Maybe i was bitter from losing past auctions, maybe i was just being stupid-- but everything went better than expected.
I have paid more than I thought was really a "value" for something I really wanted. I do not regret those as "want" is also a value to me. That said, some prices I see on there astound me.

I paid 3.50 this weekend for a well used Collins Bonded locally and 22.00 for a Flint edge boys head on the site. Just take'em where I can get'em.
