Lost my caplifter

Apr 12, 2015
I grabbed a GEC Northfield Diamond RadioJack with bottle opener on here back in 2015 I think.

Hanging some bathroom fixtures I think I left the knife stabbed in some of the foam packaging, and my wife discarded the boxes. I must have been pulled into something else, distracted.

Anyhow, back to the forums. I’m not really a knife guru, but it’s looking like these guys are scarce.

Question, does any one know if that was a limited edition or anything like that? I feel like I paid on here between $150-$180 back in 2015 and it was “inflated” pricing at the time.

Link to Google photo


I grabbed a GEC Northfield Diamond RadioJack with bottle opener on here back in 2015 I think.

Hanging some bathroom fixtures I think I left the knife stabbed in some of the foam packaging, and my wife discarded the boxes. I must have been pulled into something else, distracted.

Anyhow, back to the forums. I’m not really a knife guru, but it’s looking like these guys are scarce.

Question, does any one know if that was a limited edition or anything like that? I feel like I paid on here between $150-$180 back in 2015 and it was “inflated” pricing at the time.

Link to Google photo


Yes, those were a SFO (limited edition). What you paid was prolly a little inflated for 2015. The good and bad news... it was easily worth four times that today.
Man those are tough to come by and way more than $150 these days. I think production for the radios in 2013 and 2014 only amounted to a couple hundred knives. There are a few different cap lifter knives made by GEC, the cap lifter, the scout and the beer scout and all af them are highly sought after now. Sorry about your knife.
Do we need to do a "Well Being" check on your wife?
Haha, no. If it was in the box, it’s my fault. Sometimes when working, I just lay it down, and typically no one touches my stuff. Leaving it in a box was plain stupid. She is going to attempt to procure one, but if only a couple hundred were made, I’m not very hopeful.
I’m not sure how picky you are about wanting exactly what you had, but check out lionsteel offerings over at ck knives. They make a caplifter combo that won’t break the bank. It’s not a GEC, stainless (and an incredible one at that) instead of carbon, but maybe it’ll fill your need. I think case also made some.
I’m not sure how picky you are about wanting exactly what you had, but check out lionsteel offerings over at ck knives. They make a caplifter combo that won’t break the bank. It’s not a GEC, stainless (and an incredible one at that) instead of carbon, but maybe it’ll fill your need. I think case also made some.
Thanks, I will check them out. I liked the “old timey” feel of the GEC. I knew it was sought after when I purchased but had no idea how limited it was.

Putting out the trash today, breaking down some boxes made me really pissed about it. Not having it in my pocket is tough.

Cutting hockey tape, fixing lose helmet screws was the main duty.
Thanks, I will check them out. I liked the “old timey” feel of the GEC. I knew it was sought after when I purchased but had no idea how limited it was.

Putting out the trash today, breaking down some boxes made me really pissed about it. Not having it in my pocket is tough.

Cutting hockey tape, fixing lose helmet screws was the main duty.
Here ya go. Lionsteel beerlow.

Thanks, I will check them out. I liked the “old timey” feel of the GEC. I knew it was sought after when I purchased but had no idea how limited it was.

Putting out the trash today, breaking down some boxes made me really pissed about it. Not having it in my pocket is tough.

Cutting hockey tape, fixing lose helmet screws was the main duty.
+ what SVTFreak SVTFreak said. They make a very nice modern knife with a traditional feel. And you won’t have a stroke if you break or lose it. I’ve got 4? of them now and really like them. This is mine in ram horn:

Thanks all. I was able to grab one of the LionSteels from the exchange. We’ll see how it goes.

May be better for me being in stainless. I had some funky stains/patina on the GEC. But still salty about the whole situation.
Glad we was able to help you find something reasonable to try out!

Yeah, losing a good knife isn’t easy. Any good tool for that matter.
Sorry to hear this. He ain't lyin' here's the posts from 2015. Makes me want to help you out bud, but I don't have one of those......

Yep, that's it. I had to look it up myself to see exactly what it was. I am not sure how I stumbled upon bladeforums back then. I think I put it in my head that I need a couple of knives, and then found the "old timey" section and discovered it. I remember searching for it, and jumping on it when I saw it in the classifieds. Like I said, I am not really a "knife guy" but knew this thing was something special. Anyhow, looking forward to the Lion Steel...it will fill the void...but I will periodically keep checking for a replacement of that radio jack.

have you considered the 85 caplifter? they are approximately similar in size the 15 and 85, and can still be found for almost reasonable prices

I have seen a couple on the forum...just doesn't do it for me...or at least that's how I feel at the moment. Sort of too close to what I had but not the same. The Lion Steel, although serving the same function is different enough for me. Now that I found something, it's better for me to get in and get out. If not, I'm liable of becoming the newest member with a "knife problem"...:eek:

Thanks to all.