Mark Eefting - Fraud! aw, crap!!

Feedback: +0 / =0 / -0
Jan 2, 2003
Avoid this guy like the plague! never paid when 'buying' (receives without paying) my Benchmade 31. keeps coming up with silly excuses, annoying delays, disrespecting and farfetched emails, sociopathically ignoring the fact that buying something means having to pay for it, etc...

Also owns or is part of a dodgy, possibly, home-based company (pretending to be?, or different fake address.....) buying and selling: imported cigarettes, replica clothing, home appliances, cellphones, audio-equipment, collectable knives and expensive flashlights. also supposedly another company involving steel wholesale, in- and export

Method of scamming: pretends to be very wary himself during tranasactions to avoid seeming suspicious himself. takes advantage of other people's trust by writing seemingly friendly and correct emails prior to transaction, while acting not up to it, rather the opposite evidently. fair English writing.


name: Mark Eefting
adres: Spechtenhof 9
zip and city: 9502 SM, Stadskanaal
country: The Netherlands
home-phone#: (0031) (0)599-617900
cell-phone#: (0031) (0)6-54732818
nicks/aliases: mark.eefting, sniper-me, mark5043

*Dubious business details:

Holland Trading, import/export/wholesale
The Netherlands, location probably: Stadskanaal
0461-33358 / 06-52678058 / 0599-617900 / 06-46133358 (unclear).
Other business-details unavailable, official business-right are expired

*Second dubious cover-business:

Netpex Nederland
(older company, steel wholesale/import/export)
further details unavailable, no official records existent (anymore)

Also known by username "mark5043" on

Give these guys a try. I have found them to be helpful. Mine was an airline/luggage theft....but they did a very nice job, took a small matter seriously and did make arrests.

If you have to call the Dutch police from abroad, you can use the following telephone number: +31 - 343 57 8844 (usually this is: 0031 - 343 57 8844).
You will be connected with an amployee of the National Police Services Agency who will help you further or who will connect you to one of the regional police forces. This number is not meant for national telephone calls or collect calls".
Dennis you are calling me a fraud? I paid you for the knife. The only problem was that it took me a while longer then we agreed. If anybody wants to see proof of this I can send a scan of my bank account that shows that he received payment for this knife. The only thing that I agree with Dennis is that I was late with the payment. Dennis if you want to make ridiculous accusations portraying me as if I am some criminal then I think it is time I contact you outside this forum and talk this over. And maybe it is interesting for other forum members to know that you stated that the knife was like new but it was not when I received it. It was damaged where the pocket clip sits in the notch of the handle. You mangled it with a screwdriver or something. Btw I still have this knife so I can show this to anyone who wants to see it.
Mark5005, nice of you to respond to the charges -- but, over two years later?
Kind of lends credibility to dennis75's complaint that you stalled on paying him.
Paying TWO YEARS are a crook..the only reason you paid is because you were exposed and you want to keep other people you have defrauded from finding out.
Gentlebeings, let's try to be aware of the difference between facts and assumptions. We know Mark5005 posted here two years later than dennis75 did; that is a fact. We don't know that he paid two years later; that is merely an assumption. So far we don't know when he paid; no one has said.
dennis75's last activity at Bladeforums was on February 2nd of this year. He may not be aware of this new development.
And you did return phone calls, answer E-mails and stay in touch?

On what date did you pay?

I hear a duck in the distance.........................
I paid for this knife approximately 2 weeks after I received it from Dennis75. During this time we had email and telephone contact. I have explained to him that it took me a while longer to make the payment by banktransfer. He said he understood but he was getting impatient and more agressive by the day.:eek: I never was aware that he posted this message on this forum until recently. This is the reason that I responded to this posting a couple of days ago. After I paid he never contacted me again. I still have his address and bankaccount info. Maybe he likes it as much as I do that his personal info will be posted here in a couple days as well.:)
I still have his address and bankaccount info. Maybe he likes it as much as I do that his personal info will be posted here in a couple days as well.:)

Which in doing, would be an excellent way to prove to everyone here what a POS you are.

You drug up a years old thread, why make it worse now?
Mark, posting any of his banking information would be unacceptable. I am sure it would be immediately deleted, and would most likely get you banned. You have presented your side of the story, and unless Dennis replies, this is where things should be left. Anything you do in the way of revenge will only reflect poorly on you.
Which in doing, would be an excellent way to prove to everyone here what a POS you are.

You drug up a years old thread, why make it worse now?

Man if you do something as low as that I will then concur with the above quote.

Take the high road, it's cleaner, better maintained and free of 2X4 barriers!!:D

So far this could read as a misunderstanding or breakdown in communications............................................but
It is not a breakdown in communications, I had contact by phone and email on several occasions. Why did he still post all my info on this forum after he got his payment?:confused: Thats even worse then what he is doing now, acting that he did not get his money at all. I don't live on this address anymore but my parents do so I am a bit upset about this. I thought you guys would understand. I'm not looking for any trouble but I think it is unfair that he is permitted to post all my personal info here and making false accusations and I can't do anything about it. At the time I explained by email to him why it took me a while longer and he was understanding. I contacted him by email after I transferred his money to apologise for the time it took me to pay him but he never responded. Instead he thank me for the payment by making me look like a crook. Thanks Dennis:barf:
Mark5005, what I tried to tell you when I first joined this thread is this: the damage was done years ago. It was forgotten. No one was reading that old post -- until you brought it back to the top by adding to it.

The less said, the better. The sooner you let the topic die, the sooner it will slide off the first page and be forgotten again.
People who are interested in doing business with him might search Google or even BFC in order to check his track record. This thread wasn't difficult to find despite being old, it contains everything but Mark5005's birth certificate in terms of ID and contact information. I can understand why he now wants to comment on dennis75's account of what happened back then.

If I shouldn't have bumped this thread, please delete my post.
People who are interested in doing business with him might search Google or even BFC in order to check his track record. This thread wasn't difficult to find despite being old, it contains everything but Mark5005's birth certificate in terms of ID and contact information. I can understand why he now wants to comment on dennis75's account of what happened back then.

I certainly don't see anything wrong in him coming here and defending himself. My concern was that he had mentioned that he had the original poster's banking information and was going to post it within a couple of days.
Oh, I agree. It's out of the question that he shouldn't post that information. I was referring to Esav's post earlier. Sorry for not making that clear.
I certainly don't see anything wrong in him coming here and defending himself. My concern was that he had mentioned that he had the original poster's banking information and was going to post it within a couple of days.

Actually, Mark5005's statement reads:

I still have his address and bankaccount info. Maybe he likes it as much as I do that his personal info will be posted here in a couple days as well.

Any claims with respect to the personal information specifics (bank account info or otherwise) he actually planned on posting is only speculation without the actual post of that info. His statement leaves the choice open to is not specific in terms of what he planned to post, only what he has available.

Ray :)
I have decided not to post his address, bankaccount and home phone number because I do not want to stir up an incident that happend 2 years ago. I want to ask the webmaster of this forum if he can remove my personal info out of Dennis75 posting. Like I said before I do not live on the posted address anymore but my parents do. I think its does not serve anybody if this address remains posted. If anyone disagrees then let me know why.