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KnifeKits Eyelet Press Problems

Feb 6, 2000
I just bought the eyelet press fro KnifeKits.com

I've had a major problem--it scratches the hell out of my eyelets. Also, the roll is not perfect, but I think that's mostly me (only done a few and they've gotten better).

What should I do?
well, if you think its only you...and you seem to be getting better...then practice more.
I think he means with the rolling that he is getting better at. Still has the scratch problem.

Try putting a piece of denim (bluejeans) on the parts of the press that contact the eyelets with a dab of rubber cement. Should take care of the scratches and might improve your roll over.
Hi Andrew....

I answered this in my email to you,, but will answer here as well...

It all depends where you are having scratching..
If its scratching the face,, ,then you've got serious problems....

If its only the back,, then you can possibly fix the problem...

I would try first using a little lube of some sort on your top die.A reduction in friction may solve the problem.

As far as rolling is concerned.. This is something you will have to overcome with practice..

Although I introduced you to the Knife Kits press, I've never used one, so I can't tell you how it works.. I still do mine by hand using a custom tool.. It's slower,, but works fine for me.

I think its just a matter of working with the machine and getting use to it...

Are you splitting or cracking any eyes ??

This will be an indication of you pressing too hard...

Try it in steps, instead of pushing right down.. Flare the eye, then press it down.

You may also want to completely inspect the dies. Any ridges or imperfections in the die *can* cause scratching or splitting of eyes...

Be interested in seeing some pictures of your problematic eyes..


I didn't get your email, Eric, but thanks a lot for answering here.

It is scratching both the face and the back. I can stop the scratching to the face with denim, but the back no. The rolling, I believe, is not practice with this machine. No matter what, one part of the eyelet (same part, corresponding to die) doesn't roll right. The die is not smooth; it has a small ridge (imperfection; the other die doesn't have it) in a critical place, it seems. I don't know. Functionally, it works fine, and DAMN are these things strong, but it just doesn't look right. If it continues, I may try to return it and try Eric's method.

This might be a fluke, I'm not sure. Also, the press itself is great. The dies are the problem.

Eric, could you resend the email about the eyelet sizes please? Thanks :D
Hey Andrew..

Maybe a stupid question,,but..

Are the dies in correctly ??

Are you using the proper die for the eyelet..Are they a matching set for size ??

Sorry dude,, I don't want to make you feel like a tool or anything,,but it happens...

See I set my eyes on a blaock of hardwood with Very thick leather ontop of it..
The block is stuck in a vise....

You may want to shoot Dareall Ralph an email.. I believe he built the dies,,so he would be an expert in this case...

I'm only speculating on problems and possible solutions....

If you've got a heavy piece of steel there, glue a chunk of leather to it and try pressing without the bottom die in place..

In my opinion the bottom dies isn't needed.

As far as eye sizing goes...

6:8/8:8 for 0.060
6:10/8:10 for 0.080
8:12 for anything thicker

Theres a learning curve to it Andrew..Don't give up dude..


Thanks Eric :D

Here are some pics:

The first one shows one done with the press and one done with the press and some denim. The other pic shows the back of the eyelets.

About using the right dies, yes I am. It is lined up well too.

As far as the roll, I really don't think it's practice. The imperfection is consistent in size and shape. I've done about thirty eyelets now and the backs look almost identical, and imperfect. This might just be a fluke with the die; I'm not sure. This seems like a fantastic little press; the die is just a bit funky.

Yes,, could very well be a flaw in the die..
do you see anything abnormal with them >>

I took the liberty of posting this on CKD, so Darrel will see it they probably the quickest...

Shoot me some high res pics Macro if you can of those...

The pics are way to small for me to get a good look at them...

First impressions of the pics, it almost looks like your eyes are too short..
Email them here:



Ill email you off list.
Looks like a ridge in the die .
We'll get it taken care of for ya!
Hey Guys..

Bingo.. Theres your answer..

Thanks for the call Darell.. Nice chatting with you...


Eric Andrew,
Nope I don't make the dies. We have a vendor who does.
Pressing the rivets takes some time to get used to.
At Elite Tactical Carry Systems it took a few weeks before Al and Bob had it down. They practiced on many rivets. Once they had it they were good to go.
They broke out the brass black for a long time to take care of scratches on the rivets. They still do for touch up . The rivets are just oxidize finished so they scratch easily.
The painted rivets are even harder to deal with.
A little graphite powder on the dies at break in really makes a difference.

Glad it worked for you, at least half of it did anyway.:)
I started doing the denim thing because I started out useing thos plastic "anvils" and found they were to soft so I went to metal but the metal was scratching up and putting dings in the rivets so I tride putting denim on the anvil and it was slick as well as tough enough to keep the scratches from reappearing.
Glad I could help.
It's also great that it seems to be a faulty die. Post some pics after everything has been fixed would ya?
Hey, guys--

I just got these two in the mail yesterday from Texas Knife Supply:



Are these the right things to be using for the eyelets? I tried one but it didn't come out too pretty--I know I'll be needing a lot of practice, but I wanted to make sure that I have the right equipment first. If this goes all right then I'll probably pick up the press.
Thanks Darrel.

Zen, that setup is kinda like what I use, but yours look better. I use some cheapo setters that I bought from Wall-Mart. They do a good job fastening together the kydex but like you said it don't look to good compared to those nice rounded eyelets you get with the presses.
It works for me though.:)
Darrel has been kind enough to send me a new, polished die! :D

It should get here in a week or so. I'll post results when it gets here.

Darrel, many thanks for some great CS!!