Minor medical procedure--72 Hours as "couch potato"

Mar 23, 2000
Friday, I visited the doctor for a routine, elective, in-office medical procedure.

Before I begin, so that you can understand the central purpose of this post, I should say that I have extreme anxiety about pain....call me a "weenie," if you must. I just don't have the "balls" for pain.

In the initial consultation last month, the doctor explained everything very thoroughly. I was impressed. But, as always, I kept my ears open for little statements about pain (the ones we've all heard about there only being minimal pain). He said that he would inject a local anesthetic that would make the procedure "virtually" (VIRTUALLY!!!!...yeh, right!) painless and that when the effects of that wore off, I should take Ibuprofen, apply an ice pack as needed, and be a couch potato for 72 hours. At the time of this writing, I'm at 42 hours.

Back to the anxiety. Between dentists (cavity drilling), oral surgeons (root canals and such), injections DEEP into my hip (Demerol for migraines), removal of cyst on my shin, insertions of IVs, angioplasty exploration of heart valves, many nerve root block injections between my vertebrae, and many other things, I've been told over and over by doctors/nurses, "this won't hurt" or "you'll only feel a prick." Liars...they're all big, fat liars. I feel like showing them what a "little prick" feels like! Over the years, I've become less and less tolerant with those statements. So, I finally put my foot down!

This time, I'm sure the doctor (truly, he was very, very nice) "lied" to me like all the others, saying "I'll inject you will a local anesthetic and you'll only feel a little temporary pain. After that, you'll feel nothing during the procedure."

In the past, dentists have said that to me many times. The shot (injection of Novocain) hurt like I'd been shot by a .45 and didn't stop while he kept slowly (very slowly) injecting the "pain killer." Later, my tooth was supposed to be numb, but it wound up hurting so badly, I felt like assaulting the dentist and getting 5 years in prison would be worth it.

Back to the story. In that consultation a month ago, I explained my extreme anxiety of simple, routine procedures like this. He was kind enough to give me a prescription of Ativan to take the week prior to keep me calm and assist me in sleeping (Ambien wasn't doing the job). That is wonderful medication and I'll ask for it again! He asked that I take some a couple hours prior to the procedure and then when I arrived at his office. Trust me, after those pills, I didn't have any worries in the world.

But I didn't stop there, knowing what was coming. When his nurse brought be back to the "room" (torture chamber), I reiterated to her that I was scared spitless. That resulted in her having the doctor injecting something wonderful to relax me. I don't know what it was, but dang, I could have cared less if he wanted to perform a "Lorena Bobbit" procedure. Because I was anticipating (hoping) for such medication, I was smart enough to have brought my wife as a my designated driver. The doctor would never have administered such drugs if I was driving myself home.

The only pain I felt was the injection of that miracle drug into my arm...and that was one of the least painful shots I've ever had. A few minutes later, I didn't feel the injection of the local anesthetic (I didn't even know the shot was happening). During the surgery, I didn't feel a thing and I actually slept through part of it. Before I knew it, he was done and it was as pain free as I could have imagined!

Usually, he recommends Ibuprofen for pain and "sometimes writes a prescription for something stronger." Since he said there'd be some "discomfort" (note my previous comments that in doctor language, "discomfort" means I'm going to be screaming out in pain!), I asked for that prescription. He asked me what medications have helped me in the past. Since I'm already on a healthy daily regiment of opiates for disk problems, I explained that I have a tolerance built up to pain meds and that Vicodin ES (seems to be doctors' favorite medication for pain relief) no longer works for me (it really doesn't do a thing). So, he wrote a prescription for Perocet at what I think are aggressive doses and frequency.

Now, my kids get a sticker as a reward for being brave at the doctor/dentist. This time, my reward is 72 hours of consistent opiates (apparently I'm lucid enough to write...but uninhibited enough to write about such a private subject), all the TV/Movies I can endure (and that's a lot!!!), remaining on the couch unless I need to hit the restroom (or go to bed), truly sympathetic/compassionate/loving looks from my wife, have food served to me, and get all the hugs and kisses anyone could ever wish for.....oh, and periodic applications of ice (actually a package of frozen peas that my family has now chosen to never consume) inside my shorts. :eek: Currently, there is no pain, only some minor tenderness in a typically tender area.

BTW...I wasn't going to let just any doctor perform this delicate surgery. I searched out the doctor with the best reputation in Seattle. Annually, a Seattle magazine publishes a list of the best doctors. The doctors vote for who they feel are the leading experts in specific areas of medicine...I found him on that list. He even served for many years as the chief of staff (over the department of his medical specialty) at Seattle's best hospital and he specializes in some very complex procedures (mine was just a weenie procedure compared to what he often performs).

Yes, I'll freely admit to being a "weenie," but if the result is a truly painless procedure, I'll be a weenie every time! I've promised myself that I'm going to be assertive at sharing my anxiety with my doctors/dentists and be vocal about wanting the ultimate in pain relief!

I would like this thread to remain in the Community Center, so please don't let it degrade to Whine & Cheese fodder!
Well, although I am not sure what kind of procedure you underwent--either you didn't metion it or I just didn't notice--I am glad that it was "pain-free". There is nothing worse than a doctor or dentist saying "you may just feel a little pinch" and then it feels like jou have just had a Don Fogg Shiv soved into you. The doctors do have reason to undermedicate, though--the history of addiction in this country is terrible, and a lot of those are to painkillers of one type or another.

Anyway, glad that you are getting through it ok.
I came to the conclusion years ago the biggest lie in the world, was when they tell you "You're going to have some discomfort"!
If your procedure is what I think it is, mine was wierd. One side hurt like hell and the other was nothing. Good luck, get well and remember that pain is natures way of letting us know we are still alive.
I can agree that the doctors and nurses lie like rugs.

"you might feel a little pressure"
"If you would stay still I could find a vein more quickly"
"You should be up and around in no time"
"Some people just have no resistance to pain" That after pulling sutures or metal staples really helps.

And remember "Pain is your friend"

Ron, I wish you a very speedy recovery, glad you did not hurt too bad.

Hope I never have to put frozen peas in my underwear ! :rolleyes:

You really should show your family just how "tough" you are and eat those peas for supper tonight !

Robbie Roberson.;)
If you are that much of a whimp, your dentist should have a little can around of a product called Cetacaine (sp?) which is a topical anesthetic. They can squirt a bit of this on the surface of your gum, wait a few minutes, and then inject the novacaine and you won't feel the needle prick. You will still feel the needle in you and your brain may project pain onto that, but there will be physical pain. They insisted I have novacaine for my wisdom teeth removal. But, other that that, I just don't like that numb, swollen feeling that goes on for hours. I'd rather just get the situation over with.
Sorry I wasn't clear about what the procedure was, but I can't face using the "v" word. Let's just keep it with "snip snip."
Yep, had the V procedure done myself. Nothing like looking down your body and seeing smoke coming up from the groinal area! :eek:. Ron, take it easy and don't lift a damn thing for at least a week. I picked up my son too early and ended up in the emergency room with "swelling" (not that kind, it was lower). And frozen peas or an ice pack are a godsend! That, more than the pain pills, got me through it.
Ron Andersen said:
Sorry I wasn't clear about what the procedure was, but I can't face using the "v" word. Let's just keep it with "snip snip."

I knew that was what you had done as soon as I read your openeing statement.

Kudos Ron; I've been putting my surgery off for a few years. I really don't want someone with a knife messing around in that area!

As for your pain, I hope all is continuing to go well for you in your recovery. Me, I don't use anything stronger than ibuprofen for any pain. I've been thru the dentist thing where the novocaine wasn't doing the job completely, but I just lived with it.

again, best wishes managing your pain, and hope for a speedy recovery.
Hey Mike,
CODE 3 said:
Kudos Ron; I've been putting my surgery off for a few years. I really don't want someone with a knife messing around in that area!
Thanks...but I've been putting it off, too. Actually, it's more like I've been ignoring it...kinda like if I don't think about it, it won't need to be done. :rolleyes: But, I'm turning 42 in several weeks, been married 17 years, have two beautiful boys (want to see pictures? ;) ), and am not spry enough to parent toddlers again. My wife and I are done. It makes sense for me to get "fixed." It's easier than what my wife would need to go through. Accidental pregnancy in her 40's can lead to problems (with mother and/or baby). And getting her off "the pill" is a good thing at her age (actually at any age...if it's not needed). All-in-all, it's overdue for me to be stepping up to the plate. I've been like you, not wanting someone with a knife swinging it around...well, you know where (can you picture a balisong in full motion?). That's why I went out of my way to find "the best" I could find. That way, my worries could be in other areas. Sure, I could have had some family doctor do it who performs several of these procedures a month/year. Instead, I found a urologic surgeon who, from my understanding, deals with laparoscopic surgery, oncology, organ transplants, "v" reversals, among other things. I felt that I was in good hands.

To be honest, I've been selfish, putting this off for such a long time. I would recommend any of you guys to give this gift to your wives (assuming you're done having kids). Mine never begged me (or threatened me) to get snipped. Actually, I think she felt I'd never go under the knife. I arrived at this decision on my own...of course with her blessings.
kamkazmoto said:
Hey Ron, How are you doing?
Actually, pretty good (and thanks for asking). [I'll try to keep the rest of this rated PG for squeamish guys...WARNING, if you are squeamish, STOP READING NOW!]

Today was the first day back at work and off the Percocet....also, I didn't have the opportunity to ice myself at work. ;) When on the drugs, the worst it ever got was a mild/moderate, dull pain which got worse when I (or "things") moved around...nothing that was unbearable. No noticeable swelling. No odd pains. No weird things. What I'm assuming is bruising is very minimal (I wouldn't have noticed if I wasn't looking for it) in areas where "gravity" applies. The overall invasion site is VERY small (he utilized the "no scalpel" method)...maybe at most 1/3" across (get real guys, I didn't measure it!), that includes the dark, noticeable localized bruising/discoloration directly surrounding the actual entry site (which I can barely see...much smaller than the localized bruising). BTW, can we call it an "incision" if there was no scalpel? No stitches where used. :) I have been "favoring" that area, not pushing things farther than minimally required. Actually, standing up without utilizing extreme care has been the most uncomfortable.

I don't have a really active job and got through the first day back just fine...no problems. Without the drugs, I'm not in any more pain than yesterday when I was on the drugs. I anticipate only needing to "rest" for the next couple of nights after work before feeling 100%. I have and will follow all the doctor's instructions/advice explicitly.

My wife seems to be proud of me and has been very supportive and compassionate. She really could have mercilessly teased me, but has been quite restrained. My boys (at 6 and 10 years old) have enjoyed firing the puns...some very creative for little squirts. ;)

All-in-all, it has gone far, far better than I anticipated.

Two thumbs up! :thumbup: :thumbup:

It's good to read that you are healing well, my friend.:thumbup:.
I started this thread out by saying that I was a "weenie" because of my anxiety of pain. Like most things in life, the "event" never lives up to one's preconceived fears.

BTW...thanks everyone for your thoughts and kind words.....the wise cracks as well!
Glad to hear all is well, Ron.

You are correct; I as well have not thought about it in a while, and I am seriously thinking of having it done this year. I will discuss it with my doc at physical time in March. My wife would also love to get off of the pill, and not have those worries either. Time to 'man up'. Good words!

I'm 44 in July, and I'm also done with kids. I have one who graduates HS this year, and another not far behind. Both girls. Looking forward to an empty nest. Don't get me wrong; I love my daughters to death, and would die for them. However, I've had about enough of the teenage drama.

Take it easy, and don't do any heavy lifting.
Good to see you're all right. :) I know that one is in my future as well- the GF and future fiancee is 4 years older than I, so she'll hit a rather nasty danger zone of age before I do.
Glad to hear you're coming along okay, Ron.

I guess you'll be back up to normal in a short while, hang in there bud.

Some jokes got moved to the Whine & Cheese forum where they should have been posted in the first place. Gentlebeings, let's try to remember where we are and conduct ourselves accordingly.

Had torsion about ten years ago, extreme pain, and the surgery was enough to pull me out of school for at least a month and a half. I know the type of pain you went through and hope that you are feeling well.