OK GUYS that is enough of the bickering here on my post,Thanks Bugs,and Gwinney the pooh for sticking up for me here,but we also don't need any more bad blood between us forumites either.
Lets see if I can explain my reasoning for posting on the different forums here without sounding nasty or anything.
When i first started posting on the forums here I only stayed on the shop talk forum,and would only post one or two pictures for people to see.Then I started having people tell me that I should show them on the other forums as the people on them would also like to see my work that don't come over to shop talk but only stay on one of the other forums.I thought that that would make me look like I was pushing my knives.so I started posting on the other forums also but never said that the knives were for sale or not unless it was a order from a forumite and they wanted others to know that it was theirs,this way I was just showing my work,I do post on the for sale by maker forum also and in 2 years I havent had the first hint of a sale from that forum.As for putting a price or if it is for sale I usually only do this when asked on a reply.I do sell allot of my knives to fellow forumites but they are usually custom orders and not showen untill completed.
I like to show the things that I make and the new stuff that I do on my knives in hopes that I can inspire or help out another knifemaker with a idea that they have or are wanting to try.I do not have allot of money to keep up my website (even though it is a free site they are now going to charge for it)and then Photo point is going to charge me for there albums so I can't keep a bunch of pictures on there and only post a couple of pictures and then link to the rest.As the post fades away the pictures will be taken off and only a couple will be sen on my website from then on.SO the bandwith that i am using wont be taken up for long.
I will try to help anybody out that I can wether here on the forums or by email or even those that come to my shop and I never charge anybody for my help.
This is the first time in 2 years that anybody has accused me of pushing myself on the forums and I have never had anybody say that I had to many pictures on my posts.So I guess that I was due someone to give me a hard time about it.
So as nicely as I can say this I will say that until the moderatores or the owner of the forums tells me not to post the way that I have been posting I will keep on posting this way and keep helping others out as much as I can.Yes I am a buisness man and I do sell on the forums but just so you will know I have not recieved a order in 2 months now going on 3 months and I am at a stand still to why but untill now nobody had heard a word about it from me or any real pushing of the knives that I do have for sale (which I could have done,like I have seen others do before)But these parts of the forums are for showing off new creations and helping each other out not fussing at each other.By my showing my knives on the different forums I get feed back from different makers and collecters alike on things that I should or should not do on my knives and have helped me to become a better maker.
So like I said I willkeep posting like I do until asked by the higher powers to do otherwise,and as long as I have different people on the different forums replying I will keep them on the different forums.Blade forums are not the only forums that you will see my name either as I frequent three of them and sometimes four,as there are different people on all of them and I consider them all to be friends.So I am here to stay and thats that,If you see my posts on the other forums and they are the same post that you have already seen then just pass it by you don't have to look at it and that way you won't be bothered by it,it is just that simple,don't click on my post and you wont see a bunch of pictures or read different posts from different people that ask different questions and I answer them all the best I can so others may be able to learn a new trick or two just klike I have from other posts over the last 2 years.
Sorry I was long winded here.If others feel like JUST KNIVES please let me know,If not please let me know so I will know if my posts are not wanted here anymore.
Bruce Evans Handcrafted Knives
The soul of the Knife begins in the Fire!!!!!
Member of,AKTI#A000223 and The American Bladesmith Society
[This message has been edited by beknives (edited 06-21-2001).]