JK Knives Passaround Review Thread

May 17, 2006
JK Knives Reviews

Not my hands people!:D

Brett will post his review soon.
See you when I get back, signing out till then!

hey guys, sorry that I didn't get the review up yet. Been kind of busy with work and stuff.

i should have a review done by Friday and will be ready to send them off.

thanks for your patience!

No worries Brett, take your time bro! Ill be gone from fri till wednessday, so That will work for me.
Cmon fellas, I've been breakin my a$$ for the last 9 years getting out of the hood, now your pulling me back in
hey guys, I'm getting ready to do the review for the JK knives and will be shipping Monday.

Review to come.


EDC bushcrafter:

My first impressions of the EDC were very good. I really liked the handle and the blade seemed like the perfect length.

I'm pretty much a sucker for a good handle and this did not disappoint. It fit my hand perfectly and it was round enough to not create any hotspots when in use.

I also though the blade thickness was spot on. for a knife this size, I thought it was a good thickness to be useful for food prep but also thick enough to baton with.

It was fairly sharp and was able to slice paper pretty easily. Personally, I prefer a convex edge on a bushcraft type knife but I was pretty impressed with this one.

Hiker's Backup:

While I enjoyed the backup also for some of the same reasons, there were a few things I would change:

1. blade thickness: I felt that the thickness of the blade, while the same as the bushcrafter, was a bit too thick for such a small knife. I would have preferred 3/32 to the 1/8 inch (I think that's right. I'm in a hotel room and don't have my measurements in front of me)

2. Grind: the same goes for the grind here. Beign such a small knife, I think if the present thickness were maintained, the grind would be better if it was a bit closer to a saber grind. I guess that with a small knife, i expect it to be used mainly for slicing, and this one didn't work as well for that.

3. handle: the drop on the handle, while great on the edc, was a bit too abrupt for the hiker. Being smaller, I found the drop on the bottom of the handle bit into my hand a bit in use. I have fairly small hands, so i would guess it would affect other folks even more.

Otherwise, I thought it was a great knife. I really liked, as I said, the overall shape of the handle and think it has potential to be a great all around use knife.

The sheaths were really good. I loved the shape and thickness and thought the dual use necker/belt sheath of the backup was great.

I really appreciate being a part of this passaround. I'm sorry I didn't do better getting this done sooner. It is what it is, I suppose, and I'll do better next time.

I'll have photos on Friday to post. I'm out of town but wanted to get something up.

Here's some pics:










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Great review Brett. I hear you on the thickness, I recently got a couple of thinner knives and am digging their performance. Although, I have an EDC by Stomper and love the fact it has a thick blade for a small knife. I feel an EDC knife needs to handle anything and everything so the thickness was good.

I don't quite follow on the handle though. what do you mean by drop? :eek:
Great review Brett. I hear you on the thickness, I recently got a couple of thinner knives and am digging their performance. Although, I have an EDC by Stomper and love the fact it has a thick blade for a small knife. I feel an EDC knife needs to handle anything and everything so the thickness was good.

I don't quite follow on the handle though. what do you mean by drop? :eek:

If you look at Bear's pic you can see that the bottom of the smaller black handled knife has a sharp drop at the end. I just felt it was a bit too steep and bit into my palm.

Actually, it might just be that it's more pronounced than the EDC. The handle isn't that much shorter on the backup, but I think the downward curve is a bit too pronounced for me.
