Looking for THE Knife - Your Assistance is Welcome!

Thanks for all the replys, folks. And thanks for your preception, Dekz :)

Most of you have waved me off the auto. Something to consider - I'm not going to be ROLLING in the sand. I'm going to a place with about the same terrain and geology as north Texas. I'm pretty sure there are plent of autos in use in N.Texas :)

I've successfully employed autos thru numerous deployments, and the environment is really no more of a consideration for me than anywhere else.

Also, I have a Simonich Salish purchased from Christine at a Blade Show a few years ago. That rides horizontal with a tech-lock in the small of my back. A realy work horse, and with no moving parts, IT won't fail.

I just want an auto because they're FUN!
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The Bradley Alias II is a REAL winner. I really like the lines. Titanium handles would be all right. Not G10, but not aluminum, either.

I can't seem to find the auto version in anything but aluminum, though.
Something to consider - I'm not going to be ROLLING in the sand. I'm going to a place with about the same terrain and geology as north Texas. I'm pretty sure there are plent of autos in use in N.Texas :)

Haha, well not so much since they are illegal here :). Wow, North Texas is probably 5% sand so you're not in much danger. :D
Haha, well not so much since they are illegal here :). Wow, North Texas is probably 5% sand so you're not in much danger. :D

Except in North Texas there are no mujahdeen's or other similar jihadists who get wet dreams and hard on just thinking of killing american G.I.'s... But with 5% sand at least auto-knife is not much danger of getting malfunctioned because of sand. That's at least somewhat positive...
If an auto is a must, you should post here or ask a mod to move the thread.

From the original post:
This is a re-post from the automatic forum - It occured to me after I posted there that WAY more people visit the general forum, so my appologies for the redundancey

The fact is that THIS forum is where things get seen. There have been 26 replies here, and only 2 over in the automatic forum.

Granted, most of the recommendations here are for NON-autos, but so was one of the two replies over in the auto forum.

Regardless, ALL the replies are valuable to me. I am not going to go out and buy a knive based solely on a recommendation here, but I AM looking hard at some knives that I had not previously considered. Even some of the non-autos :)