Let's see your Traditional Case knives, old to new.

I've went from carrying traditional knives, to carrying modern knives, and now back to traditional knives again.
When I was a kid, it was nothing but Schrade Jacks and Stockmans. Then I started working ranches and competing in rodeos, it was all modern one-hand opening knives because that's what was needed. Then as I got older and life settled down, I came back to traditional knives for the simplicity and nostalgia. The Yellow Case Trapper is what lured me back...

My newest Case, just arrived in the mail yesterday. A Wharncliffe Mini Trapper with random pattern carbon damascus blades. Model 6207W DAM from 2016. 1 of 500 which is very low production for a current production Case. :D



That's a looker, Ron; great bone and blades! :thumbsup::thumbsup:
Not sure if I posted this amber Jigged Texas jack when I got it back in January, but I've since modified the abnormal pen blade into a clip and have used it quite a bit.
The patina is coming along nicely and with the decision to keep in in my pocket through the rest of the year it should get even better.

It sure is a great knife, if it had a normal pen blade is have left it alone but I do quite like it with my clip point modification.