- destruction test of a HI khuk....

Seems to me they've been tested during countless wars, in countless backyards vs trees, etc, and, of course, by Mr. Dave Rishar.

Most of us have just taken ours outside and prooved them to ourselves. We know exactly what/where the knife will fail too, so whats the point?

I find no value in destruction testing.
Well I guess what's done is done, but HI need not "prove" anything regarding toughness. Years and years and years of real world applications from across the globe have proven what they can and can't handle. From the backyards of the forumites, to the jungles of SA, to the deserts of the Middle East, the HI khuk has been there and served its owner well. Not to mention the entire couple thousand year history of the Nepal made khuk as an everyday tool and weapon.

I hope some useful information is gleaned from the test, but as someone who was trained in psychology and thus LOT of statistics, one random sample taken from a pool of 1000's and 1000's is not a very accurate depiction of how a particular brand/kind of knife performs across the board. You might be getting Super Khuk and you might be getting a sample of the "Hurry up. It's 4:30 on a Friday". It's a mighty broad brush to be painting with.

HI khuks were made to be used and abused should the need arise. However, IMHO, purposing pushing a knife to the breaking point (especially one beat out by hand on an anvil in the middle of a dirt floor and not punched out by a machine) is a little pointless and honestly a bit of slap in the face of the person who crafted it.

Once again, just my opinion.
i know of all knives to destroy, the individually crafted him imps are the worst candidates. they're not pumped out on a conveyer belt, all being different, and that kinda makes each one its own limited edition.

however, just like the founding of himalayan imports, this was done for a good cause. also, the mini AK is something of a novelty model with it's undersized handle, karda, and chakma, so the world isn't really losing any utility. third, one of the new kamis made this knife and master blade smiths are put to the test to get their stamp. consider this the extreme, offensive, obscene version.

a word about the cause. i needed to raise funds for a 5km run i was participating in to build a new church for a congregation of mostly poor immigrants. they're praying in a dilapidated single story office building to a plywood altar. there isn't enough ventilation or exits, the floors are uneven and coming up in places, the ceiling leaky and coming down in places. the little knife's giving its life for a reason.

if that's not enough, the kami made the knife to get paid. we appreciate the art, but it's food for him and his family. we've all heard of maslow. the knife already served its purpose to him. beside that, many of us have large collections of khuks that never get used. in someone else's eyes, that's a slap in the face.

finally, it's an inanimate object. alive as they sometimes feel, it's just a knife. my knife, and this is the land of the free.
Easy, Magnum. No one is saying that Nos shouldn't test the knife to destruction. It's just that a lot of us hold HI products very near and dear to our hearts. The thread was started asking us what we thought/how we felt about such testing. All I have seen is honest upfront answers.

You're right. It is your khuk to do with as you please. Furthermore, I'm sure there have been several khuks to suffer much worse fates than being destruction tested. Education or entertainment, someone is going to get something out of it I suppose. I'm glad things worked out for the church. Kudos to you and Noss for the good Karma.
Knowing that some other khuk, which is inherently different from mine by virtue of the production methods/conditions, broke after 27 hits from a 16.63-pound sledge made by a one-eyed woman in Newark, swung by a silverback gorilla enraged by 13 hornet stings on its ass, doesn't tell me anything except that someone just wasted a perfectly good knife.

Whether it's my 15" AK or my 21" GRS all I have to do is look at it to know that while I might be able to break the handle, I will never be able to break the blade with my hands, feet, or all the rest of me jumping up and down on it.

Anyways, enough sounding off for now. If you/he were to destruction test multiple factory-made knives of the same model I would be very interested in the results. As it is, I can't see any value aside from amusement in the 'tests' performed. And when the test subject is a handmade object I can't help but think that you have very poor taste in amusements.

But it's your money, so do what you want with it. Just don't expect any encouragement from me.
Knowing that some other khuk, which is inherently different from mine by virtue of the production methods/conditions, broke after 27 hits from a 16.63-pound sledge made by a one-eyed woman in Newark, swung by a silverback gorilla enraged by 13 hornet stings on its ass, doesn't tell me anything except that someone just wasted a perfectly good knife.

Whether it's my 15" AK or my 21" GRS all I have to do is look at it to know that while I might be able to break the handle, I will never be able to break the blade with my hands, feet, or all the rest of me jumping up and down on it.

Anyways, enough sounding off for now. If you/he were to destruction test multiple factory-made knives of the same model I would be very interested in the results. As it is, I can't see any value aside from amusement in the 'tests' performed. And when the test subject is a handmade object I can't help but think that you have very poor taste in amusements.

But it's your money, so do what you want with it. Just don't expect any encouragement from me.

what a coincidence, i happen to be in newark right now. i'll send the one eyed woman your regards.
some of you guys seem offended by this thread.....

i meant to offend no one, but i surely do not think i am disrespecting HI when suggest one of their blades for destruction testing.....

i only suggested(the test) to prove to people who are unfamiliar to HI khuks of their inherent toughness.....

i think it's the greatest sign of respect when i suggest an HI for testing because i truly think that an HI is one blade that noss will be unable to break.....

if you guys think i mean any disrespect by this thread, then you need to read what i wrote more carefully.....i have been here since uncle bill and rusty were here, and in no way would i ever disrespect HI, in any shape or form....
sorry i came off strong.

Hey, don't sweat it:) We all probably got a little heated over much ado about nothin'. While I think it is the right of anyone here to cherish and cuddle their HI khuk, you're right. The kami who made the knife probably doesn't mind what happens to it after it leaves his long as the failure (if there is one)doesn't come back on him;) Some people will find education from the test, some entertainment, some just a waste of a good knife. Different strokes for different folks. Besides, the khuk DID help build a church, right?

New, I don't think anyone thinks that you are being disrespectful in any way, shape, or form. As I stated above, this kind of thing is just polarizing to most HI cantina folks...but what isn't polarizing to people this day and age?

No harm, no foul. We'll all just agree to disagree and respect that. We're talking about trying to break a piece of steel, not taking a hammer to a sack full of kittens.:D
Hey, don't sweat it:) We all probably got a little heated over much ado about nothin'. While I think it is the right of anyone here to cherish and cuddle their HI khuk, you're right. The kami who made the knife probably doesn't mind what happens to it after it leaves his long as the failure (if there is one)doesn't come back on him;) Some people will find education from the test, some entertainment, some just a waste of a good knife. Different strokes for different folks. Besides, the khuk DID help build a church, right?

New, I don't think anyone thinks that you are being disrespectful in any way, shape, or form. As I stated above, this kind of thing is just polarizing to most HI cantina folks...but what isn't polarizing to people this day and age?

No harm, no foul. We'll all just agree to disagree and respect that. We're talking about trying to break a piece of steel, not taking a hammer to a sack full of kittens.:D

i'll drink to that.....:thumbup:

Has the 12" AK been subjected to the standard battery of tests all HI blades should go through before being taking out to the field for use? Has anyone smacked the blade on a log 10 times yet? If not, this needs to be done by someone before the Destruction test is done. These are hand made in another country and as some one else stated occationally they mess up at the end of a week shift or near a holiday. I'd hate to see this test start off bad because the knife tested was one of these fluke blades. If it gets the standard reliability test and then some using tests before Noss starts his tests, it would probably go over a little better.

When ever I get a new HI blade, I test it at home to make sure the handle won't come off when I'm out clearning trails or camping with it. I also test to make sure the blade won't crack at the wrong moment. Mostly by hitting the spine of the knife against a lot, hitting the right and left sides against the log then chopping into the log and trying to twist it out. One of my blades failed that test and was replaced by Uncle Bill. It suffered a handle failure and was one of the holiday failures that happens every year. Some one else got the blade, fixed the handle and is using it to this day. So please please please, make sure that testing is done before the other testing is done.

On 10-19-07 Noss Posted a non destructive field test of the Browning Crowell/Barker Competition Knife. It was very informative and showed real world use. I rather liked that test. Would love to see that kind of testing also before he goes to break the blade/handle.

I like real world testing of blades out in the field. Those are IMO the best kinds of tests. Would love to see more of them. When I've read some of his reviews in the past I normaly skip over the destructive tests and just look at the field tests. Now when someone has the money and wants to break their knife for fun, thats there thing. Sometimes I even find it kind of humorous, though sad at the same time because a nice blade is going to it's death.

Has the 12" AK been subjected to the standard battery of tests all HI blades should go through before being taking out to the field for use? Has anyone smacked the blade on a log 10 times yet? If not, this needs to be done by someone before the Destruction test is done. These are hand made in another country and as some one else stated occationally they mess up at the end of a week shift or near a holiday. I'd hate to see this test start off bad because the knife tested was one of these fluke blades. If it gets the standard reliability test and then some using tests before Noss starts his tests, it would probably go over a little better.

When ever I get a new HI blade, I test it at home to make sure the handle won't come off when I'm out clearning trails or camping with it. I also test to make sure the blade won't crack at the wrong moment. Mostly by hitting the spine of the knife against a lot, hitting the right and left sides against the log then chopping into the log and trying to twist it out. One of my blades failed that test and was replaced by Uncle Bill. It suffered a handle failure and was one of the holiday failures that happens every year. Some one else got the blade, fixed the handle and is using it to this day. So please please please, make sure that testing is done before the other testing is done.

On 10-19-07 Noss Posted a non destructive field test of the Browning Crowell/Barker Competition Knife. It was very informative and showed real world use. I rather liked that test. Would love to see that kind of testing also before he goes to break the blade/handle.

I like real world testing of blades out in the field. Those are IMO the best kinds of tests. Would love to see more of them. When I've read some of his reviews in the past I normaly skip over the destructive tests and just look at the field tests. Now when someone has the money and wants to break their knife for fun, thats there thing. Sometimes I even find it kind of humorous, though sad at the same time because a nice blade is going to it's death.


absolutely a great suggestion....noss should definitely do the HI check out test before proceeding with his destruction test.....

hey noss, if you are reading this, the checkout is stickied at the top of the HI forum.....
I apologise for all the hyperbole. It was intended to be more funny than offensive but I think I probably just stuck my foot in my mouth.

I still think the whole testing thing is silly, though I of course applaud you for all your efforts re: that church. :thumbup:
oh crap, i forgot the side whack! i just gave it a couple normal and hard chops. it hurt my hand with that little grip.
oh crap, i forgot the side whack! i just gave it a couple normal and hard chops. it hurt my hand with that little grip.

Definantly a must for all HI blades. Actually I test all my choppers that way, even if they are not from HI.

Another thing I'd like to see with this test is a write up. I probably won't watch the videos but I might just read about them and look at a few pictures.

To abuse and purposely destroy a perfectly fine and well crafted knife is the ultimate form of disrespect,to me, it is senseless, wasteful and will prove nothing more than that you can break a knife with a hammer, or chop things you normally would avoid hitting. I myself would sooner donate funds to the owner NOT to send this khuk to it's inevitable death.

I'm with you all the way on this, brother.
I don't give a rodent's posterior (putting it politely) about that fellow's "tests".

--Mike L.
A 12 inch regular AK is a poor choice IMHO. We need to send a full 15 inch CHIRUWA handle AK. The 12 incher will not hold up nearly as well.......

I'll still send in money for a 15 inch CAK.
A 12 inch regular AK is a poor choice IMHO. We need to send a full 15 inch CHIRUWA handle AK. The 12 incher will not hold up nearly as well.......

I'll still send in money for a 15 inch CAK.

can i put you down for $10???

then so far, you and i are the only donators...and the total is up to :

You know, when Consumer Reports wants to test the shit out of something they go in and buy the product unannounced. This way they get a representative product, not a cherry picked to make the product look better in tests. If this guy wants to abuse the hell out of an HI Khuk to see what it is made of, let him buy one on his own. I mean, you're free to give him one if you want. However, if he wants a true impartial study he will obtain a Chiruwa Ang Khola on his own and give it a fair testing. Just my two cents.
If you're going to do it, the 15" non-Chiruwa Ang Khola should be what you do it with, since, by HI's own description, it's the best selling model, and would thus be the best representative of what people are most likely to buy.