Ka Bar can't ship Big Brother to CA: Can I get more info on this?

whats wrong with ohio? we can carry and use almost anything and own ANYTHING.
Good call. It might not have the correct "papers" to travel across international borders. Kommifornia, is like another planet, not just another country.

For those of you in Cali, don't take offense, I treat Ohio in the same manner. :D

Thanks for the link, I'm just going to order the blade from whoever's willing to sell it to me. Hopefully someone from Ka Bar can fill us in on why it was mentioned in their catalog.

I do love CA, it just pisses me off from time to time- just like my GF.
I live in NY and it's illegal to openly carry, the law requires you to conceal. It states any blade over 4" is illegal, or any folder with a locking mechanism. Whenever anyone asks me though, I tell them the length is 3.5 because the law also states it's the police's discretionary call and that they can arrest anyone and let the courts handle it. At which point, even if found innocent, you need to pay court fees and miss work.
isnt the big brother the 9" kabar with serrations on the spine? heck, i've seen that in knife stores out here.

and maybe kabar cant ship big brother because big brother is already here. watching you....:eek: ;)

edit: here is a picture i took at plaza cutlery a couple weeks back, you can see the big brother off to the right

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Kabar does sell and ship directly to the public. If you are going to manufacture and sell knives, there are 2 things you have have. Lawyers, and Insurance. I assure you, Kabar is about selling knives. If they are not willing to ship knives anywhere, its because either the Lawyer, or the Insurance Adjuster says its not in their best interest.

Whatever the dealers or wholesalers do, is beyond Kabar's control. To Kabar, the dealers and wholesalers are the same as customers, and they will not ship it. There maybe some legal presidence on the matter there may not be, but from what the interwebz goggle tells me, there is a stipulation concerning the "double edged knife", and since the BB technically is a double edged knife, Kabar won't ship it to Ca.

Doesn't mean a wholesaler in Virginia, won't buy 5k units, and ship them wherever they like. Doesn't matter a bit to Kabar, its on the wholesaler after that.

I went to a place called Plaza Cutlery in Cosa Mesa. Great place, very cool shop, with tons of knives. They had BB for sale.

Cheaperthandirt wont' ship some things to Cali, Barrett won't ship ANYTHING to Cali. I'm seeing more and more knife and gun companies, not willing to go through with it. Might be because of some weird ass tax we've never heard of, or it could be the shaded laws that only outline certain things, I'll do my best to find out tomorrow, I promise.

What alot of it boils down too, is the guy on the other side of the badge, and what HIS interpretation of the law is. So far, my run ins with the Anaheim Police Department, don't leave much to the imagination regarding a fixed blade knife of any length. The Officer was polite, and so was I, but make no mistake, he didn't want me whittleing on the curb, no more. :D

That was quick, thanks for the info guys.

Don't even get me started, I'll need my own sub-forum. I'm really considering a move to either Texas or Florida- no state income tax. CA steals 10% of my income and then promotes everything I'm against. Feeling my blood boil! Democraps outnumber repube-icans 2 to 1 in our state assembly, that's the reason for our stupid laws regarding knives, guns, smoking, entitlements, etc...

born in bellflower, grew up in and around the l.a. area my whole 40 yrs up til 5 yrs ago I moved out to green country, many reasons I left there but the biggest reason is for the most part that state has turned to crap, or at least since I remembered it.. but again, even the locals here have faced many changes, in most part I guess its just the change that bothers people..

living 4 miles from the 91 and having it take me 30 mins to get to the freeway before my commute was part of the hussle that pushed me over the edge.........

OP: its probably the same reason most gun dealers will NOT SHIP TO CALIFORNIA..... to much ghey tape :D
What the?! Hey! I'll get you, comrade.


Beckerhead #42

My wife is from Ohio, we joke about it all the time, as being a another planet. She arrived here in a Ford Thunderbird.

I don't have a problem with Ohio, since they started a reciprocity with TN for handgun carry. Its a good state, with tons of good deer for the taking. Wish I knew some guys up there that would let me come hunt on their land (hint, hint. Beckers will be involved :D).

Honestly, I don't have much of an issue with California. I got hassled for making a Fig 4 deadfall at my hotel, a few trips ago. Other than that, no one really cares. Beautiful scenery, but not as nice as my mountains. :D

no problem with the big brother in California, i handled one in Plaza Cutlery last weekend.

knife laws are actually very chill here
isnt the big brother the 9" kabar with serrations on the spine? heck, i've seen that in knife stores out here.

and maybe kabar cant ship big brother because big brother is already here. watching you....:eek: ;)

edit: here is a picture i took at plaza cutlery a couple weeks back, you can see the big brother off to the right

NICE! That's the sucker! I actually live not too far away, I'll go for a test drive. Thanks for the info.

This forum's awesome
My wife is from Ohio, we joke about it all the time, as being a another planet. She arrived here in a Ford Thunderbird.

I don't have a problem with Ohio, since they started a reciprocity with TN for handgun carry. Its a good state, with tons of good deer for the taking. Wish I knew some guys up there that would let me come hunt on their land (hint, hint. Beckers will be involved :D).

Honestly, I don't have much of an issue with California. I got hassled for making a Fig 4 deadfall at my hotel, a few trips ago. Other than that, no one really cares. Beautiful scenery, but not as nice as my mountains. :D


Heck - come on up. You can hunt all the land I do - of course, I'm always out on public land anyway. I may or may not be able to put you on deer but I can certainly put you where they ought to be and where they have been in the past. Deer + Beckers = fun fun fun. :D


Beckerhead #42
That was quick, thanks for the info guys.

Don't even get me started, I'll need my own sub-forum. I'm really considering a move to either Texas or Florida- no state income tax. CA steals 10% of my income and then promotes everything I'm against. Feeling my blood boil! Democraps outnumber repube-icans 2 to 1 in our state assembly, that's the reason for our stupid laws regarding knives, guns, smoking, entitlements, etc...

Born & raised in Redondo Beach. Moved to Bama one month after King riots. It's called "voting with your feet." Starve the beast. Not even the awesome geography comes close to counterbalancing the tyrannical boot stomping ever-harder on the collective neck of Joe Citizen.

The house I grew up in was built in '47 in what was left of the "Jap Fields." Yep, internment camps. It's already happened, it'll happen again. Get out while you can.

There's great things about TX and FL, not the least of which is the absence of an income tax, but they aren't necessarily the best game in town in that regard. TN doesn't have an income tax either. One of the most beautiful states in what used to be the Union. Gorgeous Wife and I work close enough to the south-central TN border that we are thinking seriously of buying a 10 or 15 acre homestead just across the state line and buggin' in instead of buggin' out if/when the time comes.

Get yourself free. C'mon down and set a spell. You won't regret it.

This is what I've always used as a go-to for Cali Knife laws (though, parts of it may be outdated...)
http://www.ninehundred.com/~equalccw/knifelaw.html#SECTION TWO

12020. (a) Any person in this state who does any of the following is punishable by imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding one year or in the state prison:
(4) Carries concealed upon his or her person any dirk or dagger.
(24) As used in this section, a "dirk" or "dagger" means a knife or other instrument with or without a handguard that is capable of ready use as a stabbing weapon that may inflict great bodily injury or death. A nonlocking folding knife, a folding knife that is not prohibited by Section 653k, or a pocketknife is capable of ready use as a stabbing weapon that may inflict great bodily injury or death only if the blade of the knife is exposed and locked into position.
25(d) Knives carried in sheaths which are worn openly suspended from the waist of the wearer are not concealed within the meaning of this section.

I don't have the full text of the law in front of me, but those sections mention nothing about double edged knives being outright illegal. Not sure what the restriction is, but I trust Kabar has good reasoning for it.
This forum is way cool, EVERYBODY is helpful and friendly.

BluesStringer, I often fantasize about about buying a few acres somewhere nice and peaceful.... One day I want to hike at least a part of the Appalachian Trail and check out your neck of the woods. I agree w/ you about voting w/ your feet/wallet!

slt thanks for the link bro, I was just checking that out too! great minds think alike.
You can buy any sort of double edged knives in CA, just don't get caught carrying one. Owning them for your collection is not against the law.

I don't understand this issue with KABAR not shipping the BB to CA, as they sure sell KABARs with sharpened swedges and that is considered a double-edged knife. I think it is more confusion than any real legal issue, add that to the general prejudices against CA and everybody is dog-piling on CA again without really knowing what they're talking about.
CWL maybe we're jumping the gun a bit, but do you blame us after all the nanny state regulations they impose on us? ie- helmet laws, smoking bans, gun laws, regulating fast food cooking oil, banning incandescent light bulbs, what type of grocery bags we can use, etc.... I can go on all day.

I was born and raised in CA and I'm going to call it like I see it.
Look at the up side to Kalifornia...if you get too stressed out about the knife laws you can always go get a special rx to take the edge off.
You can buy any sort of double edged knives in CA, just don't get caught carrying one. Owning them for your collection is not against the law.

I don't understand this issue with KABAR not shipping the BB to CA, as they sure sell KABARs with sharpened swedges and that is considered a double-edged knife. I think it is more confusion than any real legal issue, add that to the general prejudices against CA and everybody is dog-piling on CA again without really knowing what they're talking about.

how do you get the knife home? uh oh, that's carrying. in a box no less. that's concealed. case closed your honor ;) no, seriously, i've read where this has been done, and the guy had to goto court. sweet.

so, most vendors are not willing to risk SHIPPING to CA, but they're stupid about importing things. once inside the state? you could sell it. can't blame a vendor for not wanting jump through the hoops. my motorcycle for instance, legal in 49 states, even NY/MA/AK. guess which one it's not legal in? that's right. CA. emissions.

heck, even more stupid, a got got a concealed weapons charge for carrying a broadsword on his back, in a belt sling. it was argued almost successfully to the end, that it was concealed by virtue the officer couldn't see the blade portion from the front. yah, he saw the belt, and the handle, but not the blade. court. battle. took ages to get his now rusted sword (re-enactment type) back. nice?

you'd think with Ahnold as CA governator that EVERYONE could have a broadsword on their back, by crom, but that's another riddle of the steel.