Life with my knife!

Jan 1, 2009
Hey Carothers Folks.

I have been around here for a while. But I really haven't contributed too much. Other than soaking up wisdom.

Recently I purchased a Field Knife. It was the second most expensive knife I have ever bought. The first being a Randall 25-5 Trapper.

I hold high hopes for this knife. Certainly the fit and finish is superlative.

Here is where I hope to share that with everyone.
First bite,
Sometimes, I can be a bit of a Boy Scout or Bushcrafter. Today wasn't one of those days. I had a bad day and just wanted out. I needed fire and a beer.

This was my first go with the Field Knife in wood.

I was impressed with how aggressive it was. Like a Scandi without the drawbacks.

I pushed it into a piece of seasoned hardwood. And it bit hard and sliced well.

As I said this wasn't a purist afternoon. Just a fire and some stress relief.

I took my chainsaw to a block of Poplar that had been cut for about two years.
Sliced it pie shaped into six pieces. And built a small fire on top.

The wood was dry. Even after spending most of the winter under the snow.
It took to the kindling and was taking off nicely.

This is what it looks like in the intermediate stage. Not much flame. But a lot of heat.

But before you know it flames start to appear.

Here is a shot looking down from the top. Quite hot. No knife because I didn't want to melt it right off.
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I have drooled over the Carothers Field Knife for some time now. To be honest, when I finally got one. I wasn't in love with it. Sure it was beautiful. And the fit and finish is awesome. But it didn't speak to me.

I contemplated putting it back on the market.

The kydex sheath sort of rocks. Even though, I'm a leather guy. It just plain works.

I carved up a couple of chickens with it and kt did a good job. But I expected that.
I mean seriously a $400.00 dollar knife should cut up a chicken right?

But today, something changed. My first feather stick wasn't pretty or monumental. But it got my attention. The way this knife bites into seasoned hardwood is impressive. It has me wanting to do more with it.

Expect more. And more scout/bushcraft things. An afternoon with the Field Knife has convinced me, we need more time in the field together.

Cool blade!
some of my favourite knives didn't knock my socks off when I first got em. Similarly, some of my best friends I didn't particularly like when I first met them. Patience is a virtue, and everything comes with a lesson
The FK is an astounding knife, one that you can literally bet your life on.

Interesting way of doing a fire; it's one I have not seen before. Does it burn more slowly than a more typical fire setup with the same amount of wood?
I have drooled over the Carothers Field Knife for some time now. To be honest, when I finally got one. I wasn't in love with it. Sure it was beautiful. And the fit and finish is awesome. But it didn't speak to me.

I contemplated putting it back on the market.

The kydex sheath sort of rocks. Even though, I'm a leather guy. It just plain works.

I carved up a couple of chickens with it and kt did a good job. But I expected that.
I mean seriously a $400.00 dollar knife should cut up a chicken right?

But today, something changed. My first feather stick wasn't pretty or monumental. But it got my attention. The way this knife bites into seasoned hardwood is impressive. It has me wanting to do more with it.

Expect more. And more scout/bushcraft things. An afternoon with the Field Knife has convinced me, we need more time in the field together.

Cool blade!

Same here with me. Now it is on the belt all day every day and only swapped out with the HDFK which is on my work gear.
LostViking is one of the best posters on BF. It will be very cool to see your FK in action. I had very similar thoughts when I first got my fk and I didn't even use it until probably a year later. There is definitely something special about it.

Even with the prices skyrocketing and very tempting to sell, it will stay in my kit. I don't have too many like that.
The FK is an astounding knife, one that you can literally bet your life on.

Interesting way of doing a fire; it's one I have not seen before. Does it burn more slowly than a more typical fire setup with the same amount of wood?

Great way to make a fire. Good for cooking on with minimal wood use. I make those for here in FL as it throws the heat up so we can have a fire when it is normally too hot.

I find this method to be more wood efficient than a normal tipi fire. They are great for gatherings. Place a few around the yard, and it gives folks a place to congregate. Plus it keeps your drunken buddy Elrod from heaving a half cord of seasoned firewood on top, because he likes big fires.

They do also work well for cooking. If you cut the block shorter. You get less of a chimney effect which throttles the heat back a bit. Making it nicer for cooking. Plus it being closer to the ground makes it more stable.
some of my favourite knives didn't knock my socks off when I first got em. Similarly, some of my best friends I didn't particularly like when I first met them. Patience is a virtue, and everything comes with a lesson

Same here with me. Now it is on the belt all day every day and only swapped out with the HDFK which is on my work gear.

I like your lesson theory!

I'm always envious of your "Work" pictures.
LostViking is one of the best posters on BF. It will be very cool to see your FK in action. I had very similar thoughts when I first got my fk and I didn't even use it until probably a year later. There is definitely something special about it.

Even with the prices skyrocketing and very tempting to sell, it will stay in my kit. I don't have too many like that.

Thank you sir for the kind words. I'm not sure I live up to them. But I will strive to add some value.

It's interesting to hear how many folks had similar first off impressions.

Like many folks here. I have a fair share of knives. So I have some experience, and understand what I need and what I like.

On paper, I thought the Field Knife was about perfect for what I was looking for. And obviously it has a cult like following for a reason. But, knives, hand shapes and sizes, usage, location all conspire to drive folks in different directions. I have been messing about with Puukkos lately. So it seemed a bit big when it first arrived.

Yesterday's little outing was good for me, for many reasons. I needed a break from the perpetual "Red Alert Status" that seems to increase in intensity with each passing day.

When the world stresses me. I retreat to the woods. Yesterday was no exception. I couldn't get out there fast enough. I have two crows that hang around. Larry and Cheryl. Larry Bird and Cheryl Crow. Yes, my life is simple. But I like it. Larry is quite the character. He just swooped through to see what I was doing and then bolted.

I called him a few times. Which set off a chain of events that reinforces why I spend so much time in the woods. Larry was chasing Cheryl and had no interest in me. But my calls set off an owl. With another one responding back. And yet another one chiming in off in the distance.

This went on for quite a while. They hooted. I hooted back. I could tell one was moving in closer. But I couldn't see him through the trees. Eventually I saw him swoop down about 150 feet out. I imagine something became a late afternoon snack. Because all went quiet. About a half an hour later they all picked it back up again. With Larry finally squawking back at them announcing his disapproval.

All this because I wanted to go out and test a new knife. How cool is that?

I'm pretty new to this Carothers Forum. So I share some background. I live in the extreme northern Adirondacks. I'm pretty much surrounded by woods. Some mine, some New York State's. Lots of rugged real estate to play on. And almost no people.

I have always been an outdoors person. My first knife was from my dad's Mess Kit. Much to my mother's dismay. I was given them it around age six. Along with a pistol belt and a USGI canteen. I had to grow a bit before I could hold the belt up. But off I went, and I never looked back.

About eight years ago. I canceled my cable bill and gave away our television set. Best single thing I ever did. Well after marrying my wife that is. My woods time trippled. And while this Carothers Field Knife wasn't cheap. It was more than offset by the eight years of $72.00 per month I was saving from no cable bill. I miss TV about three times a year.

I can not tell you how much more enjoyable and refreshing I find sitting in the woods listening to Owls and Crows. Jettisoning the television was a life changing move.

But this is about a knife, not a television. This knife, just like that old mess kit blade. Is more than just a cutting or chopping tool. It is a gateway to the outdoors. It makes you want to go out and do things. Real things, not hollywood things.

These days, much of my life happens out of the house. Thank you Nathan, Jo, and Lorien, for providing me with an exciting new tool to continue on the adventure.
The pics with the FK aren’t helping my reservations about keeping the HDFK I just got. The more I think about it while the HDFK is excellent in every way it is a little large for my needs. If I was in the spot to safe queen it I would keep it but if it doesn’t get used it has to go.

Since the FK2 won’t be out for a while I do have some time so any additional pictures of the FK are appreciated. Make it as tough a decision as possible lol.