In my post above I suggested that someone looking for very high quality could purchase a Mini-SOCOM for less than the differential between the full-size SOCOM and the EDI Genesis 1. While a 3-inch blade is more generally useful for me than a 4-inch, I do have uses for the latter.

I looked at one of each today and compared them side-to-side, at about the $75 difference we've been discussing. One thing surprised me immediately was the ease of opening the EDI. I say "ease of opening" because it wasn't really the smoothness that struck me but the effort. While it felt to me as if both blades were equally smooth opening (a small surprise), the Genesis 1 was actually less effort to open than the full-size SOCOM (a big surprise). With this, and since I do prefer the EDI blade shape, I bought the Genesis.
I recently picked up a minisocom with the clip point blade. It is a fantastic knife. I do agree with Anthony about the clip though. Mine aalso came with a belt pouch so I don't have to rely on the clip. I've got the same problem with the Kershaw Talon clips. They are worst than useless because if you use it because its there you're likely to find out your knife is NOT there when you need it. I bought a Genisis based on comments on this forum, sight unseen and having never handled one. I took an instant dislike to it and soon traded it. The guy I traded it to didn't like it either. Now I'm begining to wonder whether I got a bad one. I guess I should go to a knife store and try 5 or 6 different ones but until then I can't recommend it. The one thing they definitely got right was the clip though. IMO deep carry is the way to go for many reasons not the least of which is it minimizes the chance of loss.


who dares, wins

Okay Guys, let me help you out.
If you have a Genesis that you dont like - send them to me... I will give them a good home where they will be loved.

Multiples are also welcome.

I mean, if I went around saying I was an Emperor because some
moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, people would put me away!

phantom4, you can look at mine at the Second Memorial DC Knife Knuts lunch. My wife won't believe you looked at it very long, thogh; she won't believe I stopped "practicing" opening it long enough for anyone else to "practice."
My vote is for the Genesis I. Posted my review way back when as i was fortunate enough to get one of the first 100.

Now, many months later, my opinion has been reinforced to the point where I have both an A2 and Talonite Genesis reserved. Put my money where my opinions are!


Your Genesis will be a welcome guest at lunch! Is it still as easy as when I saw/handled it? I don't think it could get much better than what I saw. It was so easy opening that I've gotta get one soon.
Yep, incredibly smooth and easy-opening. (Knifecenter credits the bronze washers and bushings for the smoothness without blade play.) It was so easy that before I bought it, I checked it for loose screws!
Unfair comparison. Socom, hands down...just wish Will Fennel would have made it! You really can't compare the prices are a little different $$.

This is directed toward Walker, if he's reading this. Walker, in your reply you said you got a MT Socom from Top of Texas Knives. I've looked for that same knive at Top of Texas Knives but they don't carry MicroTech knives. Am I mistaken? If anyone else knows if you can get a MT Socom from toptexknives.com please let me know.

Soloman: Yep, I got it from Top of Texas. They probably don't have it in stock but can order it. Marti said Chris was secretly hoping I'd find it "unsuitable," so that I'd return it and he could keep it.
I rather like the EDI, it's been reliable for me so far. While I haven't seen the Socom first hand yet, I heard the clip is a pain, which could be annoying. Plus the EDI is a lot cheaper. I'll take the Genesis, but I'd have to see the Socom myself to see how bad the clip really is.