Knife Knuts of Ohio Unite!!!

Oct 14, 1998
Heya Mark and Ti:

I knew we had some Buckeyes among our membership, but I hadn't previously known that I lived relatively close to any of them. I'm in Lorain, OH. Hell, only 15 minutes from Mark (heck, you're only extended local calling too

Let's see how many other Northern Ohioans we can get and maybe start our own small collector's club. I know a couple people who share our affliction who aren't online, including one or two dealers in our area.

This has potential.


The deed is everything, the glory nothing.
Hey Shades, good to know there is another Ohioian KnifeNut here, too!

Email me if you wish ..... by the way, besides being a knife nut, are you an Indians fan, too?


" Knife Collectors Are Sharp People "

I also live in Ohio,Northeastern (Girard),and I'm a die hard Indians fan!There are couple of knife clubs that I belong to that shouldn't be too far from you.Mahoning Valley Knife Collectors meets the last Thursday of every month in Canfield,and Western Reserve Cutlery Association meets the second Tuesday of every month in Doylestown.You can email me for more info.Ken
hi all ohio knife nuts ... all knife nuts, I mean!

I like the Indians but I am glad we have the Brown's back in town. Look out this season!

Don't have time to join a knife club, I have so many things and commitments going on now, I hardly have time to add another thing to my agenda.

Knives are number 1 with me though as far as having a hobby and finding good knives for working with.

I too wonder how many Ohio knife people we have visiting this forum.
Later, ti
Cincinnati here!!

Anyone going to the March 26-28 NKCA show in Covington next month? Looking forward to it myself, Think I may wear a Bladeforum name tag while there and see who I run into.

Lima born and bread,not the greatest place but its home.Im going to try for the cinci show and hit the Dayton gun /knife show on the way back.

Well, a better response than I expected, and quick too

Mark: Yes, I am something of an Indians fan, although I didn't get to see a single game last season and I can't name the entire team, but of the small part of pro sports that I like, the Indians are my favorite LOL.

Ken: Neither Canfield nor Doylestown are all that close to me (not that I could tell you exactly where either of them is exactly), but thanks for the info.

Ti: That is one hell of a new stadium we've got for the Browns eh?
I drive by it quite regularly and never cease to be impressed. I've pretty much seen it in every stage of its construction.

Kdarmy: Unfortunately, I won't make it to the show you mentioned, but it's good to hear that you'll be spreading the word about BF

Tattoo and Big Z: It's 2am and I can't think of anything remotely witty to say in response to your posts

One other thing, I'm going to do everything within the realm of my ability to make it to the Blade Show this year, and then some. Anyone else planning on going? If any of you want to go but are having trouble making it feasible, perhaps some of us can pool our intellectual resources and maybe come up with a solution so we can all go!!! It is the promised land (said with appropriate awe). You can either email me about it, or post in here which will better facilitate the dissemination of anything we can come up with.


The deed is everything, the glory nothing.
Hey that sounds like a great idea.I would love to go to the blade show but i could never get my wife to go the a weekend knife show.If someone can come up with a reasonable plan of attack,i am in.
I do not live in Ohio, but I've driven through it, and I'm a KNIFE NUT!

Does that count?

Some Kind Of Wonderfull

Ohio, Columbus here

Anybody know what is going on with Busse up there East of Cleveland???? Have tried to call, accessed the Web Page - not updated since last April.

Where the hell have you been?!? Jeez, here you are posting, probably been back a while and not one message on ICQ, WTF??? LOL Contact me dammit!
We've got some serious catching up to do.

In other news, one idea I've had so far regarding the Blade Show, is that considering that airfare is likely to be rough for me, maybe if some of us got together and rented a large vehicle to transport ourselves, we might have more money to spend at the show. Now I haven't had a chance to research this and I'm not sure how long a drive it is to Atlanta, but it may be a way. Let's keep the ideas flowing, whatever you can come up with, no matter how outlandish it may seem, throw it in. Even if it won't work, it may start us thinking in directions we hadn't previously considered.

And Tat, just tell your wife that Atlanta is beautiful in June


The deed is everything, the glory nothing.
I think I'll also be trying to go to the Blade show this year also. I checked on some flights out of Cincy and found some for just under $200.00 round trip (Delta). Havent even thought of the possibility of a car-pool may be good idea if more is interested.
Just wanted to add that a friend of mine who I have just talked into finnaly posting instead of lurking on the site ( Chopper99 ) Would probably also be interested in going...I think we may need a bus !
Just a thought...What about once there, what about camping?? Are there any camp grounds anywhere near? I go to Tenn. about 2-3 times a year and camp and it only cost 15.00 a site w/electric per night.

I used to go through Dayton alot, I could make it there in a little over 7 hrs.

Where have I been? First I moved, then I found out that I for some unknown reason couldnt get online for more than 2-5 minuits.
So since then I have been crawling up people's (insert your prefered word here) and have finaly tracked it down to the modem. I had previously sent the modem back to 3Com and they "said" they fixed it, looks now like they DIDNT. Thier office hours are almost as good as a banks so I havent been able to contact them yet. My wife's computer just made it up here so last night I was on that, at this paticuler moment I am on my own for whatever reason it connected with a 24.000 bps rate at which my modem can deal with. Anything over a 28.8 and the modem craps out. It is supposed to be a 33.6 modem. But enough about me, lets talk about KNIVES!

Life is like a box of knives...

C'mon guys, this thread has gone a couple days without any activity. Is anyone else here interested in pooling our resources to go to the Blade Show? Throw some more ideas on the table. I don't know about you guys, but I gotta go


The deed is everything, the glory nothing.
My ears and eyes are open ... rent a car pool sounds like the way to go! I think the trip to Atlanta is closer to 12 hours or more!

Let me know the exact arrangements, date, time of departure and how long will be gone.

Need to check out my work ( 2 jobs ) status once I find out this info .. don't know if I can get away, but will try!



[This message has been edited by Mark W Douglas (edited 24 February 1999).]
Well how about this...
We could all make plans to take a bus to meet at a certain location ??? and go from there... Biggest savings would be splitting the cost of a hotel room anyway, unless the camping idea works.
First, thanks Keith for the idea about a rendezvous, that's definitely something that should be considered since, for instance, you and I live at opposite ends of the state

Ok, here's the actual info on the show for anybody who doesn't know the specifics:

June 11,12,13 (Fri,Sat,Sun)
Friday 2pm-7pm, Saturday 10am-6pm, Sunday 10am-4pm
Cobb Galleria Centre in Atlanta GA

Personally, I have a fairly flexible work schedule, so whatever works for the majority will work fine for me. Ideally, I'd like to leave Thursday and come back Sunday after the show is over. But, of course, it's perfectly understandable if this is not feasible for everyone. If typical conventions are true in this case, as long as we check into a hotel after 10am on Friday, we'll only have to pay for 2 nights (Fri, Sat).

As it is, I'm extremely tired at the moment, so I apologize if I've failed to answer any questions, you can feel free to email me personally, either through the account listed in my profile, or at

Now, where did I last see my bed?


The deed is everything, the glory nothing.
RATS, figures .... I am already on vacation that week and have other plans already. Wish I could tag along with you, would love to be at the Blade Show. Oh well, thanks for asking, that was a good idea. Hopefully some of you can still do the trip!

If you go, let me know how it went .....

